Dear Slimey and anyone still assuming I am connected with Luna with this site:
1. No, I am not Luna, have never met her, don't believe in smoking pot any more than she believes in Christianity.
Do not get paid or want to be a "Senior Member" because of control issues that apparently won't ever be resolved.
There will never be peace on this site if everyone is this scared I would change or control anything.
I believe in consent and mediation, not imposing on anyone, and all my thoughts here are SUGGESTIONS.
Luna is gifted in hearing you and taking your ideas/issues and working with them. She does not need me to do that. She does a better job than anyone I have seen take something like this on.
I am more worried that I compromise her credibility if people think it's some manipulation tied to her?
NO. I just happen to support the free speech and creative people on this site including her.
If you have questions let's resolve this so it does not interfere with you managing or enjoying the site.
2. For the 600 fee, one gofundme raiser should knock that out in 1-2 months to cover the year.
Any volunteers can chip in 5 bucks and it shouldn't affect membership.
I believe any Senior members who carried over from the first forum should be waived or grandfathered, as long as one fundraising online is done per year to pay the fees. So SW can put together some fund bash online to do that.
i can help with fundraising but would not count myself as a grandfathered senior member, and I would expect to pay.
3. for new members, there is usually something called a 'supporting member" or sponsor where you get more privileges. yes, that makes sense to flag msgs to move to the right topic area. And yes, someone who starts a post should be able to remove posts on THEIR thread if they want that option. That makes sense to charge more for this.
Again the carry over Senior members who were here previously, should be grandfathered and exempt from any fees.
I would be happy to help with online fundraising, to prevent any issue of paying for the site except voluntarily.
For the sake of the group, it seems better if I am counted as a new member and not a grandfathered member.
Fees can have a negative bias on free speech, so it should remain free. Just add the option of paying $10-15 every 3 months for the added privilege of moderating your own posts or flag msgs that are in the wrong section.
4. if there is a section for therapy where troll threads can be moved (and/or stories/games developed) I would be glad to help with that section as a volunteer. Again I would expect to pay fees like anyone else, and would not expect anyone to pay me because this is a free site and the work is done by volunteers to keep it free. Thank you.