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Posts: 54

Walked on water was debated over if it meant to walk on it like one of those weird running lizards, or if he simply walked beside the water and the texts when translated left some wiggle room for it's meaning. 

Could perhaps the same be said over The Mark, where : 

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Most people are right handed, could this perhaps be over one's signature, or one's SSI number? Could this be as a contract something less literal, since at this point to track someone they don't really need to be microchipped? 

Forehead is the only one throwing me off, but to borrow from the symbols of now that'd have me question if it's meant to be over the Pineal Gland: 

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Now if I am to take this at face value, in conjunction with the current state of First World Culture and old, super outdated religious entries, there were many occurrences where it was said if not implied that those of darker skin are not pure, that those of the faith would expect wickedness in proportion to it and that how dark they are shows how much harder they'd have to work to connect to The Lord. 

When you look at what sort of media has surfaced since the Civil Rights Movement, we have seen Rap culture (an aspect of harsh, spoken rhythm with intimidating themes) be used as a delivery device for Record Company Evils, using their contracts on aspiring artists to spiritually contract their listeners even when the artists are well intentioned people. The music is used through sponsorships and the material itself to sell The Seven Deadly Sins, time and time again. Since then we have even seen Melanated Culture spread and become modeled off of, even in other countries like South Korea: 

It is no mystery that the opposite of Nature themes tend to be City ones, and these are often used as the proponent for such culture to give it wings and destroy Nature. The term "Urban" both translates to meaning "City" and "Black" by modern nomenclature. They are even referred to as a cursed people in the bit about 'The Sons of Noah'. To even look up Melanin these days mostly brings up black people, which links to the pineal which links to Satanic contracts, all done through the hypnosis of rhythm with the most direct form of lyrics you could find, lending to repetition through modeling as the bass beat pierces people's resistances and the words are beaten into people. 

The Bible and Biblical History have paved the path towards Racism, and the US was founded on Christian practices. Yet another reason why it is superior to be Satanic, as between the two that is the more accepting, less racist philosophy. Satanic practices are how we've founded better food, modern medicine, better culture, and far more freedoms than the formerly oppressive model, and is responsible for Racial and Gender rights becoming founded overtime through resources such as 'Wokeness', lending to crossbreeding of the races much to the horror of racists. To be a good person to your fellow (wo)man, you have to at least be a little Satanic. 

TLDR; Hail Satan. šŸ˜ˆ

Side note. He's also Jewish and gave Trump Jewish grandchildren, so it's funny when the programmed masses call Trump a Nazi.

The people over at 8kun already see him as a sellout towards the Jewish agenda, not one of "the real ones", and their rhetoric over it is way more biting than any Liberal's could ever hope to be. šŸ˜³

 Dude, the devil can give you the best life in this world, but itā€™s fleeting, as is his time on earth. He hates humans and wants to drag us down with him. It wasnā€™t hard for me to find God because my family has always been about God and going to church, so it was a gift from the previous generations in my family. 

The Bible says the lowly will inherit the kingdom. The poor will and not the rich. Most black people are poor, according to everyone in america, so we will inherit the kingdom of God. So will the pedos that that chick hates so much. So will the psychopaths and sociopaths who deny their urges and turn to God.

The people this world hates the most will be saved and the others will suffer. It will be a complete role reversal, as God loves everyone, but doesnā€™t tolerate devil worshipers or lovers. If you love the world or are confirmed to the world, you wonā€™t get everlasting life. Youā€™ll go down with the devil who made the world as terrible as it is. Look at that chick who is calling me a child molester or pedo or whatever.

You can feel the hate through her words and the way she treats people who arenā€™t evil to me, even though Iā€™m not even a pedo or a child molester. She doesnā€™t even care about the truth, but God knows the truth and God loves the truth. God is love and she is displaying pure hatred towards someone who isnā€™t what she claims they are.

Itā€™s definitely demonic in nature, her hatred, as it is blind and misguided. Sheā€™s being deceived by a demon or the devil himself, but she really needs to turn to God and save her soul, as it seems to be in danger of being devoured. Jesus is the only way to free yourself from hate and the ties that bind you to this evil world. Donā€™t let the devil drag you down with him.

Anyway, black people will likely mostly go to Heaven. I believe it says in the Bible that the slaves will become the masters and black people used to be slaves. 

Posts: 54
Canary said: 

The Bible and Biblical History have paved the path towards Racism, and the US was founded on Christian practices.

I don't think that's true. The Bible is aginst racism, and every race in the world reads the Bible. 

God was fine with Slavery, it took arguably Satanic practices to abolish it, lending to future generations Cherrypicking The Bible, Twisting it's Wisdom rather than recognizing it for the barbarous and insane nature of the book. It does not take much work to find the backwards practices in that book that civilized people learned to ignore via Satan. Civilized folk even eat of cheese and drink of wine, both classic Satanic preparations of fermented, rotted components of God. 

There's museums that collect the stuff, it's really crazy to see. While in LA I saw a collection of backwards things and they had an entire section for Christian Racism in the early US. 

It's more worth asking why so many have read The Bible, and what they got out of it. 

Yet another reason why it is superior to be Satanic, as between the two that is the more accepting, less racist philosophy.

If everyone were Satanic we wouldn't have made it this far.

We've made it this far because of being Satanic.

Without it we'd still be picking berries off of bushes and wearing untailored animal furs, dying to the common cold in caves after being weakened by Nature through infected cuts and scrapes, through fungal infections from damp environments. 

Satanic practices are how we've founded better food, better culture, and far more freedoms than the formerly oppressive model, and is responsible for Racial and Gender rights becoming founded overtime through resources such as 'Wokeness', lending to crossbreeding of the races much to the horror of racists. To be a good person to your fellow (wo)man, you have to at least be a little Satanic. 

TLDR; Hail Satan. šŸ˜ˆ

What better food? Freakin carrots are bad for us. Most of our food is shit, and the most delicious foods contribute to poor health and can be fatal.

Give me a copy of your grocery list and I will explain how it is all Satanic in one way or another. 

Most plants we eat were Neotenized into that form no differently from how we warped the Avacado through our Twist on Wisdom. A lot of food was barely edible until we did enough shit to it to change it at it's base form, so that it may produce more of the food we made rather than the one of God's template. 

Our cultures isn't the best for our souls either. Sure we like it, but it can't sustain eternally. Most popular music is secular, but being perverted isn't what makes a song great. Most music is disordered, made to be dramatic or sexual, the messages will only amuse for awhile. We 


The people over at 8kun already see him as a sellout towards the Jewish agenda, not one of "the real ones", and their rhetoric over it is way more biting than any Liberal's could ever hope to be. šŸ˜³

 Jewish people like Trump, he's done great things for them. 

To those who connect Jewish practices with Money Evil, they do not trust Trump over how he 'gave them his children'. 

8kun's a fucking mess. 

 Iā€™m in shock that you could think these things. Being in Godā€™s presence is far better than anything the devil could ever provide us. Iā€™ve never liked this world, ever since I can remember. I didnā€™t understand why I had to live by other peopleā€™s rules when they are no better than me. Who are they to say what I can and canā€™t do? Thatā€™s what I always thought, so it made sense to me to submit to the creator of everything. He is the creator, which is why he can tell us what to do and we should listen without question.

He is also good and that means trust worthy. Itā€™s strange how someone who lives on disability could be happy with the way the world works. You enjoy being poor and knowing that others are suffering while you throw away food that could save their lives? How is that something you can live with? It literally makes me want to kill myself when I see rich people wasting millions on watches when little babies are dying of hunger and thirst and are homeless and homeless.

How can that be better than everyone having access to food and water with the only catch being that they have to believe in Jesus and what he did for us? Adam and Eve didnā€™t even know they were naked and the fruit that grew in the garden of Eden was better than anything we have access to now.

The food we have now is engineered to be better because it was originally planted by man and not by God. God isnā€™t just our lord and savior. He is the creator of the universe. You donā€™t think he can make food thatā€™s beyond your imagination? He can do anything. Far more than the devil can. Plus, the devil lies and leads you astray, whereas God is honest and is trying to lead you to eternal life in paradise. Just learn more about God and youā€™ll see Heā€™s way better.

Plus, He already defeated the devil, so Heā€™s the ultimate winner and the devil is a loser. Donā€™t be a loser with him. Finally, God doesnā€™t condone slavery, but it was the practice of the day, so he provided rules for the people in that day to live by. He isnā€™t evil, so he isnā€™t going to say you have to leave everything you know, behind.

He is going to make it possible for us to know Him and please Him, so heā€™s going to give us rules for what we are already doing and not try to make heaven on earth yet, because he knows we are not perfect and it would be impossible for us. God doesnā€™t want us to fail him, so he works with us and not against us.

He doesnā€™t condone sin, but he doesnā€™t say we arenā€™t allowed to sin at all or else we will be doomed. He gives us a way to redeem ourselves instead of forbidding sin all together with no way to recover or get back into His good graces. He sent Jesus to die for our sins so we didnā€™t have to go down. He provided Ten Commandments that we have to follow and none of them say you have to have slaves.

He isnā€™t for slavery. Heā€™s all about love. Sometimes Godā€™s love seems like itā€™s condoning evil practices because love isnā€™t rigid. It doesnā€™t demand the impossible. It allows free will and is full of understanding, patience, and compromise. Itā€™s like how I love everyone, even if they are child molesters or rapists or pedos. Hate the sin and not the sinner.

Mistakes happen and the devil is at play, so itā€™s not 100% their fault. God doesnā€™t say you canā€™t have evil desires. He says you must turn from them and not indulge in them and if you do, you must repent. That doesnā€™t mean He condones rape or sex offenders and neither do I. It means he understands us and loves us and forgives us if we see the error of our ways and turn from them, even if we already did them. 

Posts: 54
Canary said: 

The Bible and Biblical History have paved the path towards Racism, and the US was founded on Christian practices.

I don't think that's true. The Bible is aginst racism, and every race in the world reads the Bible. 

God was fine with Slavery, it took arguably Satanic practices to abolish it, lending to future generations Cherrypicking The Bible, Twisting it's Wisdom rather than recognizing it for the barbarous and insane nature of the book. It does not take much work to find the backwards practices in that book that civilized people learned to ignore via Satan. Civilized folk even eat of cheese and drink of wine, both classic Satanic preparations of fermented, rotted components of God. 

There's museums that collect the stuff, it's really crazy to see. While in LA I saw a collection of backwards things and they had an entire section for Christian Racism in the early US. 

It's more worth asking why so many have read The Bible, and what they got out of it. 

Yet another reason why it is superior to be Satanic, as between the two that is the more accepting, less racist philosophy.

If everyone were Satanic we wouldn't have made it this far.

We've made it this far because of being Satanic.

Without it we'd still be picking berries off of bushes and wearing untailored animal furs, dying to the common cold in caves after being weakened by Nature through infected cuts and scrapes, through fungal infections from damp environments. 

Satanic practices are how we've founded better food, better culture, and far more freedoms than the formerly oppressive model, and is responsible for Racial and Gender rights becoming founded overtime through resources such as 'Wokeness', lending to crossbreeding of the races much to the horror of racists. 


 Jewish people like Trump, he's done great things for them. 

To those who connect Jewish practices with Money Evil, they do not trust Trump over how he 'gave them his children'. 

8kun's a fucking mess. 

 An example of you misunderstanding God in your statement that God was fine with slavery, is when He says in the Bible that if a man is a slave and you set him free and he is married, you have to set the wife free to. This is because the owner let them marry and they became one in Godā€™s eyes and thus, if one is free, so is the other. Slavery existed before the Bible was written. 

The Bible then says that if the wife has a baby while still a slave and the husband is set free, the wife must stay a slave, but the husband has a choice to leave as a free man, or stay and be a slave forever. This is due to the baby now being the property of the owner, as this was how that worked back in the day.

Since the baby is a slave, the mom canā€™t leave with the husband because she has to take care of the baby, who isnā€™t married to the mom or dad, so isnā€™t one and therefore, is a separate person who the owner didnā€™t set free. God didnā€™t want the wife to leave the child, so she doesnā€™t automatically go free when the husband is allowed to go free.

 This seems to me like both a punishment for the mom having a baby in that situation, but also practical because it makes it fair for all parties involved. Wouldnā€™t it be evil to force the owner to give up three slaves for the price of one? That would be favoring the slaves, but God isnā€™t just for the slaves. Heā€™s for the owners too. He wants everyone to follow him. He doesnā€™t play favorites.

 The love he has allows everyone to follow him regardless of their status. Regarding the father who has the option to be free or a slave for life, this is a choice that involves righteousness versus selfishness for the man. Thatā€™s why the wrong choice has a harsh punishment. The wrong choice is to stay.

 This is because if he stays, they all suffer for as long as the master wishes. If he leaves, he can save his family by purchasing them back later, after he gets money as a free man. God isnā€™t trying to make him leave his family, but is instead punishing selfishness. If the man stays, itā€™s because HE doesnā€™t want his family to suffer without him or doesnā€™t want to be without them or doesnā€™t want them to think he abandoned them or doesnā€™t want to leave his baby because he will miss too much.

 These things fail to take into consideration the fact that they will suffer regardless of what he does, itā€™s just the amount of time that they will suffer that is the difference. They may suffer forever like him, if he stays, but they have a better chance of being free if he leaves. Before Jesus, God used to punish us right then and there when we messed up, via the rules he set, but after Jesus, we now have until the end to mess up and get back on track and then get punished if we eventually make the wrong choice.

Thatā€™s Godā€™s love. He knows what is right and we donā€™t. We canā€™t understand his ways because we are not perfect or all knowing or all seeing. What God does may seem harsh or to condone evil practices, but it really isnā€™t. Itā€™s just that we donā€™t understand because we canā€™t. We are blinded by selfishness, greed, etc., so we can only see what suits us best and not what suits everyone equally.

God is just being fair and loving and we see it as mean or condoning bad stuff because we are not loving or fair. Slavery was already a thing. God just provided roles on how to do it fairly and in accordance with the truth, which is the truth of marriage, which is that God makes two people into one, so you must honor that as a slave owner, if you decide to allow them to marry.

As a slave, if you choose to bring a child into that life, instead of waiting until youā€™re free, you have to deal with the consequences and stay with your child in slavery. If you choose to put your immediate needs over the ultimate needs of your family, the consequences are perpetual slavery for you because thatā€™s what you chose.

You chose to be owned when you could have been free, which is letting your family down and letting God down, in the end, because he doesnā€™t want you or your family to be enslaved. He didnā€™t set up the practice of slavery. He just made rules for it. Just like he doesnā€™t do or stop the evil things that happen in this world. He just makes the evil things work for good.

He makes them lead to good things in the end. He allows free will, but corrects the evil trajectory of it. He doesnā€™t stop it because that would be taking away free will of one to help the other, which is picking favorites. He loves us all and not just the ones who suffer. He even loves the ones who make others suffer.

He doesnā€™t like that they make others suffer, but he subscribes to the saying, ā€œhate the sin, not the sinner.ā€ He loves us all equally and that means he doesnā€™t stop us from choosing, but he instead weaves the evil deed into the fabric of goodness so it leads to good and not to evil. The deed is evil, but itā€™s fruits are good.

Posts: 3965

quintasia walker is still a child molesting pedophile and her mother tanisha bostick is an enabling disgusting excuse for a mother. one of her daughters is a child molester, one son committed suicide.

Posts: 79

Do you think you have special amnesty or something? Why do you keep printing her name here?

Posts: 832
Canary said: 
Revelation 13:16-18 said:
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

 They did prevent people from buying and selling without the vaccine and you even wrote that, ā€œwe had anti-vaccine protesters get the bank accounts frozen, their mortgage blown, and even their pets euthanizedā€

If your bank account is frozen, how do you buy stuff? Also, you had to have the vaccine to go to Comic Con.

That was the Canadian Liberal Party's response to anti-vaxxers blocking a road for several days, and not the vaccine.

The whole pandemic I was making bank from home, and using my credit card, and paying it off. No, nothing stopped me from buying or selling. Nor were you stopped from buying or selling, let's be realistic here.

Not every nation had a vaccine mandate. To be clear my bank account wasn't frozen or whatever. 


You had to show them your vaccination card thing and I just used my momā€™s, but they wouldnā€™t allow you to go in without proving you got the vaccine. Some people couldnā€™t work without getting it and in some places, you couldnā€™t shop or be a vender without being vaccinated.

I donā€™t think the chip will be the mark of the beast because it will be in the left hand of left handed people because thatā€™s the hand they use most. The chip will bring about the end of all Christians because they will be killed for not having it, Iā€™m sure, but no one would get it in their forehead because then youā€™d have to hit your head to buy stuff.

Let's face it. The financial revolution has already begun and we're moving toward a cashless society. There are rich people who never even seen or touched money in ages.

In a cashless society, the chip will absolutely be a key to buying and selling, especially if they made the RFID implant chip mandatory.

The vaccine today is unpopular among the people, a lot of people don't want it, it's failed, and things have gotten pretty normal considering no one is afraid of getting COVID-19. The vaccine really has no grip on us at the moment. It had years to do it even.


Also, the number of the beast kind of confirms that it was the vaccine, but it could also be the chip because they could put the same stuff in the chip or with the chip. I believe it says there was an hour of something in the Bible and there were two halves, so many the first half is the vaccine era and the second is the chip. The chip wonā€™t be mandatory though because nothing is. There is always a choice.

"let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666."



You might have to die to avoid it, but itā€™s like the vaccine. They made it seem mandatory or you would die, so Iā€™d say itā€™s both or the vaccine, just because it changes your DNA to non God DNA and the vaccine goes to your brain, and I forgot what the right hand actually stands for, but I might recall later. 

They totally tried to do that. Instill fear and then a cash grab. Trillions of dollars, no joke.

That would've been a life tax. Essentially, Pay or die.


The antichrist declares himself Jesus/the messiah, in the Jewish church or temple is what it says, so Andrew Tate isnā€™t the antichrist. There is a Jewish guy already claiming to be Jesus who is Jewish. The Jewish people recognize him as their messiah right now. Look it up. Tate is just another sinner.


Tate does fit the description very well down to the number of his name, except the calculation doesn't consider his full name, and his time here isn't up, plus he influences young men, which is a valuable resource to any nation. When we're out to take over nations we don't send the ladies y'know, they would get steamrolled. If the prophet Muhammed was around he'd shake Andrew Tates hand, and while that isn't happening, the islamic world is ecstatic about him right now, plus they can't seem to get rid of him.

"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

I saw that Jewish guy. He was surrounded by excited fans. The man wears glasses so I thought, If he's a healer, why not restore his vision ?

In the Torah, Christ's name is Yeshua. This kinda shows how so many don't study the Bible. Something like this should be an easy one. Like if someone shows up, and they are convincingly Christ, it shouldn't be him by the book. I think the only way one would see Christ today, is if they have an NDE, which is interesting cause everyone who experienced NDE's with Christ all describe him in the same way. 

Posts: 33607
LilPumpette said:
"No way guys, there's no way God condones slavery even if it's in his Holy Book!" 

That's what you sound like. 

EĢµĢšĢØxĢøĢ¾ĶŽiĢ“Ģ½ĶšsĢµĶĢ»tĢ·ĶĶ…eĢ·Ķ ĢÆnĢ“ĢšĢ¤tĢµĢ…Ģ»iĢµĢæĶ‰aĢ“ĶŠĢ®lĢµĢ‚Ķ Ģ“Ģ•Ģ¹DĢµĶ€Ģ¤eĢøĶ‚Ķ“tĢµĶ‚Ģ¢eĢ“ĶƒĶ•cĢøĢ„Ģ—tĢ“ĢæĢ—iĢ¶ĢˆĢŖvĢ·ĢĢ²eĢµĢĶ”
Posts: 2392

quintasia walker is still a child molesting pedophile and her mother tanisha bostick is an enabling disgusting excuse for a mother. one of her daughters is a child molester, one son committed suicide.

 I prefer innocent until proven guilty. Witch burning went out long ago.

Posts: 33607
LiYang said: 

quintasia walker is still a child molesting pedophile and her mother tanisha bostick is an enabling disgusting excuse for a mother. one of her daughters is a child molester, one son committed suicide.

 I prefer innocent until proven guilty. Witch burning went out long ago.

Like usual, your lack of research is betrayed in your words. 

EĢµĢšĢØxĢøĢ¾ĶŽiĢ“Ģ½ĶšsĢµĶĢ»tĢ·ĶĶ…eĢ·Ķ ĢÆnĢ“ĢšĢ¤tĢµĢ…Ģ»iĢµĢæĶ‰aĢ“ĶŠĢ®lĢµĢ‚Ķ Ģ“Ģ•Ģ¹DĢµĶ€Ģ¤eĢøĶ‚Ķ“tĢµĶ‚Ģ¢eĢ“ĶƒĶ•cĢøĢ„Ģ—tĢ“ĢæĢ—iĢ¶ĢˆĢŖvĢ·ĢĢ²eĢµĢĶ”
Posts: 832
LiYang said: 

quintasia walker is still a child molesting pedophile and her mother tanisha bostick is an enabling disgusting excuse for a mother. one of her daughters is a child molester, one son committed suicide.

 I prefer innocent until proven guilty. Witch burning went out long ago.

 LiYang ? Is that you ? You're looking pretty buff there.

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