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This is now the designated space to discuss crypto. Tony, is now a good time to buy Ethereum? Addiionally what is the diff between Ethereum and ethereum classic


Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 1511
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Bless us with crypto predictions tony :pray:

Posts: 3222
1 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

The best time to buy already past. When people say "Yay you got rekt!" As of late the market just started booming and I think more people are interested since people made a lot of gains, already.

Ethereum... Well it was much better to buy it when it bottomed out around $90 which was.....Last December. 

The good time to buy is when the market goes to shit and it looks hopeless. I always stressed that.

Good time to buy ? Well I'm honestly not sure, but I'm getting some tomorrow ( later on today ) cause of FOMO. The FOMO is strong...

I was in a sold state ( meaning I sold most of my crypto waiting for 1 more crash ) then it started popping. When that happens we have to be reserved cause often enough that is a bull trap. It's easy to spot in the history. Pump and dump. This pump however went different, and a lot of fish started biting. I think it has to do with people living their lives and recovering and waiting for this market, and a significant amount of people started jumping on it when that happened.

I signed up with a Canadian app called "Shake pay" I went to the bank yesterday and they wanted to know which bank Shake Pay was with ( cause wire transfer can be cheaper to do if they are with my bank ) so I contacted them blah blah blah.


Ethereum Classic... It's an Ethereum fork. Some believe Ethereum to be the original while Ethereum Classic is the forked coin. It never mattered since Ethereum holders got both coins. Ethereum I think is actually the older one. ( I never looked into this much really ) Why did it happen ? It added value to the project. 



Now you can hold Ethereum, and in my opinion it's a better hold than BTC if you have a BTC value worth of Ethereum.

Bitcoin and Ethereum along side other coins ( Any coin you can cash in and out with ) are not the best coins to hold. People will mock me and they will gloat when BTC hit 100k+ but by the time it does that, other name brand coins will also have spiked, bigly. The reason for this is everything is couples with BTC, which brings me to the point I was making.... BTC, ETH and coins like it... Those are what people use to buy Altcoins, which is why it has such a high market cap. Hardly anyone is using these coins as money ! Just buy in trade. Right now 180 billion market cap.

What brings ETH and BTC and the like value, is the fact people are using them. That is, they buy it with the intent to trade it.

Not only do they trade BTC and ETH, but they get it back so they can cash out and this happens constantly. It's why we see them at the top of the foodchain. All day people buy BTC & ETH and trade it right away. If not, that would hurt the value of these two juggernauts.

My reason for getting ETH, is for this very purpose.

- Get ETH from vendor.

- Send to Wallet ( because it's highly recommended by trading platforms not to send platform to platform )

- Send to Exchange ( the place we trade )


-Bring home the target coin.

Ethereum is a decent hold but it's not the best if you want to multiply.


People don't see it, but Tron is the best. I've been stressing this so hard. Even now it's outperforming BTC and ETH in what actually matters... Gains... NOT PRICE BUT GAINS !

Watch this....

A) Tron TRX March 26....$0.022 March 26th ( two cents )

B) Tron TRX right now... $0.03

Tron is about to hit a 50% gain by the time it hits $0.032 ( Three cents )

By the time it hits 4 cents = 100% gain

Despite it's price, what matters is how much money you have in it. For example if you put $1,000 into TRX March 26th, you would have $500 profit now, just as a 10k investment in this case would yield 5k. This is two weeks.

The more invested in the better obviously. And TRX is more affordable no matter how rich or poor you are. On a side note $1,000 or even 10k and upward to any amount into BTC or ETH. Will not outperform TRX.

Sure Ether can 10x from this price like it did before. And when ETH does 10x, BTC will already be insanely expensive, cause they all follow BTC.




I won't shit you. I was caught off guard during this run. As a matter of fact, a lot of people in this space were caught off guard so maybe I'll get 40 ETH, maybe 80. Bare in mind this is a freaky ass process cause if crypto crashes while I'm holding ETH... Well it's better than crashing with TRX.

Why ETH ? It's cheaper to use than Bitcoin. It's much faster, and it's not as volatile. ETH tends to creap it's way upward more often than downward while holding it too. It's the wiser choice. Bitcoin is the big brand name, kinda like Apple. It's shit, but everyone wants it for the name. Bitcoin is the least advanced and by that I mean it is really slow. ETH is slow too, but 12 to 15 minute transfer time smokes Bitcoin's up to 3 hour wait. ( TRX 2 seconds at the moment )


Will crypto crash soon ? It's possible But one thing to note in the case of buying in now, if it crashes, it just means you'll have to wait longer before you can break even or profit.

- Never sell for Less

- You don't lose unless you sell for less.

People say "Oh I invested in cryptocurrency and I lost money !" And I think to myself, who are these people and what did they do with their cryptocurrency ?

If it's a good time to buy. If you ask me I would say yes. It's been an excellent time to buy for pretty much most of 2018. Better than now. The least risk is when charts are low, and this is low. Will BTC beat it's all time high ? Absolutely.



Tron is in another class of it's own, and I can write about this all day. I never even scratched the surface with what this platform truly is. It's the most liked and hated cryptocurrency. The ones who hate it all shill other coins, that can't even begin to hold a candle to it. It's also the ONLY platform that's a real threat to Ethereum. For real.

last edit on 4/9/2019 8:25:04 AM
Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Thank you Tony, very insightful. My goal was to put a small in BTC and in ETH, mostly because those are the big names and to have them readily available if needed. Additionally, Alice remembered you talking up Tron and I plan to put the majority of my investment into it, a lot more than what i put into the other two combined. My BTC purchase went though and i immediately traded most of it for TRX. Now all there is to do is wait.

Sc is pretty boring.
last edit on 4/9/2019 8:57:36 AM
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

I recommend you use this Wallet for TRX.





Be sure to back up the private key for your wallet.


But yes I recommend that wallet, then I can show you how to freeze TRX, and your TRX will grow daily. Of course the more TRX you have, the more you'll get everyday.

I'll show you one of my Wallets.

You'll notice I get TRX every single day. 171k TRX coins = 30 TRX a day at the least. At this point you'll see I got a little more TRX, it kinda compensated for when the payout is less. Smart Contracts ! Velly goud.

It's very easy to do, and it's the best thing while holding your TRX coins. This is basically "proof of stake", an alternative to mining which is "proof of work".

Tron's proof of stake is intergrated into a democratic system where each TRX holder is able to vote for super representatives, in turn the SR will pay out dividends for your Tron power.

1 TRX = 1 Tron Power

You can see Tron Power in my Tronscan link, that's why TRX grows like a fungus while holders ignore it.

I really wanted TRX to crash just once more, which is why I was off of it, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

Lean the ways of this coin, and you'll never find any other like it.

And no I personally don't vote for cryptogirls as my Tron Super Representative. I vote Tron Spark. I just posted their video cause it's brief, and it kinda shows what's happening without getting into too much detail. 

last edit on 4/9/2019 9:13:49 AM
Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Buy bcash or regret later



2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin Cash is one of a small handful coins/tokens that is worth less than it was at it's initial release date.

It's reason for being a top coins is really because it was a fork of BTC, and all BTC holders got Bcash for free and it's starting price was $555 USD.

Roger Ver calls Bitcoin Cash "The Real Bitcoin" on the basis that it has a faster transaction speed than "Bitcoin Core" as he likes to refer it.

The thing that prevents Bitcoin Cash from really reaching it's true potential is how Ver openly wants Bcash to actually be Bitcoin. Those who are interested in Bitcoin Cash also think Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin, as Ver puts it's, Bitcoin Cash is more Bitcoin than Bitcoin Core. 

There is controversy over Bcash in the crypto space because of this whole stealing the Bitcoin name which is straight up theft. There actually is a coin forked off of BCH dubbed "Bitcoin Core" with the purpose to protect the integrity of the original Bitcoin.


Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin has taken a bit of a tumble, and as usual the whole market with it. Everything is still up though.

I personally have continued to drag my feet this round ( It's a grueling process to transfer money and order at high volume, I usually go to the bank so they can hold my hand, as there are limits to how much I can transfer without having to go there in person ) if I got in anytime this week I would be a bit salty. I know usually when we fomo after a run, we take a smash then it pumps and smashes. I really don't know what's about to happen at this point but I would appreciate it if it crashed hard so I can buy in maybe for x3 cheaper. Yes I would really like that.

It's difficult to say. Binance's CZ stated to MSNBC that trading volume on his platform is higher than it's even been in history these days. As it should be, more people are into cryptocurrency every day, and it's significantly cheaper than it was in 2017 when less people were into it.




Coming in May. Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork. ( Thanks Jim The BCHomosex )

I must learn about this, cause last time I chased a hard fork, there was no new coin and no reason to chase it. BCH is getting an upgrade, how this will work I really need to study it more.

I personally don't like BCH cause it beat me up once but if it's fork is anything like the BSV ABC fork, then it will be a pump I will surely invest in advance for the big sell off on the day of.

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin up $1000 today. $8,036.62 as I'm posting this.

Graph set to 1 day.

Posted Image


Very good for the space. I never went to the bank and it's already past 6PM so I just got 3.5 ETH. 

Ethereum also went up $14 today and it currently sitting at $203. I MIGHT get 140 ETH tomorrow, depending on the price action. I would have done it earlier but I can't get any Tether cause Binance is down and will be up and running tomorrow, which will probably cause another boom since there are people like myself who only use Binance for trading.

Set to 1 day.

Posted Image

Will this be the start of a bull run ? I couldn't say but technical analysis suggests it is not. So the best thing to do is to let it fall significantly then get the USDT, and if it doesn't fall.... Then hold. But damn, I really want it to fall down. Except this time I want it to spike up, then crash so I can get out with extra, then buy back in.

Of course this is TRX 1 day chart.

Posted Image

Tomorrow is going to be nerve wracking cause for all I know things can go sour. It all depends on what I see. It'll probably keep spiking overnight since the Western banks are closed and the East is going to start pumping it up, so pricing will probably get ugly in the morning. 

I'm aiming for short and profitable. If I can get that, then a massive crash followed up with a big buy in, it'll be one of my better plays.



Posts: 749
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Sitting on your asses mining for virtual coin... how about you put some effort into gaining some skills and using those to bring you money, instead of this gambling?

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
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