Ed Ed Ed...
Gun fetishism is one of those things... like an unmarried woman lying to strangers about a fake wedding ring (btdt) or a highschool kid purchasing a new vehicle.
There's a whole ritual that goes along with it. Ofc their guns are fetish objects. But your smug European paternalism won't make them change their little social rituals. It also won't change where they're from or the surrounding factors that make them believe they need their guns.
And you really should stay in one of the meaner cities in the US before you judge them. Go hang out with Crow or Sys for a week. I've been to the city Sys lives in. I never knew what it was like to fear for my life before that. I rode in a taxi that had been pelted with so many stray bullets that the owner sometimes got behind on replacing his windshield. I shit thee not. There were bulletholes all up dude's windshield when I got in.
I've met dozens of Canadian truck drivers who nearly died in drive by shootings. Americans are nuckin futs about their guns.
That's not to say that their belief that owning a gun will save them from all of this is rational. Just like flashing a fake wedding ring around won't save me from getting raped if some freak gets it in his head to do so.
What these little rituals do is offer some common ground for people to talk about themselves. (Yeah, I know how crazy it sounds to outsiders. lol) The guns are a social bonding ritual of sorts, like Aunt Martha's antique dinnerware that she inherited from some old ancestors who fought in the Civil War or w/e. I know people who flash their old musket collection around with the same sort of glowing pride that they wear when they show off a family portrait or some other heirloom. The cowboy history is very real to them.
This is why it's so difficult for anybody to do anything about American gun violence. It's like a tumour. It's in there so deep that the organism might not survive if you try too hard to yank it out.