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Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

You're prolly right, WW.

This thread was nothing more than another failed trolling tack.

Anybody who tries to revive it  with irrelevant talk of my personality, or some thread that was posted last month is likely just a bored fuktard with a grudge.

The point of this thread died on the first page with the revelation that there was no Battle of Reiss.

I'll let the butthurt post their garbage here for a few more days and come back to this later.


There are other more interesting threads here.

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

" if you like, ill buy a calender and dedicate it to you. Thursdays is bank day and Friday she has other things to do "

Excellent. Now we're getting somewhere.

Thank you, Puddles.

Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Zeitgeist stated: source post

Quit playing dumb, Alena.

There are several Judas threads with you people boohooing about how I didn't defend your precious forum when you people doxxed luna on KFC


You've been pulling these retarded trolling threads out of your asses and whining about my every personality quirk ever since.

I mean, how many does this make? 8? 10 threads? in under 2 months, to try to troll Xena.

I brought up skype. But you  brought up way more irrelevant bullshit.



What does KFC have to do with what I asked you?

Do you remember what I asked you?

You brought up Skype- the butthurt belongs to you.

Again, do you remember what I asked you?  Here, read below;

"Why do you randomly throw in things that nobody cares about?

If its not about your job, going to the bank ("right now, I GOTTA GO RIGHT NOW GUISE it closes at 8"), or the time it is and that you need sleep as if anyone is stopping you from logging out, turning off the computer and going to sleep. "

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Saturdays are unpredictable. I don't expect the forum to know, bc I usually don't, either.

I'm off work about 60% of Saturdays, but I do sometimes work a shift. Sometimes I do mom stuff.

But if I'm around, I'm most likely to be around between 9am and 2pm.


Sundays are the best days to pick a fight with me. I will only leave briefly, to cook or shop.

I'm usually here between 9am and 6pm, at least. I'll hang around much later if I don't have laundry to do.


Crazy people aren't usually organized enough to help an interested forum member fill in a calendar, ya know  xP

Posts: 52
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss


I did my things before 10:30.

That was my point. I did my Friday things till 10:30.

It's not Friday anymore. It's 1:30 on Saturday morning.


But I did state a few posts ago that I intend to abandon this ridiculous thread.

cya. You and Tryp can argue about what day it is. lol

Posts: 3246
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Everyone seems to get the point but you, it makes me wonder why I'm bothering. Fucking off does seem like a logical decision here.

Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Xena please log off of SC. It's Friday and you have things to do.

Its Friday Xena. You have to go do things.

Posts: 3246
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

I am still being nice to you. But you are really testing my boundaries.

Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Xena its Saturday. Forgive me totes forgot you were hours ahead.

Alright xena, its Saturday 1:33am your time. What are you doing today, what am I writing on this crazy calendar for Saturday for crazy xena?

What does crazy Xena do on Saturdays?

Posts: 380
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss


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