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Posts: 33586
0 votes RE: Mental Health

...she does go on a fair deal about how they wouldn't miss the money they give her. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 9/8/2019 9:18:37 PM
Posts: 33586
0 votes RE: Mental Health
Bossroach said:
She's trying to say "Give me money when I demand it" in the most manipulative and "reasonable sounding" ways yeah. She can't outright say "Give me money when I demand it" so she's trying to be clever about it but her parents are smarter than her obviously.

It's a very pragmatic and machiavellian way of thinking. "Use these emotional displays to get them to feel this and do this" grade A manipulator.

I feel like she's doing this more automatically in spite of how often she brags about being "cold and calculating" as a cope. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Mental Health

Ya'll... all that happened there with the financial stuff was basically, they threaten *me* with the money. The manipulate *me* with the money. 


Both my dad, and my mom- on two seperate occassions, threatened to take away entire financial support- specifically trying to get me to *talk* about what I talk about with my therapist. 


They just cannot, handle the idea of me having a private life of my own and they try to take that away every time I get anywhere close to it. This is the nature of a controlling parent. They think they are entitled to every decision I make- they think they own me- even the thoughts in my head, and what I discuss with my therapist in private. 


When I told my mother, I'm adult- you cannot legally, go past those bounds. You can't, go in my mail. My apartment. My email even. You cannot make all my decisions for me anymore. I live my own life. And you certainly legally do not have access to any of my psychiatric or medical records. 


She absolutely *imploded* because holding the money over my head didn't work. When I said, "I give up, I don't care anymore. Because I'm tired." I didn't do this *on purpose* I was opening up to her genuinely, about the fact that I was so, incredibly tired of this shit. Fighting for personal space, etc. 


And she stomp stomp slammed and did all the usual shit fit bull shit she does trying to make my life a personal hell, screaming at me, and then crying to my father, who in turn punishes me for upsetting her. And comes to me with the same demands she has- about telling me what I discuss with my therapist. 


Even though I very patiently calmly, kindly and genuinely- meant it, when I said to her- I am not ready to talk, but when I can I will. And I explained in depth why this was and gave actual reason for it. 


I don't want my parents money, I told her. Sell the car, the computer, the apartment. Sell all my belongings. I do, not, care anymore. Take it all away. 


Because I'm sick, of them holding it over my head. 



And the reason I "went back to them" after being homeless, I was doing ok on my own. I got a scholarship to university, I had a job, I had friends. I was living with my grandmother. I didn't need them. I got into a carwreck though and lost my car, so that made things difficult but, not really because I lived in an extremely small town I could literally walk everywhere lol. 


But yeah the reason why I went back to my parents on summer, is because I was literally having like mental breakdowns from PTSD while in school and it was really shitty. And I thought that if I went home and absolved things, in a mature way. Confronted them. Made "right" our relationship, maybe I would be less tortured with it all. Like I was depressed and shit and, I thought you know if I got some sort of closure or healing. If I could get them to accept me as who I was... etc. Maybe I could make everything okay again. I wanted to mend the, relationship. I wanted to try. Because otherwise, coping with the fact I'd never have a family again the rest of my life was really depressing me at the time and I could barely cope with it. 


But yeah the plan backfired, it didn't go well *at all* and they locked me in my room and threw away the key. Literally. And they said they were going to keep me in there for 1 year, and I was to work for my father at home- I wasn't allowed to go back to university. I wasn't allowed to go outside. Have friends. The plug was pulled, they took away the computer the phone everything but a fucking mattress. And they beat me, and forced me to do chores. 


Because I came home and tried to, make things right. To express how I really felt. To show them who I was. And expressed a desire for change. And I kind of stood my ground. You know. They really didn't like that. 

last edit on 9/8/2019 10:56:16 PM
Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Mental Health
Blanc said: 

Ya'll... all that happened there with the financial stuff was basically, they threaten *me* with the money. The manipulate *me* with the money. 


Both my dad, and my mom- on two seperate occassions, threatened to take away entire financial support- specifically trying to get me to *talk* about what I talk about with my therapist. 


They just cannot, handle the idea of me having a private life of my own and they try to take that away every time I get anywhere close to it. This is the nature of a controlling parent. They think they are entitled to every decision I make- they think they own me- even the thoughts in my head, and what I discuss with my therapist in private. 


When I told my mother, I'm adult- you cannot legally, go past those bounds. You can't, go in my mail. My apartment. My email even. You cannot make all my decisions for me anymore. I live my own life. And you certainly legally do not have access to any of my psychiatric or medical records. 


She absolutely *imploded* because holding the money over my head didn't work. When I said, "I give up, I don't care anymore. Because I'm tired." I didn't do this *on purpose* I was opening up to her genuinely, about the fact that I was so, incredibly tired of this shit. Fighting for personal space, etc. 


And she stomp stomp slammed and did all the usual shit fit bull shit she does trying to make my life a personal hell, screaming at me, and then crying to my father, who in turn punishes me for upsetting her. And comes to me with the same demands she has- about telling me what I discuss with my therapist. 


Even though I very patiently calmly, kindly and genuinely- meant it, when I said to her- I am not ready to talk, but when I can I will. And I explained in depth why this was and gave actual reason for it. 


I don't want my parents money, I told her. Sell the car, the computer, the apartment. Sell all my belongings. I do, not, care anymore. Take it all away. 


Because I'm sick, of them holding it over my head. 

 Great statement. Now, tell us, what really happened?

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Mental Health
Blanc said: 




And the reason I "went back to them" after being homeless, I was doing ok on my own. I got a scholarship to university, I had a job, I had friends. I was living with my grandmother. I didn't need them. I got into a carwreck though and lost my car, so that made things difficult but, not really because I lived in an extremely small town I could literally walk everywhere lol. 


But yeah the reason why I went back to my parents on summer, is because I was literally having like mental breakdowns from PTSD while in school and it was really shitty. And I thought that if I went home and absolved things, in a mature way. Confronted them. Made "right" our relationship, maybe I would be less tortured with it all. Like I was depressed and shit and, I thought you know if I got some sort of closure or healing. If I could get them to accept me as who I was... etc. Maybe I could make everything okay again. I wanted to mend the, relationship. I wanted to try. Because otherwise, coping with the fact I'd never have a family again the rest of my life was really depressing me at the time and I could barely cope with it. 


But yeah the plan backfired, it didn't go well *at all* and they locked me in my room and threw away the key. Literally. And they said they were going to keep me in there for 1 year, and I was to work for my father at home- I wasn't allowed to go back to university. I wasn't allowed to go outside. Have friends. The plug was pulled, they took away the computer the phone everything but a fucking mattress. And they beat me, and forced me to do chores. 


Because I came home and tried to, make things right. To express how I really felt. To show them who I was. And expressed a desire for change. And I kind of stood my ground. You know. They really didn't like that. 

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Mental Health

sounds rough my dude, thoughts and prayers to you

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Mental Health

Nothing stops you from getting a job and moving on your own. But you won't because you're an entitled parasite.

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Mental Health

After that I escaped, this wasn't my first time doing it so it wasn't a big deal to me. But this time I decided to go far, far away and live with my friend who was in the air force. And he had a bunch of friends and they lived in a house together so. 


I went there to have somewhere to live. And then those friends decided to pull an intervention on me and detox me in their home, which failed because they left me with a phone and an unlocked window. I was serious when I said yes to agreeing to get cleaned up for them so I could stay there in their house. 


But, two days later you know it's not the same person because you're in withdrawal and it's hell you'll do anything to make it stop and you're not in your right mind. Met someone online in seconds that was willing to hook up with me and give me whatever I fucking wanted so I said fuck it. 


I was an angry depressed kid at this time, I was mixed up, I was suicidal and I was sick with addiction like, mentally sick. I didn't have my head on straight at all and the actions of that time reflect that ok. I know, they don't look good. 


And yeah eventually the fun ran out when the money ran out and I went for a walk on the beach on morning and a cig, the girl I was living with was asking me for money that I didn't have. I was stressed out. And my mom calls me out of the blue. I swear to god. And she just started tearing into me and it broke me up inside and I just started sobbing because I couldn't take it anymore. And I told her I don't knwo what to do anymore and I was out of money and blah blah blah crying sobbing. Typical addict. And she said, I'm not giving you any money but you can come home if you go to rehab otherwise, you stay there and stay fucked. Essentially. 


So obviously I chose to go to rehab. 

Posts: 33586
0 votes RE: Mental Health
Blanc said: 

Ya'll... all that happened there with the financial stuff was basically, they threaten *me* with the money. The manipulate *me* with the money. 

They couldn't threaten you with money if you had your own source of income, y'know? 

They just cannot, handle the idea of me having a private life of my own and they try to take that away every time I get anywhere close to it.

It's not a private life of your own if you're on their bill. Accepting funds from them grants them some liberties. 

This is the nature of a controlling parent. They think they are entitled to every decision I make- they think they own me

As long as you're on their bill, you're kind of like their pet. If you have a real objection about it, get out of that trap. 

When I told my mother, I'm adult- you cannot legally, go past those bounds. You can't, go in my mail. My apartment. My email even. You cannot make all my decisions for me anymore. I live my own life. And you certainly legally do not have access to any of my psychiatric or medical records. 

Okay, but did she actually do any of this or did you just tell her that? 

She absolutely *imploded* because holding the money over my head didn't work. When I said, "I give up, I don't care anymore. Because I'm tired." I didn't do this *on purpose* I was opening up to her genuinely, about the fact that I was so, incredibly tired of this shit. Fighting for personal space, etc. 

You are acting kinda entitled, honestly. I mean I get the privacy desires, but "holding money over your head" would stop being a thing if it wasn't their money

And she stomp stomp slammed and did all the usual shit fit bull shit she does trying to make my life a personal hell, screaming at me, and then crying to my father, who in turn punishes me for upsetting her. And comes to me with the same demands she has- about telling me what I discuss with my therapist. 

How often do you see them these days? 

Even though I very patiently calmly, kindly and genuinely- meant it, when I said to her- I am not ready to talk, but when I can I will. And I explained in depth why this was and gave actual reason for it. 

With your drug habit past, I could see why that'd concern them. If you have things to hide, you could be using again. 

I don't want my parents money, I told her. Sell the car, the computer, the apartment. Sell all my belongings. I do, not, care anymore. Take it all away. 

You could do it yourself if you really meant it. Saying it's just a power move. 

Because I'm sick, of them holding it over my head. 

So do something about it. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 9/8/2019 11:06:59 PM
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Mental Health

Nothing stops you from getting a job and moving on your own. But you won't because you're an entitled parasite.

After the year that I went to rehab, I studied phlebotomy instead of continuing my bio chem degree because I honestly wasn't sure if I could stay sober. But this gave me a year to try and fail and try again. No drug testing till the end of the year when it was time for internship. 


So yeah that gave me time to clean up my shit as best I could it was rocky but, I studied really hard and I made straight A's 


I also got my life guard certification and started working as a swim instructor and life guard. 


And I went on to do really well in my phlebotomy internship and passed that drug test, as well as the final- with flying colors. 


Then my mom decided to offer me a job working at her office, and I asked for a sales job and I was like yo teach me make me do whatever. Because I was doing grunt work and I'd rather have a desk and a phone than the work I was doing. and then the boss learned that I actually had spent a bit in design school before I transferred to bio-chem and was like with that knowledge you could do more than just sales, you could be a designer but show me some designs and maybe i'll take you on the team. 


So I showed him some designs and then he was like yeah come with us to this conference in october for designers but for now just say you work in marketing and design when you go to events. And so I started working under two designers of his, and going to events with them and what not. And basicaly doing the dirty work of a designer that they don't want to do but it's still technical design work. 


Also the year I was living in california (when i lived with the friend in the air force and then wound up livign with a girl i met on the internet) I did art installations for my sisters art company, and that's how I made ends meet. but it wasn't stable obviously and thats how i wound up running out of money out there. 


Oh and I worked in a hair salon for a while too after that. 


when i was living with my grandmother i worked in a clinic there in town 

and before i got the scholarship to university so my grandmother wouldn't take me in at that point, i got a job through the friend that took me in working in a restaraunt, and before that, i relied on the kindness of strangers being homeless which *sucked* i was literally, on the street. 


but anyway, also gbe ideal because that would be a lot more money than just odd jobs and what not. 

rowing up i worked as a baby sitter. when i lived in mexico i worked with animals and rescuing them. 

i was also a working actor as a child and made money that way. 


and i'm not a parasite, i'm a nice person i care about other people, i'm compassionate and understanding. and i've done a shit ton of volunteer work i just don't sit here with my resume listing it off like a dingus because i dunno it doesn't come to mind to fucking do that. you just don't know about my life alright lol 


But yeah anyway, I've been looking for jobs in phlebetomy, because it's been up in the air for me what I really want to do. And if I really want to do design the rest of my life when I really was going to school for medical passions... but right now I just don't feel mentally stable enough to like go to school and... stuff so yeah. and i want to stay in my apartment so the goal is to start working *anywhere* before that time is up. it's just phlebotomy would provide more money than odd jobs is why i'm hoping to stay in that. 

last edit on 9/8/2019 11:19:51 PM
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