I went for a shower.
Xena stated: source post
"did you trust him to be alone with your daughter?"
for 20 minutes while I was in the shower.
So is that a yes or no?
Xena stated: source post
I guess that's a no I did not really trust him.
I did my best to keep one eye on my kid at all times and position myself between her and him.
Did you know him before he became your roommate? You had some level of trust for him if you allowed him to change your daughters diapers, right?
Xena stated: source post
Turncoat even misquoted my apology.
"If I ever see him again, I'll let him know that justice has been done [because] the neighbours called the cops" etc.
Err, no I didn't. It's in this post. Anyone here's welcome to check it for themselves.
In case you decide to edit it:
Oh, and no, I have ADD, not AsPD.
Yes, I've commited soft crimes, mostly bc somebody attacked me, or bc I was broke and starving. I stole $1000 from a stupid whore (didn't know what she was or I wouldn't have let her stay alone in my apartment for an hour). She said it was some guy who stole my $#%^. Probably a trick or just a story so I wouldn't break her legs. Then she asked me to hire a hit man to have her boyfriend killed. I brought her one of my big scary friends (he was really a teddy bear). She handed over the cash and we split it. Her boyfriend's still alive as far as I know. Stupid whore must have been high. Or I'm a better actor than I thought, and she thought I must be the stupid one. HA! I've been in a few fights, B&E, trespass, fraud, that sort of thing.
I've never killed and I don't hurt animals. Oops. Change that. My mom's canary took a chunk out of my hand when I was 10. I threw him to shake him off. He flew headfirst into a wall and broke his neck. That was a total accident. I felt really bad about it. I also mangled a roommate once bc my daughter-- who was only 2 at the time, and not very articulate--said something that sounded like he'd molested her. I cut him up bad, put him in the hospital, severed some of the nerves in his arm. He'll probably never regain full use of it. My daughter told me years later that I'd misunderstood her. He'd put her diaper on wrong and it was hurting her shnoo.If I ever see him again, I'll let him know that justice has been done. After the neighbours called the cops bc they heard me screaming cusswords at him, and saw him run out of the house all bloody, Child Protective Services harassed me for 14 years, and eventually forced me to choose between homelessness and turning my son into one of their psychosurgery experiments. Better me than him. Homelessness was still better than pen time.
When somebody wrongs me and I do what needs to be done to level the playing field (theft, etc.) I never feel remorse either. I do usually try to work my revenge schemes in a manner that properly answers the harm done to me.
Why do I comment here? Shits n giggles. What XCRevolution said
That doesn't look like an apology to me, that looks more like "Well, karma caught up with me, guess I got what I deserved". If not that, it's you presenting it as two separate points while trying to reinvent it's meaning for the sake of right now.
I taught her that word as soon as she could mimic me. Around a year old, when she was learning a bunch of other words.
Kids need to know how to stay clean and how to say no to perverts. And how to kick up a fuss if some perv won't take no for an answer.
"Shnoo" was our code word. Nobody knew what we were talking about.
I used it to prevent assholes and trolls from attempting to jack a productive learning experience and twist an innocent discussion about vaginas into some vile thing that I would never say or do.
If I use a word like shnoo, the freaks and creeps have no clue wth we mean.