You forgot: then cry like a brat or run like a pussy when the story goes off the deep end... wah wah mommmyyy this story suuux boo hoo.....
Anyway, to continue the story, in a secret laboratory somewhere under Sweden, TK's BrainBooster v6.3_25 is being completed. The scientists have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for.. bringing peace to all of our minds. This much needed invention will be regarded as civilizations greatest asset. Meanwhile, preparations are being made to ship the said device over.
When the police raided the secret lab, on word that someone was building a weapon of mass destruction, they discovered TK's BrainBooster, which turned out to be a bomb instead. Confidential paperwork that had been left on the desk in the laboratory indicated that the bomb was not bound for The White House, as was originally suspected, but was bound for the Sociopath World Forum meet up instead.
by Thrill Kill
by EdvardOk, I just HAD to search my name today, and some shit popped out...
Not surprising. You did search your own name after all...
Ha ha hilarious
Btw you might avoid posting the B word with White House.
If the feds search this site you could get busted for adult Posts with underaged / minors. Or Obama could force you To buy insurance. Out of jealousy this site works better than his!
by Thrill Killlol, I actually wondered if the feds might discover my post and think I'm some kind of terrorist. I can't see it happening, but it would be quite amusing if it did. There's so much paranoia over terrorism you can't even write anything harmless that relates to bombs anymore.
I'd suggest to replace it with [Boobs]
But they'd probably search for that too!