I have looked into Taoism a little. Im considering a more serious study. what makes the belief so appealing to you?
Also I only guessed but yes I figured you where a Taoist.
I don't really do philosophy but if I read correctly my problem with this is long term versus short term benefits. Though I may not plan for a long term outcome, I understand that what benefits me right now may prevent others from benefitting me in the future.
But aren't you a badass!
"I would agree with this. only I would add, the perception that morals and ethics are a real thing are delusions that where created to protect the ego or maybe to keep the masses in check."
Morals and ethics are subconscious constructs that stems from our cultural values. Certain behaviors are seen as favorable from either being beneficial and/or aligning with those cultural values,thus a trend is created. We subconsciously act similarly or want to fit in as a survival mechanism, there are a plethora of examples that also fit underneath this. Like how when woman spend enough time around one another their menstruation cycles sync, or how the visual cue of someone yawning triggers someone else to. Being together, working together helps ensure our survival.
That's my definition for them, as for their potential I think it's limitless. This topic explains my view on that http://sociopath-
"Taoist monks hold a very similar belief. What is you opinion on religion?"
I actually identify as a Taoist, but I have a feeling you knew that
We care for people not because of them, but what they mean to us. For most caring consists of a forced, unintentional emotional tie that tends to be triggered by past experiences. We see ourselves in other people and we follow certain actions to avoid emotional consequences. Empathy in that light can be considered selfish.
Blanket statement based on an assumption. The motivation is guilt.
Happens everyday. Why do you think ads like this rake in tons of money
Correct. It does, but the motivation is not necessarily the same. Many people like animals, children, what have you, but guilt does not motivate the choice to donate. They choose to. Some, may, out of guilt. And others, because they support the cause.
Example: Man walks down the street, sees a poor man asking for change. The man walking down the street remembers when he too was poor, creating the relation and empathizing due to past experiences. Now at this point, he is highly motivated to help this poor man out if not he's going to feel like shit. None of that was at all under his control.
Can't see that happening.