Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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"When it comes to any form of diagnosis in this setting.  It is irrelevant.  For someone to be ASPD in this setting all they have to do is believe they are ASPD. 

If someone believes strong enough that they are Antisocial.  It is a waist of time to try and reason and convince them otherwise.  Sure it might be the wrong diagnosis. But in there eyes they are 100% ASPD."

My diagnosis is on record. I didn't choose to have this disorder.

You've also claimed to have AsPD. So, you're in the same position I am. Nobody has seen proof of your diagnosis either, so we could just as easily assume you made it up.


"They know what buttons to push to get a reaction out of you Reaper." 

They asked questions and I answered them. That's how a forum works, duh.


"The question I have is. If you know without a doubt you are Antisocial.  Why do you care what a bunch of online strangers think?"

I don't care what they think in that regard. They don't have to believe I was diagnosed. Turncoat asked me questions about it and I just answered them.

This discussion wasn't even over my AsPD diagnosis til turncoat made it about that. It was over this whole PTSD bullshit.

Turncoat seems insistent on forcing that label on me. He is in no position to tell me what I have or don't have. Nobody here is.

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"i know i joke around and stuff, but your mom's bf used to whip you? that is beyond fucked up..was she aware of it or did she just not give a fuck?"

He only did it on one occasion using a belt, because I didn't do a chore I was asked to do.

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"Nobody has seen proof of your diagnosis either, so we could just as easily assume you made it up."
The difference for him lies in that he doesn't care if we believe him or not. His defense mechanisms work through a different set of pathways than yours.

"This discussion wasn't even over my AsPD diagnosis til turncoat made it about that. It was over this whole PTSD bullshit."
Actually, it's about both. It's about how a mistake over some similarities could lead to one instead of the other being labeled, which was then perpetuated by your belief of that first claim. It's also about how you could build an image to cope with it that could be perpetuated through additional diagnosticians confirming what you need to be true.

From the looks of things, you need it to be ASPD instead of PTSD regardless of which it actually is. Your claim of not caring about what you're labeled as is contradicted in the face of that specific one. It annoys you from how sore you become when you could be seen as a victim of any kind.

"Turncoat asked me questions about it and I just answered them."
You skipped the majority of them, and let a lot of points be ignored as well.

Your need to "not be a victim anymore" steers you away from even venturing the possibility, followed by repeatedly asking me to stop doing this to you.

"Turncoat seems insistent on forcing that label on me. He is in no position to tell me what I have or don't have. Nobody here is."
I bet you'd care significantly less if it was a disorder that didn't make you appear as a victim.

"I told people I don't have ASPD anymore so they would get off my back over it. You're just as welcome to believe I don't have it anymore, if you'd prefer."
If you're capable of this, I'd venture that you're equally capable of denying that it's PTSD so that others won't mock you for being weak.

You care about how you're seen here.

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i know i joke around and stuff, but your mom's bf used to whip you? that is beyond fucked up..was she aware of it or did she just not give a fuck?

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chest out , shoulders back

Do the Creeper Reaper!

That girl, she is a keeper!

But don't you turn your back!

She'll have her dick up yer crack!

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"It's a self-destructive disorder that uses defense mechanisms. If anything, AsPD is a weakness, not a strength."
Despite this, you still would prefer it to be the case. You've built your identity around it, and to claim that behavior comes from a different root causes you crisis.

"It often stems from childhood abuse."
Abuse can lead to a variety of different outcomes, many with some similarities. That's what has lead to this discussion. We agree on the root events of your disorder, but where those symptoms lead is what's up for debate.

You seem to rather not like the possibility, as is apparent with how much this is unbalancing your behaviors.

"I'm not ashamed to admit that because I had no control over it. I'm not a victim anymore."
Sounds like the sort of circumstances that might lead to post trauma-like symptoms.

It's safe to venture that you have a preoccupation with not being seen as a victim, and that your identity formed around this sensitive area. You aren't better, you simply have employed more defenses, and as long as you continue to keep up this facade you won't really get past it. So much of you is about needing to be seen as strong so that you'll never be at the receiving end of bullying again, but said need is in itself a weakness that'll prevent you from growing past this fixation of yours. How much you care even lead to letting Luna bully you effectively during 1.0 when she kept changing your username. Your frothing at the mouth was an expression of this soreness.

We aren't all bullies here, and the willing presentation of your weaknesses can in itself demonstrate an inner strength.

"omfg, you're relentless. I'm fucking DONE with this."
Too much for you to bear? Weird...

This side of you is so different from your usual behaviors.

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"Once the first diagnosis happened, that's when you began to form an identity around it." 

Way to jump to conclusions. I didn't form my identity around it at all and there is nothing that even remotely indicates I did.


"Facing it is the key to overcoming it"

You haven't really faced it though. You're just in denial. Look at the way you've been projecting it onto me.

You have PTSD. I don't. I know you don't want to accept that because you don't want to be seen as the only one who couldn't get over being victimized, but I'm not like you, turdcoat. My past doesn't bother me. Shit happened, I got over it and moved on.

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"I didn't get to choose what I was diagnosed with. That's not how it works."
Once the first diagnosis happened, that's when you began to form an identity around it. Once your presentation was centered around the checklist of symptoms, it became that much more likely that others would match the first one's assumption.

If not for that first one's diagnosis, the others could have stumbled upon different conclusions. The very belief of a label can affect the results that follow said belief. They are stuck relying on how you present yourself and past findings from other doctors, so in that sense the likelihood for error is stacked in that diagnosis's favor.

"If I was that worried about being seen as a victim I could have easily lied and claimed I was never abused as a child and nobody would've known the difference, but I didn't do that. I was honest instead."
It's not necessarily that you're lying, it's that you've been lead to a conclusion that may not be the actual answer, and that said conclusion has increased the odds of others being steered towards the first outcome.

"I've admitted to my weaknesses in the past. After all, we all have them. Even psychopaths have them. They're no exception."
See, even here you have to reinforce the ASPD need.

It's a fixation that bleeds into everything you show yourself to be. To lose this label in lieu of another would tarnish your perception of yourself, especially if it turned out to be something like PTSD.

"The strongest people are the ones who have no personality disorders. A healthy mind is a strong mind."
I disagree. No disorders has the means of meaning no disorders yet. A "healthy mind" might not be quite as jaded towards traumatic experiences, opening them up to damage that an already disordered mind might be more prepared for.

"Now, about your PTSD from that rape you experienced. What's like for you?"
You can't even go into specific questions, and bring up the "rape" term twice. You're really uncomfortable with the spotlight right now, aren't you? Is this you desperately wrestling for control over this conversation from feeling like the victim?

As for what it was like for me? It was awful, one of the most unbalanced times of my life, but I went through a series of steps to force myself to face it for what it was. There's been many elements of desensitizing from the approach I forced myself to take, and elements of that likely have me reflect some damage, but I've made the best of things considering how badly I could have turned out from it, and how easy it could have been to allow repression and fear to own me.

Facing it is the key to overcoming it, while repressing it instead serves to let it fester and grow into larger problems. If you are post traumatic, the defenses you're using as of now will serve to make your mental health deteriorate that much faster.

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"I've got a great idea, why don't we talk about your PTSD, turdcoat. After all, you were raped.

What it's like for you?"
Looks like you changed your mind about being done~

While this is obviously an attempt to turn the tables, what do you want to know about it?

"Nobody can mock me over something I don't have, duh."
You've been repeating this one a lot.

If that's true, then why are you responding to the "mockery" as you're calling it? You aren't brushing it off as easily as you might towards other areas.

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