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Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

"And you fell for it, hook line & zinker.  LOL"



I said I didn't know about the battle and even mistakenly reached for a battle that I didn't know about, to explain in yet another way that I did not know about the battle in question.

Sugar even stated that the point of this thread was to expose me as somebody who believes herself to be "an expert in every field."

I pointed out in several ways that I did not know about the Battle of Reiss.


Go suck MacB's dick if you need attention that badly. It's 3am here. I need my sleep. 

Posts: 948
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

She doesnt continuously and relentlessly spazz out with every single detail about the ongoings of her life tho

Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Why do you randomly throw in things that nobody cares about?

If its not about your job, going to the bank ("right now, I GOTTA GO RIGHT NOW GUISE it closes at 8"), or the time it is and that you need sleep as if anyone is stopping you from logging out, turning off the computer and going to sleep. 

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

"you continuously post it in The forum whenever you feel something isn't going how you like or you get flustered."

And there's the famous SC mindreading that people  always claim they're capable of when their trolling tacks fail.

Tin foil hat much Failtroll?


Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

The difference is that I don't use it to deflect. I'll bring up my dogs whenever(I love dogs), there's always sex talk in chat, where as you only bring up your job, chores, kids, sleep when you don't want to continue a conversation or argument. 

All of that takes place in chat, where as you continuously post it in The forum whenever you feel something isn't going how you like or you get flustered.

Posts: 10218
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

What she says tends to be more interesting than the subject matter you talk about anyway.

The only thing that really keeps me coming back for more when it comes to you tends to be related to the presentation of it. You're a mountain of subtext and attempted justification.

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

And you're a buttload of wishful thinking and baseless assumptions.

At least I can't criticize your knowledge base or your use of our language.


Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

When was this Skype call Xena?

Also the date was something cad had asked about, and the boss thing was a joke. I know you don't understand jokes but twas a joke mdear

Posts: 10218
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Sun Puddles stated: source post

I know you don't understand jokes but twas a joke mdear

She understands jokes, in fact, as she'd tell it, it's actually us that lacks an understanding of humor. Remember when she strung together this piece of yarn?

Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

When was the Skype thing?

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