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1 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Revolt against the modern world. 

Posts: 498
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

whats the best cryptocurrency to buy for ez money gainz

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Alice and I have been trying to buy bitcoin for 3 days. Our American banks are canceling every transaction on every possible platform. We tried moneygram and WU for local bitcoin, but they reversed the transactions and called me to say we can't send money to Columbia or Lebanon (the countries we tried to buy from) because those are "High Fraud" countries right now. 

America does not want anybody trading easily tracable american dollars for anonymous cryptocurrencies.

Coinbase will only let us buy if we wait a 19 day waiting period.



Yes, and it fucking sucks. 

Out of hundreds of transactions I've never had this much trouble buying volume. 

At the moment I don't know of any solutions to this clusterfuck of a mess the so called free world is putting you in. I wrote some suggestions that my help below.

Have you tried finding a local bitcoin ATM ?

The platform I use is a Canadian cash in exchange ( shakepay ) and "in their app they include their bank information and address which is a Canadian bank". It has a code which is listed in Canadian banks and I was able to send the money to them by visiting my bank and sending via wire. ( 50 massive ones only costed me $45.00 transfer fee at a major Canadian bank. They also want to know if the money is staying in the country, and that was a big positive since the bank was listed in their system as such )

^Basically when you wire the money, you want to leave a note, which will be your user name so they know who it's for. The instructions are in the app that employs this method.  

Rant-The US needs to understand. Cryptocurrency is NOT money. Nor is it possible to launder money with Cryptocurrency. If the exchange you sent money to is outside of the US that's understandable, but that would also end up getting the middle man taxed to hell or arrested, but as long as you're sending it to an American cash exchange, the money stays in the country. The money does not turn into cryptocurrency, it is used to buy cryptocurrency from other US citizens and some is used to pay service fees to the in country exchange, and when you cash out, the money comes from those buying cryptocurrency, then wired toward anywhere you want, like your bank account.

The US government wants to regulate every single trade as a taxable event. In Canada, cryptocurrency is not taxed, while the income we make from it is. (That being said, money invested into cryptocurrency should be written off as a business expense if they want to do it that way. Hmmmm)

On a side note, if a government seeks to take your cryptocurrency you bought, they would be double dipping.

Coinbase probably took your information and they are giving themselves time to process your information. There are horror stories of them notifying the IRS about your exchanges of cryptocurrency and USD on their platform.

I don't think shakepay is in the US, but if you can find something like it (US bank to US bank wire) they won't complain of oversea spending, nor can they bullshit you into thinking your money is going overseas.


An update on Binance.... They are making a Binance USA, obviously to comply with government regulations that are coming down on the US.




For such reasons.... You'll want to use a DEX ( Decentralized Exchange ) for trading cryptocurrency.

The difference with a decentralized exchange, there isn't a middle man collecting fees, it's more of an online free trade, and they are popping up. Just make sure you do a hard background check to make sure it's genuine.

In the case of using TRX, Tron has it's own DEX exchange... Plus it has it's own USDT ( Tether ) With this in mind, note that there are 3 blockchains that have Tether ( Tron, Ethereum and the Bitcoin blockchains ) If you get Tether from Binance, that is the Tether Omni ( Bitcoin Blockchain ) but of course on the Tron DEX it's Tether Tron-20 Token which can conveniently be used and held in your TronWallets.

Tron's DEX exchange can be found on the Tronscan website.

Tronscan is Tron's scanning service. If you enter your wallet address, it will display what you have in that wallet. This is the nature of cryptocurrency and it's scanning features. This one is Tron's and it handles all tokens on the Tron blockchain. Now....

In order to use the Tron DEX, you must install the TronLink Wallet. It installs into your browser.

For safety sake, when you install this wallet and create a password, for the love of Jesus find the private key and back that shit up where it cannot be lost or hacked before sending anything to it.

Once installed, TronLink works like so in the upper right hand corner of the chrome browser.

Posted Image

While the Tronlink wallet is open, you can then interact with the Tron Dex simply by being there.

This Method is also used for interacting with dapps, but forget that. dapps are not the requested operation for you.

So. If the market starts crashing to hell. You might want to consider selling your TRX for USDT so your value is paired with the USD. Then when you buy back, you'll have more TRX from getting it at a lower price, then you get richer.

Decentralized Exchanges is the way cryptocurrency is meant to be. Peer to Peer. The Government cannot tax this, nor is there a middle man profiting from trades who will have to file and report in. DEX is run by smart contracts. And it's okay to trade cryptocurrency world wide. Cause it ain't money, it belongs to no Federal outlets or banks or governments, it exists on the world wide web.



Google and youtube your concerns. When you find what appears to be a solution look for other cases of people doing it, and as a first test, send the minimum amount. I still think Bitcoin ATM is your best bet. Preferably one that has cheaper options than Bitcoin, but if not you'll have to settle for using Bitcoin to do whatever you plan to do in this space. Youtube the Bitcoin ATM available to you and learn how to use it. From what I know they can generate and print a paper wallet with the private key and QR code and shit, then you don't lose it, and deal with it. Just make sure when you use the machine, no one is there waiting to jump you. A shop inclosure would be ideal. 


Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency
c4 said: 

whats the best cryptocurrency to buy for ez money gainz

 I have my favorites which I talk about here.

Easy money gains ? It is Bitcoin.

At the time of this post the Price is = $8658.380 - Low: $8435.550

(Looks like it's about to test $9,000 again)

If you look at the picture I posted a few minutes ago in the previous post from the time I'm writing this.. There is a tab on the upper right and side with the BTC price about 40 minutes ago. To put this in perspective, if you flipped 1 Bitcoin from then till  now, you would have made nearly $200 in the 40 minutes.

You really need to understand how the market works and why. If you ask me Bitcoin is going to pump because of what's happening in the US. If the US has a bit of a bitcoin blackout, especially on September 1 Bitcoin will surely erupt due to it becomes more rare ( this means it's being traded less, it's price goes up, American's freak out.. But when they gain access to trading again a flood of BTC will come in so you WILL want to sell very soon after that event. 

Monitor Bitcoin with this....

Bitcoin is fast money, but you must sell it very often. It's a daytraders wet dream. 

Also. Every altcoin ( altcoin is any alternative coin ) is reliant on Bitcoin's success. So if Bitcoin hits 9k or 15k or whatever... All the altcoins will boom. You'll then find that holding those were more profitable than they mighty bitcoin itself. Better to go long. 

Posts: 3222
1 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Kraken Exchange ( For Buying Bitcoin in the USofA)


Wikipedia said:
Kraken is a US-based cryptocurrency exchange, founded in 2011.[3][4] The exchange provides cryptocurrency to fiat trading, and provides price information to Bloomberg Terminal.[5]


Been around since 2011. Ok. 

Provides price information to Bloomberg. Bloomberg is a reputable business news that covers everything finance etc.



Reading their tutorial page, and what do you know ? This is just like Shakepay.



Kraken Support said:

How to deposit USD via normal domestic wire and ACH transfers

To deposit USD from within the US (domestic):

1. Check that your account fulfills the requirements.

2. Navigate to the Funding > Deposit > US Dollars (USD) page.

3. Accept the Domestic USD deposit Terms of Service (if not already accepted). Select the US domestic wire transfer option to copy your domestic USD deposit instructions.

5. Send the funds from your bank account. Exactly how this works depends on your bank, but essentially you provide the information shown on your Kraken deposit form to your bank, who will send the funds from your bank account to your domestic USD Kraken deposit account. 

Example USD Deposit Details:

   Account Name: The verified legal name on your Kraken account

   Address: 6070 Poplar Ave #100 Memphis, TN 38119

   Routing Number: *********

   Account Number: ********* (this will be unique to you)

   Bank Name: Evolve Bank and Trust

   Bank/Branch Address: 6070 Poplar Ave #100 Memphis, TN 38119

 To be clear when you set this up in Kraken, there will be information provided to you, the name of their receiving bank, and it has some kind of number or code to it. When you visit the back, you show them this information, they will check this code and see the bank listed on their "OK" list and enter the information you give them. There will be a service fee, unless Kraken is using the same Bank you're using.

This means money is NOT going over sea and the bank will not deny you, the money is going to another American Bank in the US, which is not something they can deny, ever.

Always, always, always, buy cryptocurrency from your own country, or else it will be next to impossible. Once you have the crypto, you can trade it anywhere in the world without a middle man cause, it's peer to peer bitch !


Kraken again... said:

Save your domestic USD deposit details. You can use your domestic USD deposit details as many times as you like to send domestic USD to your Kraken exchange account.

It is no longer necessary to create a deposit placeholder in your Kraken account before sending a domestic USD deposit.

A bank account is required to be added to Kraken profile for USD withdrawals, but not for making USD deposits.

Note: No deposit reference is required for US domestic FedWire/ACH transferdeposit method.

In short

- You set up Kraken. 

- Go to deposit funds

- You'll see a page with everything your bank needs to know ready and waiting ( Including the note section which is your name )

- Your bank will trust the other end, and execute your request.

- Kraken gets the money and they see the note ( which is your name with the amount sent to them )

- Your Kraken account will have USD listed. 


- Get your Ethereum or Bcash, or whatever you want and send it home.

It's important to note, exchanges advise against sending coins from exchange to exchange. So send it to your wallet, then to the next exchange. Binance or something. You have until September 1st to Enjoy Binance without US Government ruling.


last edit on 6/15/2019 12:36:44 AM
Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Thank you so much, since Kraken works like a bank account, do you know how long it takes to set up?

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 3222
1 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Thank you so much, since Kraken works like a bank account, do you know how long it takes to set up?

 More like it has a bank account for your to wire money too, and it'll know the money is from you.

It will probably request identification, considering some of their users are crypto rich and withdraw millions of dollars from their platform, and if some stolen funds enters their space they will have someone to blame. It's for the best.

They might ask you to write something on a piece of paper with the date and take a selfie, or something. 

They might say it can take up to a few days, but it could be done at any minute. I don't know how long the verification process is. But once that's all done, you'll be ready to rip.

It might even have friendly tech support. 

Basically once you get acquainted with Kraken, You'll check on deposit funds. Of course it is domestic. BIG BIG difference, always go domestic.

Then you will see all the information your bank needs. Bring your mobile device to the bank and hand it to them and tell them follow these instructions. And tell them how much you want to send.

The bank will see this as a payment system. They will ask what you're doing, just say it's business. Though I straight up told my bank what I'm doing. The bank teller might be conditioned to say no to cryptocurrency, as most of them don't have a clue about it. But what you're doing is legal.

Usually Kraken tells the SEC "Not today Bitch, we are legal" so it's all good.

Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

Peach and purple colored site ^.^ 🍑🍇

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

We could just wire to coinbase where we are already verified.

The point of this is to buy volume and do an immediate withdraw to an offsite wallet, which wireing allows on coinbase. 

Kraken seems decent though. 

I hate how transparent crypto has become, used to be very easy to buy anonymously. 

Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Cryptocurrency

My local roach exchange allows me to buy Bitcoin for USD or Liras. You can wire me your money to buy you bitcoin for a 10% fee.

If you're afraid of being scammed you can start with amounts like 30$, 50$ etc

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