There have been more mass shootings than calander days this year, in the USA.
You are more than 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than in Australia (I would be more than happy to provide links to these studies when I'm back on my computer in 4 days, should anyone doubt the veracity of these claims).
When feudalism defined the life trajectories of the French, they revolted. Russians did the same (three times). Time and time again, people have done the same.
My question to Americans is this: What would spur you to revolt?
When Australia had a massacre (20+ dead in a single shooting), they decided as a nation that the mass destruction of arms would only serve to prevent further gun violence. It unequivocally worked. I wasn't born an Australian, but I've lived here long enough (and originally from country born in civil war, no less) to truly see the difference a gun-free society makes.
How much will people tolerate before they realise that the NRA is full of shit? You have the casualty numbers of Paris 2015 every four months.
(And weirdly, I'm no​t pro- or anti-gun in the US. I will never live there. It's your business.)