Off topic. I was in the middle of experimenting with a gif file for my avatar, and right when it was confirmed that the gif file must be scaled for it to animate, I hear a crack ! then my PC shuts off. It would only turn on for maybe 10 seconds after that. So I open the tower to find the cpu fan crooked. The part that holds the fan managed to just break on it's own. I took the part to the shop and they will call me when they get the part. I can downgrade and use an older machine but why bother if it's for a day. Sadness ¡ ¡ I'm missing my beautiful golden geometry avatar already. Feel my pain so I can cheer up. Ok carry on.
by Thrill KillTrolls, sockpuppets, same fucking difference as far as I'm concerned.
Yes if these can be a llowed in one section, Luna is smart enough t odesign some game that could pay for the site.
TK: what do you tnink of the writer/producer section? but you and other grandfathered members would be free
Jay: couldn't that be paid membershps? see that has groups wehre the host pays 45/3 months
by G0Dbecause you lack vision... socializing would be a keystone to the whole thing, finding like minded sociopaths... who run our government? sociopaths, who run our fortune five hundred companies? sociopaths, who are the most successful of our species?... i'll give you a guess... why would you not want to network with such people???
I'm talking about Luna's website and trying to give her valid advice instead of random egotistical pipe dreams.
It's great that you know the theory behind social networking and secret societies, A+ real good, but you really just sound retarded if you think that people are going to pay money to watch Thrill sexually harass Damaged.
by hypercube
by G0DIt's great that you know the theory behind social networking and secret societies, A+ real good, but you really just sound retarded if you think that people are going to pay money to watch Thrill sexually harass Damaged.
LOL, i'd pay a dollar for that