Post your favorite quotes from other forum members (past and present) and tell us what makes that quote so memorable to you.
"I'm not in here reading minds, and that is not what sociopaths do. Most people think we have some kind of superpowers or Sherlock Holmes skills of deduction, but that is drama. In reality people like me get reactions out of you over and over and over until we figure you out. Reactions are truth. They are subconscious. Your subconscious is terrible at lying, unless you are a sociopath in which lying is part of who you are. You are not seeing yourself from where I'm standing. I am firing off a shotgun blast of opinions about you and seeing where you defend yourself, and then I am digging into those weaknesses to see what comes out. You think defending and explaining yourself in a manner that is conducive shows strength. It does not. All I do is look through your words and get a better picture of who you really are."
by thesugargirl"Quit clinging to the past. I've moved on from my abusive childhood, clearly you haven't. What's more amusing to me is the lengths you'll go to attacking me, desperately trying to get a reaction. I'm cool as a cucumber, darlin'." - Thrill Kill
That's not my quote. That's a quote from Demon or demondisciple (one of those two trolls).
Learn2quote properly.