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0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores
Slay said: 

 We have similar scores. 

I noticed, it's somewhat odd since I think we're different people in many ways. From what I am seeing here, it looks like low scores are as significant as high ones. You should post those.

 I don't know what code types refer to. Do you? 

*Never mind got it.

last edit on 12/15/2019 6:56:54 AM
Posts: 570
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores

Not sure how legit these are. The codes are your 2-3 highest scales. 

1) 4-8 Psychopathic Deviate + Schizophrenia: Narcissistic, unpredictable, schizoid, antisocial, with underlying dependency and loss of control, perceive others as hostile and dangerous, may have periods of suicidal ideation or aggression, avoid constancy and responsibility.

Possible diagnosis: Exibitionism, Pedophilia, Psychopathy, Schizoid, Antisocial, Borderline, *Pyromania*, Rape, Paranoid schizophrenia, Sexual sadism, Aggressive conduct dis.

2) 4-9 Psychopathic Deviate + Hypomania: Do not profit from experience, ignore social standards, seek stimulation, are self-centered, have superficial and short relationships, narcissistic, impulsive, acting-out, intellectualize to excess, expect quick results from therapy

Possible diagnosis: Substance abuse, Pathological gambling, Rape, Psychopathy, Antisocial, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Sexual sadism, Socialized nonaggressive conduct disorder

3) 4-6 Psychopathic Deviate + Paranoia: Narcissistic, immature, suspicious, angry, transfer-of-blame, seek attention, reject responsibility, intermittent aggression

Possible diagnosis: Substance abuse, Oppositional p.d., Paranoid schizophrenia, Somatization, Passive-aggressive, Depression, Paranoia

4) 4-8-6 Psychopathic Deviate + Schizophrenia + Paranoia: Usually very destructive family background, “world is a jungle”


Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores

Where do the codes come from?

Posts: 570
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores

Where do the codes come from?

 your link

Posts: 833
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores

[F] Infrequency (76) 
[Fb] Backside F  (59) 
Fp Infrequency Psychopathology  (80)
[L] Lie  (52) 
[K] Correction  (54) 
[S] Superlative Self-Presentation  (52) 
[Hs] Hypochondriasis   51 
[D] Depression  45 
[Hy] Hysteria  43 
[Pd] Psychopathic Deviate  69 
[Pa] Paranoia  39 
[Pt] Psychathenia  44 
[Sc] Schizophrenia  70 
[Ma] Hypomania  62 
[Si] Social Introversion  45 
[D1] Subjective Depression  58 
[D2] Psychomotor Retardation  43 
[D3] Physical Malfunctioning  51 
[D4] Mental Dullness  72 
[D5] Brooding 51 
[Hy1] Denial of Social Anxiety  51 
[Hy2] Need for Affection  40 
[Hy3] Lassitude-malaise  57 
[Hy4] Somatic Complaints  48 
[Hy5] Inhibition of Aggression  40 
[Pd1] Familial Discord  91 
[Pd2] Authority Problems  42 
[Pd3] Social Imperturbability 58
[Pd4] Social Alienation  46
[Pd5] Self-alienation 48
[Pa1] Persecutory Ideas 58
[Pa2] Poignancy 41
[Pa3] Naivete 36
[Sc1] Social Alienation 68
[Sc2] Emotional Alienation 78
[Sc3] Lack of Ego Mastery, Cognitive 60
[Sc4] Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 71
[Sc5] Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective Inhibition 47
[Sc6] Bizarre Sensory Experiences 46
[Ma1] Amorality 58
[Ma2] Psychomotor Acceleration 49
[Ma3] Imperturbability 65
[Ma4] Ego Inflation 56
[Si1] Shyness/Self-Consciousness 42
[Si2] Social Avoidance 45
[Si3] Self/Other Alienation 56
[ANX] Anxiety 42
[FRS] Fears 45
[OBS] Obsessivness 41
[DEP] Depression 55
[HEA] Health Concerns 48
[BIZ] Bizarre Mentation 54
[ANG] Anger 63
[CYN] Cynicism 54
[ASP] Antisocial Practices 55
[TPA] Type A 56
[LSE] Low Self-esteem 41
[SOD] Social Discomfort 45
[FAM] Family Problems 71
[WRK] Work Interference 50
[TRT] Negative Treatment Indicators 54
[A] Anxiety 46
[R] Repression 41
[Es] Ego Strength 63
[MAC-R] MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised 41
[AAS] Addiction Acknowledgement 46
[APS] Addiction Potential 38
[MDS] Marital Distress 60
[Ho] Hostility 59
[O-H] Overcontrolled Hostility 41
[Do] Dominance 51
[Re] Social Responsibility 50
[Mt] College Maladjustment 50
[GM] Masculine Gender Role 56
[GF] Feminine Gender Role 32
[PK] Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 50
[PS] Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 49
[D-O] Depression, Obvious 53
[D-S] Depression, Subtle 32
[Hy-O] Hysteria, Obvious 51
[Hy-S] Hysteria, Subtle 43
[Pd-O] Psychopathic Deviate, Obvious 58
[Pd-S] Psychopathic Deviate, Subtle 68
[Pa-O] Paranoia, Obvious 47
[Pa-S] Paranoia, Subtle 39
[Ma-O] Hypomania, Obvoius 47
[Ma-S] Hypomania, Subtle 72
[dem] Demoralization 52
[som] Somatic Complaints 58
[lpe] Low Positive Emotions 39
[cyn] Cynicism 53
[asb] Antisocial Behavior 49
[per] Ideas of Persecution 62
[dne] Dysfunctional Negative Emotions 45
[abx] Aberrant Experiences 39
[hpm] Hypomanic Activation 58
[AGGR] Aggressiveness 79
[PSYC] Psychoticism 52
[DISC] Disconstraint 9
[NEGE] Negative Emotionality / Neuroticism 41
[INTR] Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality 52
[FRS1] Generalized Fearfulness 53
[FRS2] Multiple Fears 41
[DEP1] Lack of Drive 68
[DEP2] Dysphoria 50
[DEP3] Self-Depreciation 41
[DEP4] Suicidal Ideation 45
[HEA1] Gastrointestinal Symptoms 44
[HEA2] Neurological Symptoms 40
[HEA3] General Health Concerns 40
[BIZ1] Psychotic Symptomatology 44
[BIZ2] Schizotypal Characteristics 60
[ANG1] Explosive Behavior 71
[ANG2] Irritability 56
[CYN1] Misanthropic Beliefs 60
[CYN2] Interpersonal Suspiciousness 48
[ASP1] Antisocial Attitudes 60
[ASP2] Antisocial Behavior 45
[TPA1] Impatience 51
[TPA2] Competitive Drive 55
[LSE1] Self-Doubt 39
[LSE2] Submissiveness 48
[SOD1] Introversion 50
[SOD2] Shyness 36
[FAM1] Family Discord 70
[FAM2] Familial Alienation 76
[TRT1] Low Motivation 48
[TRT2] Inability to Disclose 45

I apologize if it's hard to read, I was going to put all the scores in parenthesis but decided not too. 

I am almost certain I'm not schizophrenic. I don't believe myself to be a psychopath either.

last edit on 12/20/2019 3:25:00 PM
Posts: 570
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores

I apologize if it's hard to read, I was going to put all the scores in parenthesis but decided not too. 

I am almost certain I'm not schizophrenic. I don't believe myself to be a psychopath either.

 Your results are unindicative of both. Psychopathic Deviate scored clinically significant due to familial discord.

[Pd] Psychopathic Deviate 69 - 

A high score on the "Psychopathic Deviant" scale does not mean you are a psychopath or would even fit that sort of profile. All it means is that you are fighting something external that is attempting to regulate your behavior or that you are not willing to conform to societal rules or traditional ways of thinking. Individuals with undergraduate degrees tend to show elevated scores, and those that attempted or completed graduate degrees average even higher scores. The same applies to some minority groups having experienced systematic oppression, but that is too complex a matter to explain here; the sheer number of ethnic backgrounds proves forbidding. If you graduated from a ranked [first tier, second tier, or third tier] four year college, your t-score for Pd is expected to be in the 60s. If you carried out further graduate scores, a t-score of 65 is no longer considered elevated. In those cases, you need a 70 or 75 t-score to reach any significance. Note that a t-score of 75 is usually considered quite high. In fact, the profile for a psychopath is typically articulated by sets of other scales, not Pd itself. However, the Pd subscales can do a fine job of indicating potential problematic dynamics that are best interpretated in conjuction with the content, supplemental, and research scales. Stated another way, even if a high Pd is very often not a matter of concern (in opposition to what the scale's name might prima facie bias one to believe), this is not to say that a high score on this scale cannot be approximating a very dangerous underlying dynamic.

[Pd1] Familial Discord 91 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). (9 items). High: Home is unpleasant, lacking in love and understanding. Self explanatory. [FAM] Family Problems 71 - High: Family is unsupportive, unloving, with a good deal of aggression, rejection, and hostility. Indications of verbal and physical abuse, marriages are seen as unhappy, feelings of jealousy, resentment and wish to avoid family members. 

[AGGR] Aggressiveness 79 - High scores tend to be grandiose, resentful, cold, and at times cruel.  This scale assesses narcissistic hostility. 

[ANG1] Explosive Behavior 71 - Explosive and violent episodes that have been directed to both persons and property and have likely resulted in injury and damage. 



[Sc] Schizophrenia 70 - High Scorers (T-score = 65–79): High scores on this scale suggest a schizoid lifestyle. They do not feel a part of a social environment. They report feeling isolated, alienated, and misunderstood. They feel unaccepted by peers, withdrawn, seclusive, secretive, and inaccessible. They avoid dealing with people and new situations. They are shy, aloof, and uninvolved and experience generalized anxiety. They are often resentful, hostile, aggressive, and unable to express feelings. They tend to react to stress by withdrawing into fantasy and daydreams. They have difficulty separating reality and fantasy. They show great self-doubts and feel inferior, incompetent, and dissatisfied. They may show marked sexual preoccupation and sex role confusion. They are often seen as nonconforming, unusual, unconventional, and eccentric. They may report vague, long-standing physical complaints. Others view them as stubborn, moody, opinionated, immature, and impulsive. They tend to lack information for problem-solving and show a poor prognosis for therapy.

[Sc1] Social Alienation 68   Harris & Lingoes (1955). ( 21 items). High: Feels misunderstood and alienated, feels others have it in for them or wish them harm, describes family as lacking in love and support, admits never having been in love, and avoids social relationships.   [Sc2] Emotional Alienation 78  Harris & Lingoes (1955). (11 items). High: Depression, sado-masochistic tendencies and apathy. [Sc4] Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 71 - High: Depression, difficulty coping, inertia, regression into fantasy, pessimistic, and may have suicidal ideation. [D4] Mental Dullness 72 - High: Tired, tense, poor concentration and memory, sad and low self-esteem. Low: Feels relaxed, interested in life and self-confident. This scale can be the only elevated scale of depression in a "masked" depression. These people complain of trouble concentrating on schoolwork or on the job.





Posts: 833
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores
Slay said: 

I apologize if it's hard to read, I was going to put all the scores in parenthesis but decided not too. 

I am almost certain I'm not schizophrenic. I don't believe myself to be a psychopath either.

 Your results are unindicative of both. Psychopathic Deviate scored clinically significant due to familial discord.

[Pd] Psychopathic Deviate 69 - 

A high score on the "Psychopathic Deviant" scale does not mean you are a psychopath or would even fit that sort of profile. All it means is that you are fighting something external that is attempting to regulate your behavior or that you are not willing to conform to societal rules or traditional ways of thinking. Individuals with undergraduate degrees tend to show elevated scores, and those that attempted or completed graduate degrees average even higher scores. The same applies to some minority groups having experienced systematic oppression, but that is too complex a matter to explain here; the sheer number of ethnic backgrounds proves forbidding. If you graduated from a ranked [first tier, second tier, or third tier] four year college, your t-score for Pd is expected to be in the 60s. If you carried out further graduate scores, a t-score of 65 is no longer considered elevated. In those cases, you need a 70 or 75 t-score to reach any significance. Note that a t-score of 75 is usually considered quite high. In fact, the profile for a psychopath is typically articulated by sets of other scales, not Pd itself. However, the Pd subscales can do a fine job of indicating potential problematic dynamics that are best interpretated in conjuction with the content, supplemental, and research scales. Stated another way, even if a high Pd is very often not a matter of concern (in opposition to what the scale's name might prima facie bias one to believe), this is not to say that a high score on this scale cannot be approximating a very dangerous underlying dynamic.

[Pd1] Familial Discord 91 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). (9 items). High: Home is unpleasant, lacking in love and understanding. Self explanatory. [FAM] Family Problems 71 - High: Family is unsupportive, unloving, with a good deal of aggression, rejection, and hostility. Indications of verbal and physical abuse, marriages are seen as unhappy, feelings of jealousy, resentment and wish to avoid family members. 

[AGGR] Aggressiveness 79 - High scores tend to be grandiose, resentful, cold, and at times cruel.  This scale assesses narcissistic hostility. 

[ANG1] Explosive Behavior 71 - Explosive and violent episodes that have been directed to both persons and property and have likely resulted in injury and damage. 



[Sc] Schizophrenia 70 - High Scorers (T-score = 65–79): High scores on this scale suggest a schizoid lifestyle. They do not feel a part of a social environment. They report feeling isolated, alienated, and misunderstood. They feel unaccepted by peers, withdrawn, seclusive, secretive, and inaccessible. They avoid dealing with people and new situations. They are shy, aloof, and uninvolved and experience generalized anxiety. They are often resentful, hostile, aggressive, and unable to express feelings. They tend to react to stress by withdrawing into fantasy and daydreams. They have difficulty separating reality and fantasy. They show great self-doubts and feel inferior, incompetent, and dissatisfied. They may show marked sexual preoccupation and sex role confusion. They are often seen as nonconforming, unusual, unconventional, and eccentric. They may report vague, long-standing physical complaints. Others view them as stubborn, moody, opinionated, immature, and impulsive. They tend to lack information for problem-solving and show a poor prognosis for therapy.

[Sc1] Social Alienation 68   Harris & Lingoes (1955). ( 21 items). High: Feels misunderstood and alienated, feels others have it in for them or wish them harm, describes family as lacking in love and support, admits never having been in love, and avoids social relationships.   [Sc2] Emotional Alienation 78  Harris & Lingoes (1955). (11 items). High: Depression, sado-masochistic tendencies and apathy. [Sc4] Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 71 - High: Depression, difficulty coping, inertia, regression into fantasy, pessimistic, and may have suicidal ideation. [D4] Mental Dullness 72 - High: Tired, tense, poor concentration and memory, sad and low self-esteem. Low: Feels relaxed, interested in life and self-confident. This scale can be the only elevated scale of depression in a "masked" depression. These people complain of trouble concentrating on schoolwork or on the job.





 While I may not believe in the accuracy of an online test, and I am not one to self-diagnose, from my understanding, these scores would suggest tendencies of a covert schizoid or what? I'm just curious as to what your take on it would be. I know Trypt used the term to describe me in the past, when I first came on SC through you and Trypt. 

I don't know what I am, and it's not something I actively seek to discover, I just found the test itself interesting with the questions it was asking. 

My friends are ones that view me as a psychopath, but obviously I wouldn't paint it like that. The idea of masked depression fits with a theory of mine that I could sub-consciously be suffering from it. Though it's strange because, I would consider myself relaxed, and driven, despite not making progress on my reading and learning side, I do workout and I enjoy it. I have grand aspirations for my future that I seek to achieve even if it means sacrifice. 

I don't think I'm necessarily shy or anxious, I am reserved. I can meet new people and speak to them, I just typically don't. I have approached people and made conversation before. In regards to violence, it's mostly fantasizing of violence. I have beaten my brother up before. The last episode of violence was only a few days ago when one of my dogs was attacking the other so I started beating it, picked it up and chucked it outside. 

I would say that overtime my tolerance of my family is decaying, I have homicidal thoughts, but I don't plan on acting them on, in regards to suicidal thoughts. I don't hate myself, I have critiques, but I seek to improve myself, I don't believe myself to be inherently bad, and I'd say the only thing suicidal would be either my sacrifice and martyrdom, or if somehow all options for my future fail and I am left with nothing but boredom. 

last edit on 12/20/2019 7:11:05 PM
Posts: 570
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores

 While I may not believe in the accuracy of an online test, and I am not one to self-diagnose, from my understanding, these scores would suggest tendencies of a covert schizoid or what? I'm just curious as to what your take on it would be. I know Trypt used the term to describe me in the past, when I first came on SC through you and Trypt. 

I'll tell you my thoughts when I get some time. Just wanted to point out this isn't an online test, really, It's illegal for it to be online. It's a tool used to measure psychopathology, supposed to only be given and interpreted by professionals. I was given this test in jail as part of a risk assessment. 

Posts: 115
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores
Slay said: 

 While I may not believe in the accuracy of an online test, and I am not one to self-diagnose, from my understanding, these scores would suggest tendencies of a covert schizoid or what? I'm just curious as to what your take on it would be. I know Trypt used the term to describe me in the past, when I first came on SC through you and Trypt. 

I'll tell you my thoughts when I get some time. Just wanted to point out this isn't an online test, really, It's illegal for it to be online. It's a tool used to measure psychopathology, supposed to only be given and interpreted by professionals. I was given this test in jail as part of a risk assessment. 


Why would anyone answer these questions truthfully when in custody? That's just asking for trouble.


Posts: 570
0 votes RE: My MMPI-2 Scores
holmes said: 
Slay said: 

 While I may not believe in the accuracy of an online test, and I am not one to self-diagnose, from my understanding, these scores would suggest tendencies of a covert schizoid or what? I'm just curious as to what your take on it would be. I know Trypt used the term to describe me in the past, when I first came on SC through you and Trypt. 

I'll tell you my thoughts when I get some time. Just wanted to point out this isn't an online test, really, It's illegal for it to be online. It's a tool used to measure psychopathology, supposed to only be given and interpreted by professionals. I was given this test in jail as part of a risk assessment. 


Why would anyone answer these questions truthfully when in custody? That's just asking for trouble.


 I didn't, that's why I was able to remain in the program I was in. 

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