No really. Idk whose puppet you are. You post on all the same threads as spirit and wooster, but this sock is kinda cute. Like smthg Marshie would make.
This Pepe character is a bit dated, tho. Marshie grasps the hipster trends and meme-speak a little more readily than we old farts do.
So I'm not about to rp with this critter on the off chance that it is some old person that I don't like. Like wooster. Or spirit. Blech.
I've never role played dick sucking here. Most of my rp involves beating bratty bois with furniture and other blunt weapons. I can rp bludgeoning you if you'd like.
And how many times must I explain the difference between fear/weakness and disgust to you, vermin?
Disgust = Better.Than.You.Don't.Want.Your.Stench.
I would agree with this. only I would add, the perception that morals and ethics are a real thing are delusions that where created to protect the ego or maybe to keep the masses in check. Taoist monks hold a very similar belief. What is you opinion on religion?