Interpretation of @User22212 Scores
1) Ma Hypomania 81 - Hathaway & McKinley (1944). (46 items). High: Hyperactive, impulsive, difficulty in delaying gratification, narcissistic, irritable and extroverted. Note that scale 9 (Ma) is the only scale where the Subtle items correlate more with the scale than the Obvious items. Hypomania is a fairly subtle scale. It can be the only elevated scale in a defensively submerged profile. It will detect narcissistic, paranoid (grandiose type), psychopathic, histrionic personality traits, and a hypomanic affective state. The subscales are very helpful. Ma-O is very pathological, while Ma-S and Ma3 are not necessarily pathological. Scale 9 is known to activate the other scales, leading to an acting out of the disturbed ideation.
Another take on High Hypomania: High Scorers (T-score > 80): Very high scorers on this scale show over activity and accelerated speech. They may have hallucinations or delusions of grandeur. They tend to be very energetic and talkative, prefer action to thought, show a wide range of interest, and do not utilize energy wisely. They do not see projects through to completion. They show little interest in routine or detail and become easily bored and restless. They have a low frustration tolerance and difficulty in inhibiting expression of impulses. They have episodes of irritability, hostility, and aggressive outbursts and are often seen as possessing unrealistic, unqualified optimism and grandiose aspirations. They tend to exaggerate self-worth and self-importance and are unable to see their own limitations. They are viewed as outgoing, sociable, and gregarious. They like to be around other people; create good first impressions; and are friendly, pleasant, and enthusiastic; however, their relationships are likely to be superficial. They tend to be manipulative, deceptive and unreliable. They may be agitated and may have periodic episodes of depression.
Ma-S Hypomania-Subtle 80 - Weiner (1948). (23 items).High: Social imperturbability, extroverted, insensitive and thrill-seeking. Simply means extroversion in normals, but in the context of psychopathology, it means insensitivity.
Ma1 Amorality 81 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). (6 items). High: Justifies manipulativeness by projecting own selfish opportunistic and exploitive tendencies onto others. A unique scale. It's not as pathological as "Amorality" sounds. It would be better to call it, "Manipulativeness", or what Alex Caldwell (1988) calls it, "Opportunism."
Ma3 Imperturbability 65- Harris & Lingoes (1955). (8 items). High: Little concern about the opinions and values of others,denies social anxiety and extroverted. Ma3 in normals means trustfulness and extroversion. In the context of psychopathology it is associated with defensiveness and insensitivity.
Es Ego-Strength 67 - Barron (1953c). (52 items). High: The Ego Strength scale, like the other positive personality scales, is susceptible to faking to look good. If this is indicated, the Ego Strength scale is not predictive of individuals likely to benefit from insight psychotherapy. Typically, high scorers are able to tolerate the confrontations in psychotherapy and benefit from them, tend to lack chronic psychopathology, be alert, persistent, self-confident, intelligent and resourceful, excellent reality testing, good interpersonal coping skills, strongly developed interests, somewhat rebellious, competitive, and cynical.
hpm Hypomanic Activation 76- Measures features of mania such as aggression and excitability.
TPA2 Competitive Drive 66- People who score high on TPA report being hard-driving, fast-moving, and work-oriented individuals who frequently become impatient, irritable, and annoyed. They do not like to wait or to be interrupted. There is never enough time for them to complete their tasks. They are direct and may be overbearing in their relationships with others.
2) Second elevated Scale: (Pd) Psychopathic Deviate 72 - Hathaway & McKinley (1944). (50 items). High: Poor impulse control, disidentification with societal standards, authority conflicts, marital and family conflicts, inconsiderate, narcissistic, poor judgment, extroverted, self-confident, hostile, parasitic and externalizes blame. Pd is a great characterlogical scale of narcissism, externalization of blame, exploitiveness, and hostility. The subscales for Pd are very important in understanding elevations in Pd. Elevations in Pd can be due to a hostile, exploitive and truly psychopathic mentality, or moderate elevations can be an extroverted normal going through a divorce, or a normal teenager. If Pd-O is greater than Pd, then the more pathological interpretations should be used. If Pd-S is higher than Pd, then the more benign interpretations should be used. It is helpful to also look at the content scales of anger, authority problems, family problems etc. to help understand elevations in Pd.
PdO Psychopathic Deviate-Obvious 68 - Weiner (1948).( 28 items) High: Feels misunderstood, poor concentration, feels rejected by family, acting out, may have used alcohol excessively, depression, and sexual conflicts. Pd-O is more pathological than Pd, while Pd-S, Pd1 and Pd2 are less pathological than Pd.
Pd1 Familial Discord 78 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). (9 items). High: Home is unpleasant, lacking in love and understanding.
Pd2 Authority Conflict 68 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). (8 items). High: Resentful of standards, opinionated and rebellious. This is not really an authority conflict scale. Wiggins Authority Conflicts scale is a much better scale. The two are not even correlated. The scale should be called "Resentment."
ASP Antisocial Practices 79 - (22 items). High: Anti-authority, rationalizing and identifying with criminal behavior, admitting to antisocial or unlawful behaviors such as stealing or acting out during school years, dishonesty, selfishness, and exploitiveness. None of the items are associated with violent behavior. Correlates .88 with Wiggins Authority Conflicts scale.In addition to holding misanthropic attitudes like the high scorers on the CYN scale, individuals who score high on the ASP scale report problem behaviors during their school years and other antisocial practices such as being in trouble with the law, stealing, or shoplifting. They acknowledge sometimes enjoying the antics of criminals and believe that it is acceptable to get around the law, as long as it is not broken. Related: Asp2 Antisocial Behaviour 74, Asp1 Antisocial Attitudes 66
FAM Family Problems 66 - (25 items). High: Family is unsupportive, unloving, with a good deal of aggression, rejection, and hostility. Indications of verbal and physical abuse, marriages are seen as unhappy, feelings of jealousy, resentment and wish to avoid family members. FAM1 Family discord- 80 Resentment, anger and perceived lack of support from family members
asb Antisocial Behavior 80- Measures the acting out and social deviance features of antisocial personality such as rule breaking, irresponsibility, failure to conform to social norms, deceit, and impulsivity that often manifests in aggression and substance abuse.
3) Personality Psychopathology Scales:
DIS- Disconstraint 82 (28 items); moderately correlates with ASP and Morey’s Antisocial Personality Disorder scale; high scores tend to have an insufficient delay of gratification, be unreliable, rebellious, hedonistic, and acting out. Persons high on this scale show (a) higher levels of physical risk-taking, (b) have a style characterized more by impulsivity than control, and (c) are less bound by traditional moral constraints. High scorers tend to have difficulty “creating mental models of the future that contain negative emotional cues, that is, do not seem to learn from punishing experiences.” They tend to be high risk-takers and show an impulsive and less traditional life style. They tend to be easily bored with routine.
AGG- Aggressiveness 84 (18 items); moderately correlates with Ma, ANG, TPA, and with Morey’s Narcissistic and Histrionic scales, and less so with the Antisocial Personality scale. High scores tend to be grandiose, resentful, cold, and at times cruel. This scale assesses narcissistic hostility. This scale measures offensive and instrumental aggression and not reactive aggression. Individuals high on this scale tend to intimidate others and use aggression as a means of accomplishing their goals. PSY-5 high AGGR scorers show characteristics of dominance and hate.
4) Substance Abuse scales:
AAS Addiction Acknowledgement 80 -The AAS assesses the frank acknowledgment of alcohol or drug abuse problems. Individuals who obtain elevations on this scale are acknowledging problems with alcohol or drug use. A T-score of 60 or higher reflects an awareness of their substance use or abuse problems and their openness to discussing their problems.
MAC-R Alcoholism 72- MacAndrew (1965). (49 items). High: Elevations of the MAC-R Scale represent an overall addiction-prone personality. The addictions may be to alcohol or drugs, tobacco, caffeine, or activities, e.g., gambling. High scores are generally considered to be raw scores of 28(31) or more. Social imperturbability, authority conflicts, impulsive, unusual and bizarre thoughts, interests in stereotypic masculine interests, psychosomatic complaints, extroverted, feelings of guilt, regrets over past deeds, feels victimized, likes to cook, admits to having blank spells, enjoys gambling, insensitive, magical thinking, narcissistic, ostentatious, not introspective,not intellectually oriented, difficulty concentrating and an idealization and devaluation of women.