Xena stated: source post
"'She only remembers the incident bc of the broken glass... cops, ambulance, etc.', would you still maintain that position?"
Hell yes. I've mentioned sc to her twice in the last 2 years since your "Xena Jr." thread. She still thought you people were morons when we last discussed this forum in August.
She thinks being here (sc) is an unproductive waste of my time.
And I said "learned a lesson."
this is what i said "so you're saying when she 'learned a lesson' it was a positive learning experience, like reading or being in class? When reminded of your preceding comment 'She only remembers the incident bc of the broken glass... cops, ambulance, etc.', would you still maintain that position?"
when i asked if you would still maintain that position, 'that position' refers to your assertion that this was a positive learning experience, even after stating she only remembers it because of broken glass and cops. you really have a hard time following any train of thought don't you? do you still think this was a positive learning experience for your daughter?
also, explain to me how learning 'a' lesson is any different from learning 'one's' lesson. especially in the context you used the term.