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Pale Purple Shitstain Sandwich



one laughably gullible lying whore of a makeup rep

human excrement, any kind will do


To create this recipe you will need a car and a very heavy right foot, but it's quite simple if you have both.

All you have to do is hit the gas and run the whore down. Back over her a few times to make sure she's good and dead and bloody.

When she's reduced to a puddle that's barely recognizable as formerly human, get out of the car and relieve yourself on the pile.


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Posts: 2647
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Hey, bitch.

I sincerely wish I didn't have this appointment right now, but I have to break from this discussion for a few hours.


I will be back soon to discuss this comment you made about the DiD character in the show you watch.

I'll even watch the show bc I was going to anyway.


That gives you a few hours' head start to tell me all about why I remind you of a chick with multiple personalities.

I always thought my personality was pretty consistent in its hatred of your lying, clique following ass.

Posts: 2647
-1 votes RE: Recipe blog

17:32 Xena: and you morons still don't get it, do you? I correct you bc the things you say are moronic and they sound funny af
17:33 Cavalier: If you saw your kids bloodied and lifeless maybe that will make you think twice about your racist vitriol
17:33 Xena: You think I do it bc they hurt my fee fees or smthg
17:33 Cavalier: No, I am trying to educate you, dumbass
17:33 Xena: No, they're just so factually incorrect they're comical and you're making complete fools out of yourselves :D
17:34 Xena: No you're not. You're saying stupid shit about my kids bc I insulted your dick-tater
17:35 Xena: You're such an idiot lol
17:36 TPG: it's sad that people can hold such prejudiced views in 2020
17:36 Cavalier: No, it started with you stereotyping Chinese people as being docile and easy to take advantage of
17:36 Cavalier: You're disgusting
17:36 Xena: I'm surprised you didn't remember the last "come to my house here's my phone number" thread when we did this 4 years ago on luna's forum
17:36 Cavalier: Instead of caring about your kids, why don't you let them die work on your own racism instead
17:36 TPG: lol
17:36 Xena: It actually started during the last election, over there
17:37 Xena: Long before you started pretending to be Chinese
17:37 Cavalier: It's a privilege to care about your white family while not caring about our feelings
17:37 Xena: You threatened to dismember my kids, etc, over on luna's forum as well
17:38 Xena: 4 years ago
17:38 Xena: and I gave you the same police station contact info
17:38 Xena: I think I gave you some mental health centres, too lol
17:38 Cavalier: No lol must be someone else
17:38 Xena: You must rlly be touched
17:39 Xena: You honestly don't remember?
17:39 Cavalier: Of course racism touches me but I try to make it not get me down that much
17:39 Xena: I think sugargirl was there, commenting on the thread :D
17:39 Xena: lol no touched
17:40 Xena: as in invisible forces that only you can see have their fingers in your brain stirring up your shit
17:40 Xena: It means crazy, silly
17:41 Xena: Why don't you ask sugar who she voted for? :D
17:41 Cavalier: I'm just telling you to take your own racism seriously
17:41 Xena: And I'm just telling you that you have a rlly bizarre pattern of deflection whenever I start talking about Pumpkinhead
17:42 Cavalier: White people are the first to point fingers but the last to address their own flaws
17:42 Xena: Pretending to be Chinese and threatening to rape a woman and dismember her kids is the most fucking bizarre thing I've ever seen
17:43 Xena: And I told you already. I'm Cree
17:43 MauveTaupe: Xena reminds me of Charlotte from the show Ratched.
17:43 Xena: You desperately need help, weirdo
17:44 Xena: Oh, the whole fam damily of Trumpsplainers is here lol
17:44 Cavalier: A white person that looks white but brings up her Cree ancestry to try to excuse herself when she's called out for racism
17:44 Xena: I'm actually the opposite of her, dumb dumb. Gods you're gullible lol
17:45 Xena: A boy who's actually white but pretends to be Chinese when he loses an argument about his idiot guru former president lol
17:46 Cavalier: I am Chinese. You refuse to accept that because I'm not soft spoken, and by your stereotypes, Chinese people can only be soft spoken
17:46 Cavalier: I would actually vote for Biden if I was able to
17:47 Xena: I refuse to accept that bc you weren't Chinese 4 years ago, dumb dumb
17:48 Xena: Bullshit. You're always praising the stupid fat orange tard
17:48 Cavalier: I have always been Chinese I don't know where you get the idea people can change their races
17:48 Xena: Look at all the threads you posted about him
17:49 Xena: Nope. I know all the shit ppl on luna's forum used to troll you about
17:49 Cavalier: If you could change your race you'd be white most of the time and magically change into Cree when called out for your racism
17:49 Xena: Chinese was never one of them
17:50 Xena: You're one of the biggest bullshitters on this forum lol
17:50 Cavalier: Maybe I didn't tell people that I was Chinese because I didn't want to face racism
17:50 Xena: You're just suddenly Chinese after 7 years bc it's election time and you need smthg to fight about
17:50 Cavalier: Or maybe other people had a sense of decency to not troll me for my ethnicity
17:50 Xena: lol decency on that forum?
17:51 Cavalier: Yeah, when it came to racism, something you don't have
17:51 Xena: Jimmy the child molestor gets the cops called on him 48 times and yet you all still suck his ass
17:51 Cavalier: Maybe you should show you have decency by caring about my feelings for than your kids' lives
17:51 Xena: and make up shitty lies about me for being one who called 3 times on his filthy pedo shit
17:52 Xena: And you lol
17:52 Xena: pretending to be Chinese lol
17:52 Xena: There is no decency on this forum, thx
17:53 Xena: You don't have any feelings
17:53 Xena: Your memory is pretty shitty, too
17:53 Xena: You're mentally ill and you need a doctor in the worst way
17:54 Cavalier: I can't wait to see your reaction when your autistic son screams in pain before being cut open alive :D
17:54 Xena: Sure dumb dumb
17:54 Xena: Where is he?
17:54 Cavalier: The autistic son you loved so much in a sexual way
17:54 Xena: Tell me where you'll be coming to get him
17:54 Cavalier: So much for being "asexual"
17:54 Cavalier: You'll see
17:55 Xena: Lies. Because I called the cops on Jimmy
17:55 Xena: Moron lol
17:56 Xena: No I won't. Because you made those same stupid threats 4 years ago and it never happened
17:56 Cavalier: I don't care for pedos, you or jim
17:56 Xena: I'm not a pedo
17:56 Xena: You probably are, tho
17:56 Cavalier: You'll be really sad when it does happen then
17:56 Xena: Oh, and I hear you ran into an airport with a suicide bomber vest on
17:57 Cavalier: Why did you smell and touch your son's underwear?
17:57 Xena: and fucked a chicken till it died
17:57 Xena: and wrote DEATH TO BIDEN SUPPORTERS in its blood
17:57 Cavalier: You're not making sense. Have fun watching your kids die and then getting raped and tortured. The sad thing, is, is that you'd probably blame me for all of it instead of your own racism
17:57 Xena: See? I can make up lies about people too lol
17:58 Xena: You're a chicken fucking airport terrorist lol
17:58 Xena: And youre not Chines, dumb dumb
17:58 Xena: Chinese*
18:02 Xena: LOL TAINT *chortles like all the scum on sc when they're proud of sounding like Beavis and Butthead*
18:03 Xena: Like srsly, dude. You must be rlly effing bored to invent nonsense like that.
18:03 Xena: See how ridiculous you sound?
18:03 TPG: you have been ranting for 6 minutes
18:04 Xena: Mimicking*
18:04 Xena: That was a parody of WW aka Cavalier
18:04 Xena: to show him how retarded he sounds

Posts: 2647
-1 votes RE: Recipe blog

^  Posted the chat log in its entirety for you to discuss with me, 



Posts: 150
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If you want to sue me, my business email is below
Posts: 2647
-1 votes RE: Recipe blog

That's kinda nasty, but sure. 

If you want to do it that way   :D


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Posts: 2820
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Red pepper broccoli chowder


Qas looking for this earlier and xouldnt find it so it lives here now

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Recipe blog

I thought I posted this here already, but I don't see it.

Lemon Curry Kale Salad




Kale Salad  

• 1/2 bunch curly kale, chopped into bite sized pieces  

• 1 tablespoon olive oil  

• ½ teaspoon salt

• 2 tbs diced red onion  



  • ¼ cup almond butter  

• 2 tablespoon water 

  • 2 Tbs lemon juice 

  • 2 tbs minced garlic  

• 1 tbs maple syrup  

• Dash of cayenne pepper

• 1/2 tsp cumin

• 1 tsp curry powder 

  • ½ teaspoon salt  


In a small food processor, blend all dressing ingredients. Taste and adjust to your preference. 

  In a bowl combine the kale, olive oil, and salt. Gently massage the oil into the kale until it is all tender and shiny.  

Divide the kale into 2 bowls, top each bowl w 1 tbs onion. Divide the dressing between the two bowls. Bone appetite. 

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 5403
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Hello Peach, we're gonna need to borrow 20 Nicaraguan Crown from you. 

last edit on 12/27/2022 9:02:55 PM
Posts: 523
0 votes RE: Recipe blog

 Ham by PalePeach

We don't usually eat ham, but our grocery store was giving them away for free for Easter so we got one.
If we're going to have ham of course I had to make it bujee so I used a cooking method I read in The Escoffier.

It said to braise the ham in fortified dessert wine with notes of nuttiness and caramel, with no vegetables or seasoning, and a light veggie side.

9lbs spiral sliced ham
750mL bottle cream sherry

Set the ham into a roasting pan and pour the entire bottle of sherry over it. Marinate for 1 hour, turning a few times to allow each side to sit in the wine.

Cover the pan with aluminum foil. Bake at 325°F for 3 hours and 25 minutes, or until ham reaches internal temp of 140°F. Every ~40 turn the ham and bast the liquor over it

Serve with sautéed collard greens, stewed tomatoes, and muffins made with fresh blueberries.
The blood on my hands covered the holes
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