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USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

Posts: 696

There have been more mass shootings than calander days this year, in the USA.

You are more than 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than in Australia (I would be more than happy to provide links to these studies when I'm back on my computer in 4 days, should anyone doubt the veracity of these claims).

When feudalism defined the life trajectories of the French, they revolted. Russians did the same (three times). Time and time again, people have done the same.

My question to Americans is this: What would spur you to revolt? 

When Australia had a massacre (20+ dead in a single shooting), they decided as a nation that the mass destruction of arms would only serve to prevent further gun violence. It unequivocally worked. I wasn't born an Australian, but I've lived here long enough (and originally from country born in civil war, no less) to truly see the difference a gun-free society makes.

How much will people tolerate before they realise that the NRA is full of shit? You have the casualty numbers of Paris 2015 every four months.

(And weirdly, I'm no​t pro- or anti-gun in the US. I will never live there. It's your business.)

Posts: 3882
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

whats the point in banning it if the criminals can still obtain them illegally, like they always have. People that acquire their guns legally arent the issue here.

Posts: 1201
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

completely agree. at least start with the banning of weapons with a high rate of fire, fuck. they'll probably just arm elementary school teachers with automatic weapons though, even the playing field. maybe even the infants too lol

Posts: 696
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

I can't see half your posts because this site loathes phone users but I have replies. (As a briefing, I think both Syst and Sugar make excellent points along the lines I intend to follow)....

I also have further questions for militarily-inclined users (I use this term because online patriots? Lol. My brother loved neopets as a youth.)

(I will reply to Sugar and Syst in 4 days)

Posts: 3882
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

The casualties are unfortunate, but it's the price Americans are willing to pay for their rights. This country was built off of the second amendment, the right to bear arms, you'd have another civil war on your hands if the right was revoked. People do not need the degree of firearms that they have in the US and yes this causes casualties but what doesn't? We do not need all you can eat buffets or the amount of over proportioned food sizes and because we do people die of obesity. We do not need cars that go over 80 mph when the speed limit clearly never tops that and again people die because of this privilege. I see firearms in the same light.

Also, would I'd like you to note is that there is no clear solution to this problem. No matter if firearms are banned, this will not stop criminals from obtaining them, criminals will not and have not abided by the law(acquired firearms legally). US citizens that legally obtain firearms are not even a notable percentage of people who take part in gun violence in America. Taking the guns away from those people would do virtually nothing to stop these sort of attacks.

Posts: 3882
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

"We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime: 84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend,6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words 2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service. 

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched."

If the source above is correct, taking away firearms would severly change and upset American to prevent 6% of total gun crimes. A new solution needs to be devised for this problem, America has roughly between 310-270 million civilian firearms, thats almost one for every man woman and child. I don't even know how the government could try to take these firearms if they wanted too. In 2011 we had 1,520,100 TOTAL military personnel. It just isnt happening.

Posts: 2358
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

Maybe ease up on the laws a bit.  Really let people go to town a while.  Ignite a semi-controlled wildfire and burn as much of the deadwood as can be burnt.  Of course, I don't have any real suggestion.  I fit in that snug little corner of apathy where I'm content to sneer and enjoy the "news entertainment."  If any of this can cure me of my terminal cynicism, I'll share.  I wish you the best of luck.

Posts: 1121
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

What I think is basically along the lines of what Tryp is saying.  I believe the primary reason that Americans are so resistant to giving up their guns, roots in a deep and widespread fear of our own government.  Americans know, to varying extents, how shady the government is.  And most feel helpless about it.  There's a common sentiment that guns are needed for the revolt you'd like to see.  Problem is, I have a hard time imagining the American public being aroused to a revolt of any consequential size.  We're too divided, ideologically.  And too complacent in our comfy, modern world.  Fear is what makes Americans refuse to give up their guns, and fear is why the same Americans will never use them.

Posts: 580
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

Nobody in Europe or Australia or whatever non-American shithole you live in has a problem with banning guns because guns are not a major part of their culture. Not so in America. There is no way in hell guns will EVER be outright banned here, no matter how many mass shootings there are. We take our second amendment rights very serious.

Posts: 3882
USA: At What Point Do You Deserve This?

Sweet, as a proud rifle owner I'd be happy to defend the 2nd amendment :D

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