Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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Posts: 1566
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

It wasn't going to get dissolved.

Not that i personally care, even if it was going to get dissolved, i would still think the same way i do right now.

Posts: 10218
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

I tried getting on that IRC chat and got disconnected 4 times. The KF place, I need to type a lot of capchas, select road signs, etc, to even load a fucking page with Tor. I would have lost interest in the SC and forgot about it and I am one of those who like the forum the most.

Try a VPN next time, or contact through email someone you know who does have it working to get word of whatever we're planning. 

I doubt more than 5 people would have made it this time until a new stable forum was formed.

We assembled a surprising amount of people actually.

Maybe in time some of us would have reassembled though, but I still believe the sexist 101 approach would have been the better alternative.

I'm sure that many of the people here would have loved and respected that choice.

Spatial's response would be comedic gold.

Posts: 1121
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

WW3 stated: source post


Edvard stated: source post

This is basic female handling 101, Turn. Without learning there are times it's best to apply this, you'll have a hard time with a relationship with one, trust me. XD

 Women are not gods to god to appease, natural disasters to avoid, or objects to manipulate. They need to be accountable and know the consequences of their actions.


Amen. : P

Posts: 1581
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

This is basic female handling 101, Turn. Without learning there are times it's best to apply this, you'll have a hard time with a relationship with one, trust me. XD

 Women are not gods to god to appease, natural disasters to avoid, or objects to manipulate. They need to be accountable and know the consequences of their actions.

Posts: 5426
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

" Women are not gods to god to appease, natural disasters to avoid, or objects to manipulate. They need to be accountable and know the consequences of their actions."

Try dating them bud, then we'll talk. Thanks for the laugh though, I don't get little balls of aspie weirdness teaching me about women every day XD

Posts: 1121
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

So I betrayed the community now? You know very well I have a similar vision with you and Turn for how this place should be, and that I'd take nothing short of it. You know I was responsible for chasing Luna off as admin the old Nabble forum so that we'd have a place to go to. You know this was my response the last time Luna flipped out:

which resulted in my banning. Now you give me this traitor crap?

The fact that you even quoted that I saw "Luna's side" as treason shows how biased and irrational you are, since most reasonable people would see Luna’s side in all this.

Most reasonable people would see Luna's side?  You're not exactly helping your cause.  On top of which, I think Sugar hit the nail on the head.  All this did was showcase your own hypocrisy.  You have a problem when Luna is censoring your posts and banning your friends.  But when it's not directly effecting you, you expect others to lay down their principles and suck Luna's dick for your convenience.


Edvard stated: source post

your reason for being mad at me initially was that i 'provoked' luna and there you are, doing exactly that because you feel it's right to do. weren't you worried about destroying the forum that time?

I gave Luna a piece of my mind AFTER Luna lost it last time and started banning and modding. This time was different, you and Turn should have known better than to risk the same shit happening all over again. Had I been around during the Wild Night when Luna started banning and doing massive changes, I would have told Luna to fuck off and joined the "banned party" without second thought, as I did before.

So you took Luna's side every step of the way, happened to be offline during the final blow-up, and are now claiming that you would have arbitrarily switched sides at the last second?  Very convincing.  Really feeling the love, Ed. : P


Edvard stated: source post


Turncoat stated: source post

It's closer to him figuring that if I was willing to lie to Luna and agree to her terms, say the things she'd want to hear and sit idly by while it happens, she'd eventually leave us alone after calming down and let me keep things as they once were in her absence.

This is basic female handling 101, Turn. Without learning there are times it's best to apply this, you'll have a hard time with a relationship with one, trust me. XD

I tried to point out in my thread that the future of the community was reduced to a clash of 2 egos, Luna's and yours, and neither of you taking a step back would have led to the fuck up of this place. And I was right, wasn't I? The forum basically died 2 days later and it's only by an unexpected lucky miracle Michael Prey restored the old order and didn't boot us after Luna quit. Don't pretend ANY of you foresaw that miraculous save, this community would have ended because of how fucking badly the Luna issue was handled.

I see your point that you felt the whole deal was a too big compromise for you, but let's agree to disagree on that without any hard feelings. Even if you thought your choice was for the good of the users, it really wasn't, since without the Michael wild card this place would have been dissolved. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but that doesn't make the well intended people any less responsible for it.


haha  Hard time with relationships?  Seeing as I've been in a relationship with him for over a year now, I feel I'm in a position of authority to tell you you're full of shit. : )  He does perfectly fine.  In fact, I really couldn't ask for much better.  You on the other hand; sexist, domineering, hypocritical, insecure.....  You sure you're not projecting? : P

As for the survival of the forum, we actually had nearly all the regulars convened into a skype group and a plan for a new forum was already in the works.  We even had financial backing for it.  We were ready for the move.  We'd have been fine.  No thanks to you.


Edvard stated: source post

"I prefer strong women, so sticking to my guns hasn't worked against me. If they're too weak to handle what I have to say, that's on them, not me. I'd rather not take the easy road out of desperation when I can instead find someone who can handle me."

It's the stubborn ones with bad tempers you have to apply this to more often. What you said sounds cute and reasonable in a perfect world, but trust me... learning when to "tell her what she needs to hear to get what you want" (including some peace of mind) saves you both a lot of headache, Turn, no matter who the woman is. XD.

 Wow Ed.  You think it takes a "perfect world" to have a relationship with a woman in which you treat her as an equal?  You're a disgusting pig.

Posts: 5426
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

"Most reasonable people would see Luna's side?  You're not exactly helping your cause."

You don't see how an insecure girl who thought Turncoat was her friend saw him encouraging the formation of a Luna-free forum, after all the work/energy/stupid dreams she put into the community, and that made her feel like shit? I thought psychopaths like you (:D) are supposed to lack just the emotional empathy, not the cognitive one too.

Both you and Sugar keep missing the pattern. I've been consistent so far. I've only ever taken Luna’s side BEFORE anything escalated because I held others responsible for pushing her buttons. After she reacts badly in consequence and things escalate, then I blame her. Simple enough, why is it so hard for you to see.


"Wow Ed.  You think it takes a "perfect world" to have a relationship with a woman in which you treat her as an equal?  You're a disgusting pig."

I was half serious about the tactic being "female handling 101" because it seemed funny to me to present it that way. If anything, women apply this with men just as often if not more often: pat his head, tell smth to shut him up, then do as they know best. And a lot of times they are right, as we would have been in this case. Call it politics, call it diversion, call is cunningness, I don't care, but it's worth avoiding confrontation and putting your ego on the side sometimes, and it really works if you know when to use it. And you know me, this comes from a confrontational man with a big ego.

It's you who needs to make sense Crow, you're all over the place with your points. So I was sexist with my attitude and unfair to Luna? Was I on her side and helping her? Make up your mind.

Posts: 1201
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

"Don't pretend ANY of you foresaw that miraculous save, this community would have ended because of how fucking badly the Luna issue was handled."

btw. i 100% saw this coming. i basically made it cum

Posts: 1259
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

Catering to her wants is a gross blowing out of proportion, as are terms like "sucking Luna's dick", "being Luna's lap dog" and the like. Seeing things like that is fucking ridiculous to me. It only required some patience and not getting overly paranoid/pessimistic about the future of the entire community, setting the self fulfilling prophecy in motion.

Yes, maybe, but you get the point.

Patience and a non-confrontational attitude towards Luna would probably have resulted in her calming down, and thus saving the community. I get that was your priority. I'd rather just treat her as I'd treat anyone else in this place though, even if it means she'll take the forum down with her.

So I don't agree with you on that, but I do think your behavior is pretty consistent. For the record.

Posts: 1259
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

"Most reasonable people would see Luna's side?  You're not exactly helping your cause."

You don't see how an insecure girl who thought Turncoat was her friend saw him encouraging the formation of a Luna-free forum, after all the work/energy/stupid dreams she put into the community, and that made her feel like shit?

I agree that most reasonable people would be able to understand where Luna came from. I do. Doesn't mean I feel like catering to her wants.

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