Knives don't kill people; people kill people...with knives.
"So you admit this is backwards mentality. The whole point of this thread kinda is criticizing that Americans don't change their mentality, but would rather be stuck as they are even if it's bad for them."
This mentality is not at all backwards and you certainly aren't in any place to determine what is "bad for them". The whole point of my post is saying that Americans are willing and able to make sacrifices like this for their own personal privacy and privileges. That doesnt strike me as backwards in any sense.
"So because Americans have bad habits that kill them, they should encourage or not change other bad habits? How the fuck does that even make sense."
Again with this "them", it is an occasional few that suffer so that the greater majority can live a more privileged life. It makes complete sense to me, I guess to a European that may come off as selfish culturally.
"This is like asking, what's the point in banning heavy drugs then, if you can still get them illegally? As if not more people would be tempted to shoot heroine if it were being sold next to candy."
No it's not, you're fucking retarded. Do some research on gun violence and what percentage of legal guns are used in crimes before you start making such comparisons. Banning those would simply be restricting a freedom while doing nothing to stem the crime rate.
"This is a even dumber argument. Apart from the percentage smuggled in or stolen from cops and military, the guns used in criminal activity are still those available because they're legal (the guns stolen from family and friends, and from all the corner gun selling shops). I doubt the autistic kids going on shooting sprees steal their guns from the FBI though."
I see it's common for things to fly way over your head. I'm not going to chew this one up and spoon feed it too you.
"This reaction is like a toddler not wanting to have his blanket taken away from him. That rifle is your toy, because society and video games got you into thinking guns are cool, guns provide safety, even when completely useless, like that rifle. I mean, the fuck do you even do with it? It's not like you carry it around to defend yourself or hunt people."
My training with rifles is what encouraged me to buy one in the first place Ed. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry that plays a video game buys a rifle. As for it's use, it's used recreational for shooting practice, helpss me retain the perishable skill set I learned in the Marine Corps and it also serves as protection if needed.
I really advise you take a more tolerant, open minded perspective before taking on something as broad as judging anothers culture, but time and time again you've shown that's beyond you. I'll be awaiting your close minded response Ed.
Again with this "them", it is an occasional few that suffer so that the greater majority can live a more privileged life. It makes complete sense to me, I guess to a European that may come off as selfish culturally.
In what way is a society wanking with guns under their pillows more "privileged" than other countries with no such gun fetishism? The q is, WHY do you feel privileged with guns in your hands? Your psychological need for them is limiting and anything but freeing, just like any need and dependency.
Also, gun fetishism is backwards in the eyes of more civilized societies. Which states are the most gun friendly in the US? I have a feeling they are the ones most populated with rednecks and cowboys...
"Is that really true?"
Absolutely. More often than not, more than 1 knife can be found in every home. It doesn't even have to be "The Blade of Rambo" for the user to achieve the desired level of damage. Obese American's ( fat women, not men ) believe they are more likely to die of a gun shot than junk food that is actually killing more people than guns.
If the US disarmed their citizens, the crime rate will go up. When "the law abiding citizen" does not have the right to bear arms, the criminal will have the go ahead to take advantage of the situation with their illegal weapons.
Gun's are important tools that level the playing field. In a world where such weapons exist, the gun itself upholds the peace. There are places in this world, where gangs move around in pickup trucks each firing bullets into the air, they kill who they want to make an impression, and they take what they want from villages and farms, and the rest of those who are unarmed.
To think placing laws to ban guns will restrict criminals from obtaining weapons and things get better, is very dangerous thinking.
"The law does not prevent, it avenges" so in the heat of the moment, a law that restricts the best method of self defense is insufficient.
Lol I knew this was coming. Disregard all my points and then come off with some backwards, narrow explanation for something you cant understand. Allow me to elaborate.
"In what way is a society wanking with guns under their pillows more "privileged" than other countries with no such gun fetishism?"
It's not about being more privileged than other nations Ed. It's about the value and emphasis a fearful American society places on security from the threat of a tyrannical government. It has nothing to do with foreign nations.
"The q is, WHY do you feel privileged with guns in your hands?"
Because this country values security, it was founded off of fearful citizens that rose up and fought off a oppressive government. There's a reason it was the 2nd Amendment, important enough to come right after the freedom of speech.
"Your psychological need for them is limiting and anything but freeing, just like any need and dependency."
In my eyes, it can be viewed as insurance. Our government could never oppose the will of the common people directly, the second amendment assures that.
"Also, gun fetishism is backwards in the eyes of more civilized societies."
"Which states are the most gun friendly in the US?"
Illinois is one of them and they have a zero tolerance law on all guns. Still one of thee worst states for gun violence. Actually California too, the states with the worst problem with gun violence come from states that have strict gun laws. I'm wondering if you're capable of drawing the correlation here.
"He made some good points, that deserve to be responded to with sincerity."
If someone isn't knowledgeable enough to approach a situation as broad as this openly and judges my culture with such a narrow minded view, what makes him even worth the time to respond to? Let alone be shown sincerity? He's shown to me that explaining this to him would be a waste of time.
"Let's not pretend anyone here has a real solution."
The solution is no solution. Acceptable losses for the quality of life Americans have come to see as a standard. It's a selfish culture, a few will pay the price every year for the majority to live a privileged life.
I had to check that up... It seems knives are used more often than rifles, but not more often than handguns, which makes you wrong. Since we're talking about guns and not only rifles.
It's interesting to me that you go off on these long-winded rants without actually bothering to check the facts.