Someone that cares has every right to be angry.
Did you lose someone to suicide or something?
I've never thought about suicide, apart from weird daydreaming, nor I have lost someone like that, so I was not sure why I was so passionate about this after reading your comment, but I think I know why now: it is like a form of unintentional guilt-tripping. And those piss me off.I was going to say, our talks on this have had you a bit more emotionally budged too, which is what had me assume you must have dealt with something like it in the past.
So you're this entitled towards another's autonomy with no actual experience in the subject?
I have experience in entitled behaviour and I think the idea that you should not be angry at someone, because that someone is sad, is an entitled idea.
You can do that without a sense of perceived ownership over the other person's life though.
People come and go, and it's not really up to us how long that a connection with someone lasts beyond our contributions towards it.
This is not about a sense of ownership. You are again missing the point. Even if it's not a suicide and someone just leaves your life for any reason, that someone must consider the impact it would have on their friends. In most cases it is OK ofc, because normal cases are reasonable: a new job, going away from bad memories, moving with a partner, getting away from a bad situation, etc. Suicide is not reasonable. A true friend should accept something reasonable, suicide is like doing drugs, but far worse, it is self-destructive and wrong. Should you not be disappointed at someone doing drugs?
So you become responsible for the damage you do to your friend and so does he towards you.
Like Jim said, it's you hurting yourself over your attachment to your friend. The person trying to die isn't doing it specifically to try to hurt other people's feelings (typically), and it makes as much even less sense as yelling at someone for wanting to move away.
The motivation can soften the impact, but the impact is still there.
It does not feel like Alena is doing any guilt-tripping actually. It is her defenders, they are those that try to guilt-trip Spatial. I was speaking in the context where the one that attempted suicide acted like that, but Alena is not doing it herself.
You at least don't just see it as "people trying to paint Spatial as the villain" now, right?
No, that was and still is just you doing it.
Why should you care about someone that does not care about you?
So you think someone trying to kill themselves must not care about those it'd hurt?
Yes, even if they insist they do and that it may even be the reason for their suicide. I do not believe they see it objectively. I do not fault them, considering their condition at that time, but it is still like that.
You condemn the people who do not show empathy but instead feel spited, as if they expect that random strangers won't kill themselves for their benefit, but it is about those close to you, not randoms. If you do not care about them, then they shouldn't care about you or give you the support you mention.
Someone can express to their suicidal buddy that they don't want them to die or would rather they not die without being aggressive in ways that could potentially push them to succeed.
Yeah, I never talked about how you should handle the anger you feel.
I can understand having empathy toward your fellow human being and why you are angry at people who put their feefees over the life of someone. But you do not understand having anger towards a friend who hurt you. Both apply at the same time.
I think the one trying to suicide takes precedence over some hurt feelings from people who are otherwise mortally safe.
Suicide is hurt feelings manifest.
Maybe if your friends viewed suicide as a good option I would see your point more clearly. I do not. If I believed that suicide is the right choice, I could accept it. But I do not believe in religions or that killing yourself is how you should relief yourself. Unless you have an incurable disease that makes your life misery. So when someone kills themselves for other reasons, I just see it as a quick fix that they chose and hurt their friends in the process.
Have you perhaps figured how intense suicidal feelings must be for it to take precedence over other things?
I am sure it sucks. But you can't let emotions cloud your judgment. Otherwise, have you considered how angry someone is before they commit murder(in a lot of cases)? It does not excuse the behaviour. It only complicates the solution, as you have to handle it delicately to defuse the suicidal ideas.