Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

While Xena made quite a spectacle of herself, let's not forget she wasn't alone.  Judas Honourable Mentions:

Sugar stated: source post

i disagree wholeheartedly with how cake behaved the other night, but let's not forget about her co-conspirator rasserenata. this one seemed to take even more pleasure in the destruction of the forum, solely for the purpose of trying to become a moderator. she even stated to michael, 'i stuck by luna the entire time, i should at least be made mod.' a shameless embarrassing attempt to manipulate the situation in her extremely autistic favor, failed once again.



Edvard stated: source post

If Luna is generous and doesn't ban TC

Edvard stated: source post

I can't help but see Luna's side in all this

The following directed at Turncoat:

Edvard stated: source post

Just for the record, I hold you responsible in all this...

Posts: 1201
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

i don't know what this post was supposed to do, but all it highlighted to me are your contradictions. so when you feel it is right, you call a 'fragile' young girl a piece of shit and blow your top at her but when she starts acting crazy and telling TC he needs to be loyal to her or she's gonna demod him, he and i are responsible for her brat narc attack?

or perhaps it was - as you put it - her editing 'your posts' that sent you over the edge. your reason for being mad at me initially was that i 'provoked' luna and there you are, doing exactly that because you feel it's right to do. weren't you worried about destroying the forum that time? and i also love the way you're attacking xena for her part in the brown nosing yet saying nothing about rass, who did the exact same thing ( and one step further, actually said she was 'owed' mod status for said brown nosing). everything you think is dictated by how that person views you. if they admire and listen to you, they're great..if they go against you they are wrong even if the situations are the same and the only distinguishable feature is your personal stance on it?

you got mad cos you weren't in on the joke, that much is clear now.

Posts: 10218
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

It's closer to him figuring that if I was willing to lie to Luna and agree to her terms, say the things she'd want to hear and sit idly by while it happens, she'd eventually leave us alone after calming down and let me keep things as they once were in her absence. She'd be treated as a storm, and my way of shielding you all from it in his version would be to pretend to be a part of the storm myself, picking up the pieces behind her as she moves through.

I disagree, and following that I'd eventually be known for having done that. That sort of detail is the sort that'd catch up to me somewhere, and that kind of power isn't worth it to me. I'd rather not compromise my position out of fear and make a blatant fool out of myself over it, such as by supporting bans and deletions that are flagrantly against the feel of this website. I'm not the sort to sell out when it comes to this, as it's always been about the community, and to have gone with his idea would further risk tarnishing what we are.

She'd demand support over things the forum would be against, and then I'd be held responsible for it as if it were my own belief. Fuck that nonsense, I'd rather lose my mod position from doing what I see as the right thing and be remembered for that than keep it through accepting those sorts of terms. I've always held myself to telling Luna how I see things as a liaison of sorts, and until that day it wasn't a problem for me to handle things that way. To not hold my ground would make it that much easier for me to be dropped as a representative of this forum's consensus in favor of becoming another's lapdog with tyrant privileges instead.

This place is sacred to me, and I'd rather watch it burn for its beliefs and rebuild elsewhere than taint it.

Posts: 10218
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

ThenFuckit stated: source post

So Ed wanted you to suck Luna's dick, but not swallow it.

That's an elegant way of putting it, yes. 

Posts: 40
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

So I betrayed the community now? You know very well I have a similar vision with you and Turn for how this place should be, and that I'd take nothing short of it. You know I was responsible for chasing Luna off as admin the old Nabble forum so that we'd have a place to go to. You know this was my response the last time Luna flipped out:

which resulted in my banning. Now you give me this traitor crap?

The fact that you even quoted that I saw "Luna's side" as treason shows how biased and irrational you are, since most reasonable people would see Luna’s side in all this.

Shut up Judas you betrayed et al you're a disgrace and a betrayer you betrayed us so hard I'm beginning to think you're a woman, only Swedish women are capable of such betrayal (they practice by betraying their cuckhold husbands with big jungle nigger dicks) you are a Swedish traitor you have literal Stockholm Syndrome for Luna you want her to lock you up in the cuckcage and dislodge negroid creampies into your open mouth you disgust me you Swedish traitor etc. etc. et al

Posts: 1566
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

So Ed wanted you to suck Luna's dick, but not swallow it.

Posts: 10218
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

"It's the stubborn ones with bad tempers you have to apply this to. What you said sounds cute and reasonable in a perfect world, but trust me... learning when to "tell her what she needs to hear to get what you want" (including some piece of mind) saves you both a lot of headache, Turn. XD"

Some "headaches" are worth it for what follows it. If it's not, then I'll find someone where it will be. I'd rather have the right someone than simply having anyone.

If what I'm saying is "Perfect World" material, then I must be living a perfect life. I've faced some rejection through this approach, but they're the sorts of people where I'd have lived my days treating them like walking through a minefield instead of actual interaction.

How I word things probably helps.

"I fully agree preserving the dynamics of this place is priority. I just failed to see any real loss of "ideals" inside the community had we gone through with female handling 101."

The forum'd see me defending Luna's poorly devised decisions if I went with this sexist "female handling 101" nonsense. I was cussed out at one point for not saying anything, so I'd not just be smiling and nodding, I'd outright be her ventriloquism dummy had I chosen to go the route of the lying sycophant.

Edvard stated: source post

It was all worth it, but it wouldn't have been if the community had dissolved.

This is why a campaign to assemble behind the scenes was even done through IMing, IRC, and to a lesser degree Kiwi's PMs. We wouldn't dissolve, we'd just have been set back for a little before being reborn, much like the shift from Nabble to SC 1.0.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that we don't have to do that now, but if we did have to it's nice to see that we're prepared. As antagonistic as we tend to be against each other, it's comforting to see that in a time of crisis with a common enemy we (for the most part) are able to mobilize and plan for the worst.

Posts: 1201
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

you may have done that AFTER the banning and modding (as i did mention before, when your posts were edited) but when luna first started changing people's names in the 'Happy Sept 11th!' thread, you encouraged her to 'play dirty' in terms of being a mod. you're all over the place in terms of your stance, and that's okay because you are free to change your mind whenever you want. the problem i have is you holding others to your standards when they can fluctuate based on a whim.

when ed wants to encourage luna to be destructive with the forum in terms of meddling for reasons other than spam/CP it's ok. when ed feels we should back off of luna, thereby enabling her narc meltdown patterns, we should. when ed feels luna needs to hear what a 'fucking moron' and 'piece of shit' she is, then it is right.

come on ed. xena doesn't make you feel important, and so she's not important. rass acts all pathetic and vulnerable with you, and that's why you're softer on her. she makes you feel like a man lol

and let's not forget why you got mad at me. for lying to you, not for this 'risking the same shit again'. you got mad cos you weren't the center of the joke, and you didn't have the inside info you pride yourself on. you were so fucking mad that something happened without your knowledge or contribution that you exposed the entire thing immediately.

Posts: 5426
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

You don't seem to get it, but alright.

This whole drama turned out better than expected. I am glad all the shit happened now, in retrospect, because we don't have Luna as a liability anymore. It was all worth it, but it wouldn't have been if the community had dissolved.

Posts: 5426
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

"We wouldn't dissolve, we'd just have been set back for a little before being reborn, much like the shift from Nabble to SC 1.0."

I tried getting on that IRC chat and got disconnected 4 times. The KF place, I need to type a lot of capchas, select road signs, etc, to even load a fucking page with Tor. I would have lost interest in the SC and forgot about it and I am one of those who like the forum the most.

The SC1 was already up and running by the time the Nabble got down, and in the process we lost Loki, Alia, PostmodernSociopath and a few others. I doubt more than 5 people would have made it this time until a new stable forum was formed. Maybe in time some of us would have reassembled though, but I still believe the sexist 101 approach would have been the better alternative.

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