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You're right I am ignorant when it comes to these practices because they're not something I want to properly familiarise myself with. I've got better things to do with my weekends then spend them in a dungeon getting my balls zapped with a cattle prod and if I want to treat someone like shit in the bedroom I'll do it for real. The main reason I threw that post out there was to see who'd get defensive. I wouldn't exactly call my sex life all "vanilla" but if it were I don't see what would be wrong with that. You make it sound like fucking someone normally is something to be ashamed of. Why is that? How did you get in to BDSM? Do you need it to get off? If so, why do you think that is?

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Like WHOA! I just saw, and read, this comment, and the only thing that stuck out with any of this is your defensiveness anytime I talk about this topic. You act as if I insulted your child or something. Like I told you back then, and like I will repeat now, if you actually cared to understand ANY of what I said in my posts, you can ask me about it, but since I know you don't, and you only want "ammo" to use against me in your imagined verbal wars, there is no point. I wasn't bragging about being a sexual deviant. I don't belittle people the way you do to feel better about myself when talking about that shit. I was merely sharing stories cuz that's what I do.*EDIT: I see that you are "never" coming back. Darn, I was totally looking forward to more justifications on your fucked up sex life and reaching in the dark "insults" towards my character (tilde)

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I never said you got defensive annie. Looks like you have now gotten defensive over thinking that I implied you got defensive...

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by Thrope
So being pathetic comes naturally to you? Wow for a "natural born leader" you sure have a low opinion of yourself. You need to sort that out. Go strap a dog collar round your girlfriends neck and get her to tell you how great you are. That should do the trick until the next time reality smacks you in face and you remember that you're a complete fucking loser haha.

 hugs Shhhhhh.......i know, it's not your fault. shhhhhhhh

this world is big, mean, scary place to some, but you dont have to fight here.'s not your fault 

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...My, aren't we judgy today

FYI...people shouldn't need a break from what comes natural and what they were made to do, just more outlets ;)

altho, being trained and what you strive for is totally different....

who wants to fuck the same person the same way day in and day out?!

lack of exploration and imagination will be death of us all.....


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So being pathetic comes naturally to you? Wow for a "natural born leader" you sure have a low opinion of yourself. You need to sort that out. Go strap a dog collar round your girlfriends neck and get her to tell you how great you are. That should do the trick until the next time reality smacks you in face and you remember that you're a complete fucking loser haha.

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Thrope: "They say a lot of powerful men relinquish control in the bedroom to take a break from the pressures of their day to day lives."

I am far from being a "Powerful Man", but it is nice to not have to be stuck on constant meticulous thought processes for even a small duration of time. It's freeing.

"I guess it works in reverse for powerless men who need to take a break from being pathetic."

I have seem some pathetic dom-wannabe types out there, ones who expected their subs to be "pre-broken" and have no idea how to do it themselves. They tend to be lazy and weak, proxying their angst from a life of anguish and rejection into someone who, for once in their life, won't laugh at them and deny their ego.

Doms who don't understand power and a commanding presence really just want a live action sex doll if you ask me.

anastacia: "Knowing the difference between D/s and S&M would be beneficial to start."

Indeed. There are dom masochists and sub sadists. 

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Well you don't have to have a fragile sense of self worth, but it appears that you do if you have to convince yourself that being in charge during some role playing exercise equates to actual power. It's like the fat kid with glasses thinking he's king of the world because he rules at nintendo but when he goes back to school he's still getting wedgied and robbed for his lunch money because he isn't fuckall in reality haha. Plus my only memory of you from the old forum is people constantly reminding you how bloody stupid you are and I figure that must've worn at your confidence after a while. Putting all my vicious flailing(which I do so much enjoy) aside for a second, I honestly am curious to know why you think having control over a single person who only submits to you for the sake of their own sexual gratification makes you a natural born leader. What position of dominance do you hold in reality that has you convinced you're worthy of being compared to the greatest rulers throughout history?

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Sigh. In some cultures a winking smiley face is known as an indicator for sarcasm. The fact that you think I got defensive by one sarcastic comment and then responded with this exaggerated rant says a lot. I'll post my thoughts on the subject in the new thread. 

I italicized my sarcasm in this post for easier comprehension. 

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Breaks down and sobs violently

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