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0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

My local roach exchange allows me to buy Bitcoin for USD or Liras. You can wire me your money to buy you bitcoin for a 10% fee.

If you're afraid of being scammed you can start with amounts like 30$, 50$ etc

 Sounds legit id use it

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

My local roach exchange allows me to buy Bitcoin for USD or Liras. You can wire me your money to buy you bitcoin for a 10% fee.

If you're afraid of being scammed you can start with amounts like 30$, 50$ etc

 That's going to be a strong no from me. 

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

a roach trying to jew a kike 

Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Found a BTC ATM 2 miles away...

Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Found a BTC ATM 2 miles away...


This makes things  a lot easier tho

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

We could just wire to coinbase where we are already verified.

The point of this is to buy volume and do an immediate withdraw to an offsite wallet, which wireing allows on coinbase. 

Kraken seems decent though. 

I hate how transparent crypto has become, used to be very easy to buy anonymously. 

I could have used coinbase here in Canada, but Tony knows best, so I went with Shakepay. Before I used QuadrigaCX. I don't think I'll ever use coinbase personally.

 You can do coinbase but you still have to wait 18 more days before you can. As I'm writing this Bitcoin is at $9275. Market up.

Some analysts think BTC will reach $12,000 before it comes back down.

Kraken is better than coinbase on the most part. Lower fees and it has a wider variety of coins to choose from right off their platform. Coinbase is more famous.


If you're going to put a lot of money into this, you'll have to do bank a wire at the bank. 

I think you'll be fine. Just be careful around Bitcoin ATM's, someone could be lurking around the corner ready to jump you for your private keys.

last edit on 6/16/2019 6:49:09 AM
Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin is way up. even just from yesterday 

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Use this when monitoring Bitcoin price.

EDIT: The reason for using this is because it's live and always ahead of sites like coinmarket cap.


I personally don't hold Bitcoin. Like if someone bought it now as a long term hold, they will have to wait till 18,400something just to double their money. By the time BTC double in value, a lot of altcoins would outperform it in gains.

People are seduced by Bitcoin's price so they chase after it trying to get a lot, which isn't practical , however, that's a good thing for the market.

The best way to make money with BTC is to buy and sell it all day. If you sell BTC and it jumps without you, then spare some of the profits you made to get it at it's current price and sell higher. ( sparing some profit could mean cutting out 2 or 3 wins out of your 100 wins or however much more you have. )




This is from 3 days ago. He makes a good point if you ever get stuck on the wrong side of trading. 

last edit on 6/16/2019 7:04:23 AM
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

I have no interest in holding or trading. 

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

I suspect that Alice wants to stash some BTC in preparation for the second US civil War

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