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Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

yes. imagine :D

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss


So pach was right? There was no Reiss War in the 1780s and you're doing Star Wars memes?

lol. Well played, pach.

Posts: 755
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Fucking tedious.

Posts: 1201
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

of course there was no reiss war. i made the shit up to watch you pretend to know it. many lols were had as you avoided saying you just didn't know but of course you didn't know cos it was fictional :D

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss


Hi wooster.

More like 3/10 for misquoting and projecting emotions (like desperation) that don't exist in my mind right now. But I can see why you approve of that brand of fabricating statements that never happened.

How was Borneo?

Posts: 360
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss


Well played Sugar, 10/10 for trolling.   Throw in an innocuous typo and watch Xena contorting herself into a pretzel to prove that "I iz zmart,  i ztudied  Gender Ztudiez and Zocial Juztice at a Community College for two and one quarter zemezterz,  and i fucked zomeone in 1981 who once pazzed a bookztore window with a paperback copy of Zadig on dizplay in it and I know about Mosart cuz I mazturbated to the movie Amadeuz!"  

FYI Reiss is a mid-market British clothing brand, of the insipid-but-tasteful kind.  

As for the battle,  Sug didn't specify which one of the three significant ones (between the Roman era and WW1), but let's run with the Napoleonic one.  (Helpful hint: Duro Cortorum :P )


Nicely played m'am Sucre! :P

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

I did say I didn't know.

Read my first post on this thread.



And when you post excerpts from chat, post the whole convo. Like, include the part where I said I didn't know...


Posts: 360
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

And you fell for it, hook line & zinker.  LOL


Borneo?   Splendid as ever, Shytegeist.

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Why do you talk about your dog and your buttsex fantasies? Why do you tell people you're a virgin?

Maybe nobody cares about that stuff, either.

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

"As for the battle,  Sug didn't specify which one of the three significant ones (between the Roman era and WW1), but let's run with the Napoleonic one.  (Helpful hint: Duro Cortorum :P )"

And yeah, Sugar stated in the part of chat that she didn't post that the [fictional] Battle of Reiss took place in the 1780s.

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