Im not the kind of person who assumes thing about people based on limit information. I came to this conclusion though the genius word of my mentor. Many observation of my own. the reading of some of the best books on ethics and philosophy. I would highly recommend the book by Alisdair MacIntyre After virtue. I link the wiki articles for the convince of people who are not versed with ethical egoism.
Ugh. I bet you whine and cry and call the cops when you get punched in the face for being such a dick, too :P
I'm a consequentialist for the most part. It's the most flexible code of conduct. I will lean a little neo-Kantian in situations that make me cringe, if my circumstances allow.
(Yes I've taken courses in philosophy. Ethics & Political Philosophy was my favourite.)
Why attempt to conform to a set of ethics described by another?
If I want to do something, I find a way to do it. If I want to have something, I find a way to have it.
It's not all egocentric either. For instance, I like my friends. Therefore, I want them to be happy. So I do something I think might make them happy.
Effective for long-term planning as well: To do the work I want to do, I have to have a certain type of degree. Now I'm working on that degree... with only 4 out of 12 years left... Which sounds somewhat unpleasant, but really isn't all that bad when you enjoy your work towards it as well.
Instead of subscribing to a specific set of morals or ethics, I prefer to just live. Life is more enjoyable for me that way.
Reads as: NPD constructing a personality through philosophies of others to give meaning to what echoes in the void of his existence.
And is a coward. Feels "powerful" hurting others as he is ineffectual otherwise and probably suffers from erectile dysfunction.
My only problem is I often find myself in a situation where my actions cause a bad out come for other people but good for me. haha. for example some one punched me in the face I enjoy hurting people so I took it as a opportunity to give him a beating. I was motivated by only my own personal befit assuming good was what was good for me.Consequentialist people in my opinion will assume they cant act if the end result is bad for other people. Ps I only call the cops if i cant beat them :P
Well I respect your view. I just disagree always rat your partner unless it benefits you to do other wise. I mostly act morally because it is beneficial to me. If I have respect for someone I would never harm them unless I found a way to befit myself doing it and it was better than keeping them as a friend. Why would I do something that dose not help me only others? If I got enjoyment from helping people that would make sense but i don't.
I think you misunderstand haha. I hurt people only when I can get away with it other wise I take the punch and call the cops.