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kill yourself disgusting pedophile

isn't it funny how nice and polite and friendly all the right wing ppl are to a literal child molester cunt. so agreeable and helpful to her, aww

Where does Right Wing start moving from the Left? What policies?

Posts: 3965
LiYang said: 

kill yourself disgusting pedophile

isn't it funny how nice and polite and friendly all the right wing ppl are to a literal child molester cunt. so agreeable and helpful to her, aww

Where does Right Wing start moving from the Left? What policies?

 when the people who are being polite and hospitable to a child molester identify as right wing

Posts: 298
Revelation 13:16-18 said:
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
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Some people already have this. It's an RFID chip like the ones we find in credit cards. People are able to make payments with the tap of their hand, unlock doors, start cars etc. 
As we move into a cashless society, there will be a push for everyone to get chipped, as they say, "for their own safety". Of course payments would be trackable so things like mugging someone for credit/digital currency, will be traceable and the criminal have have their chip shut off and they'll be unable to pay for anything. Quite possibly stolen funds will be returned by authorities.
The method used for implanting these chips is done with a large needle, so it would be possible to modify the needle to add some kind of drug along with the implant. 
With such implants in a cashless society, we couldn't even have a yard sale without being taxed, while gifting money will probably need some type of explinatination, like issuing an allowance to loved ones. Regardless our spending habits will be monitored, so beware of gifting to anyone who runs a business.
As for the vaccine, it was a big psyop, the importance of the vaccine is diminished at this point in time, the masses are fed up with it as it's showcased to be useless. Dr. Fauci himself tested positive for COVID-19 three times.
What data the powers that be did collect, is how receptive to force the masses are under pressure. Lockdowns and spreading fear did have people lining up and social distancing. Many of us wore masks to avoid unwanted attention. We also had people wishing death on the unvaccinated, blaming them for spreading the virus, while it was the vaccinated who were spreading the virus the most, while they believed they couldn't possibly do that as they were told.
With that I'd imagine the vaccine is a taste of things to come. No one is barred from buying anything with the vaccine. We had protests from people who rejected the vaccine, for that I am grateful, not all hope is lost.
The Mark of the Beast from what I gather will be forced. The not to distant future will have a more radical civilization where people will call for people who don't comply to be banned or locked out, maybe even exterminated. The modern world is easily less humane than we've seen in our lifetime.
Is any of this the mark of the beast ? I simply do not know, it doesn't look good though. Getting chipped is complete ownage, especially while the world is submitting to cancel culture. Canada...... We already had our government cancel people. Protestors, maybe their mobile phones showed that they spent a significant amount of time at the truckers protest, and we had anti-vaccine protesters get the bank accounts frozen, their mortgage blown, and even their pets euthanized.
Ecclesiastes 10:2-4 ESV 

"A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fool's heart to the left. Even when the fool walks on the road, he lacks sense, and he says to everyone that he is a fool. If the anger of the ruler rises against you, do not leave your place, for calmness will lay great offenses to rest."
This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. 

 My number #1 suspect, is.... And this is without confirmation.

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Emory Andrew Tate III

Better known as just "Andrew Tate"

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Also known as "Cobra Tate" or Cobra ( Interestingly enough a serpent. )

And this is without bias, I like the Tates a lot. I leave an open channel to anyone who takes the world by storm, and Andrew Tate has certainly made an impact the past 6 months. He's done what other people of influence couldn't. 

He did open his own bank ( like anyone can really ) It's not just his influence. The beast/antichrist will have to say great things okay, and will have to influence over right winged minds in order to be a great deceiver.

And he does say great things, and he scores admiration from the most powerful human beings, they young male. When it's time to take over a world, they send young men who are generally strong and have higher stamina. Andrew Tate is basically a commander for men worldwide out of sheer admiration. He isn't just admired, but also emulated. 

The kicker is if and when Andrew Tate changes course. Alpha males, and created alphas across the globe might be prone to following Tate down a dark path. He is materialistic to a degree. 27-30 Super Cars, the properties, the multiple women. It's very Earthly in biblical terms, and when the heart lays in material things that rust and don't last, we're not prepared for eternal riches.

To Muslims, their version of the Antichrist is called the Dajjal, which translates to "The Deceiver".  The Dajjal metaphorically is said to be blind in his right eye, while Andrew wears shades because his right eye is damaged and is ultra sensitive to light, maybe he can end up losing vision on his right eye. His spiritual side seems pretty solid, as he does acknowledge good and evil in the world. The Tate Brothers are close to the point where all of their bank accounts are shared accounts, which is similar to how close God and the Devil are. Tristan being the Christian and more laid back, while Andrew being Muslim is more outgoing and loud. I sometimes wonder if Tristan will ever turn on Andrew or if he ever keeps him in check behind the scenes. It's unknown really.  

If Andrew Tate visits Mecca, then he couldn't be the Dajjal, as the Dajjal is said to not enter Mecca in his time. From my understanding Andrew is still new to Islam, and hasn't visited Mecca to date.

Questioning Andrew Tate is difficult, despite the amount of hits his videos gets, videos like this one don't get much views at all. I had to dig pretty deep to even find this. For that reason I wouldn't advise digging around or promoting this, cause we really don't know what's going on with this man, and how is he even able to defeat Tik Tok and Google without making a cent from them, while being banned. If the devil does grant wealth in his kingdom which is the Earth, then it could be done with Tate.

While a lot falls into place with Andrew Tate being the Antichrist, we'll see what he does. It's possible world powers recognize him as such and detaining him could possibly be their attempt in preventing something Biblical from coming to pass. Or maybe, he isn't the Antichrist, we'll have to wait and see what he does, but in the meantime, I have doubts we'll see some other person of influence that fits the descriptions this well. Some might think it's all coincidence.  

EDIT: The Gematria calculator

last edit on 2/13/2023 1:20:38 AM
Posts: 2388
LiYang said: 

kill yourself disgusting pedophile

isn't it funny how nice and polite and friendly all the right wing ppl are to a literal child molester cunt. so agreeable and helpful to her, aww

Where does Right Wing start moving from the Left? What policies?

 when the people who are being polite and hospitable to a child molester identify as right wing

 This is weird. I'm suppose to join your attack on someone I don't even know? Some internet stranger?

Posts: 2388

This makes me sick


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Posts: 298
LiYang said: 

This makes me sick


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 It's been said where God and Satan work, they are usually working close to one another, or not far apart, sparing in this holy war. Without getting into any detail, Donald Trump is God's elect. Hence we see how Trump hates the same things God hates. Doesn't drink, is very clean, strong sense of Justice etc. Not perfect, but suitable for God's plans. Doesn't back off when bullied by the wicked etc. 

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Trump's Son in Law Jared, is still very quiet and a mysterious figure. He's very smart.

Side note. He's also Jewish and gave Trump Jewish grandchildren, so it's funny when the programmed masses call Trump a Nazi.

Jared Kushner at the time of it's happening, made the single most expensive real estate purchase in New York history. It was for....

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666 Fifth Avenue.

The price they ( the Kushner family ) bought the skyscraper for was 1.8 Billion dollars. Or to break it down the price is.....






In the 666 building, there used to be a company called Lucent Technologies. They developed some RFID implant chip. They aren't there anymore, as Lucent was bought out by Nokia.

RFID technology is NFC tec. So it's not surprising how a company like Nokia would buy them out. 

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All coincidence and Biblical sounding. 

The Bible being translated from ancient text, probably never had a word for microchip. In Sweden getting chipped is kinda trendy. Not a good idea in my opinion. 

If the mark of the beast is to be implemented, we might not see it coming. It might not be the vaccine, or the RFID chip. Tate is probably not the antichrist, who'll influence the world to get marked so we can be members in some free and open society, merging with machines. A lot of what Tate preaches is God's plan for men and women which is why he's even popular among men and even some women. 

All speculation should be taken with a grain of salt, but it doesn't hurt to proceed with caution.

Posts: 3965
LiYang said: 
LiYang said: 

Where does Right Wing start moving from the Left? What policies?

 when the people who are being polite and hospitable to a child molester identify as right wing

 This is weird. I'm suppose to join your attack on someone I don't even know? Some internet stranger?

 you don't mind child molesters unless they are pro vaccine?

also no one said attack, but why be so friendly to this creature?

last edit on 2/13/2023 9:12:37 AM
Posts: 33607

Walked on water was debated over if it meant to walk on it like one of those weird running lizards, or if he simply walked beside the water and the texts when translated left some wiggle room for it's meaning. 

Could perhaps the same be said over The Mark, where : 

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Most people are right handed, could this perhaps be over one's signature, or one's SSI number? Could this be as a contract something less literal, since at this point to track someone they don't really need to be microchipped? 

Forehead is the only one throwing me off, but to borrow from the symbols of now that'd have me question if it's meant to be over the Pineal Gland: 

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Now if I am to take this at face value, in conjunction with the current state of First World Culture and old, super outdated religious entries, there were many occurrences where it was said if not implied that those of darker skin are not pure, that those of the faith would expect wickedness in proportion to it and that how dark they are shows how much harder they'd have to work to connect to The Lord. 

When you look at what sort of media has surfaced since the Civil Rights Movement, we have seen Rap culture (an aspect of harsh, spoken rhythm with intimidating themes) be used as a delivery device for Record Company Evils, using their contracts on aspiring artists to spiritually contract their listeners even when the artists are well intentioned people. The music is used through sponsorships and the material itself to sell The Seven Deadly Sins, time and time again. Since then we have even seen Melanated Culture spread and become modeled off of, even in other countries like South Korea: 

It is no mystery that the opposite of Nature themes tend to be City ones, and these are often used as the proponent for such culture to give it wings and destroy Nature. The term "Urban" both translates to meaning "City" and "Black" by modern nomenclature. They are even referred to as a cursed people in the bit about 'The Sons of Noah'. To even look up Melanin these days mostly brings up black people, which links to the pineal which links to Satanic contracts, all done through the hypnosis of rhythm with the most direct form of lyrics you could find, lending to repetition through modeling as the bass beat pierces people's resistances and the words are beaten into people. 

The Bible and Biblical History have paved the path towards Racism, and the US was founded on Christian practices. Yet another reason why it is superior to be Satanic, as between the two that is the more accepting, less racist philosophy. Satanic practices are how we've founded better food, modern medicine, better culture, and far more freedoms than the formerly oppressive model, and is responsible for Racial and Gender rights becoming founded overtime through resources such as 'Wokeness', lending to crossbreeding of the races much to the horror of racists. To be a good person to your fellow (wo)man, you have to at least be a little Satanic. 

TLDR; Hail Satan. 😈

Side note. He's also Jewish and gave Trump Jewish grandchildren, so it's funny when the programmed masses call Trump a Nazi.

The people over at 8kun already see him as a sellout towards the Jewish agenda, not one of "the real ones", and their rhetoric over it is way more biting than any Liberal's could ever hope to be. 😳

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 2/13/2023 12:46:45 PM
Posts: 298

The Bible and Biblical History have paved the path towards Racism, and the US was founded on Christian practices.

I don't think that's true. The Bible is aginst racism, and every race in the world reads the Bible. 

Yet another reason why it is superior to be Satanic, as between the two that is the more accepting, less racist philosophy.

If everyone were Satanic we wouldn't have made it this far.



Satanic practices are how we've founded better food, better culture, and far more freedoms than the formerly oppressive model, and is responsible for Racial and Gender rights becoming founded overtime through resources such as 'Wokeness', lending to crossbreeding of the races much to the horror of racists. To be a good person to your fellow (wo)man, you have to at least be a little Satanic. 

TLDR; Hail Satan. 😈

What better food ? Freakin carrots are bad for us. Most of our food is shit, and the most delicious foods contribute to poor health and can be fatal.

Our cultures isn't the best for our souls either. Sure we like it, but it can't sustain eternally. Most popular music is secular, but being perverted isn't what makes a song great. Most music is disordered, made to be dramatic or sexual, the messages will only amuse for awhile. We grow old and experience being a shell of our former selves.

Would it really surprise you that Satan isn't out to help us, or make us better. 


Side note. He's also Jewish and gave Trump Jewish grandchildren, so it's funny when the programmed masses call Trump a Nazi.

The people over at 8kun already see him as a sellout towards the Jewish agenda, not one of "the real ones", and their rhetoric over it is way more biting than any Liberal's could ever hope to be. 😳

 Jewish people like Trump, he's done great things for them. 

Posts: 33607
Canary said: 

The Bible and Biblical History have paved the path towards Racism, and the US was founded on Christian practices.

I don't think that's true. The Bible is aginst racism, and every race in the world reads the Bible. 

God was fine with Slavery, it took arguably Satanic practices to abolish it, lending to future generations Cherrypicking The Bible, Twisting it's Wisdom rather than recognizing it for the barbarous and insane nature of the book. It does not take much work to find the backwards practices in that book that civilized people learned to ignore via Satan. Civilized folk even eat of cheese and drink of wine, both classic Satanic preparations of fermented, rotted components of God. 

There's museums that collect the stuff, it's really crazy to see. While in LA I saw a collection of backwards things and they had an entire section for Christian Racism in the early US. 

It's more worth asking why so many have read The Bible, and what they got out of it. 

Yet another reason why it is superior to be Satanic, as between the two that is the more accepting, less racist philosophy.

If everyone were Satanic we wouldn't have made it this far.

We've made it this far because of being Satanic.

Without it we'd still be picking berries off of bushes and wearing untailored animal furs, dying to the common cold in caves after being weakened by Nature through infected cuts and scrapes, through fungal infections from damp environments. 

Satanic practices are how we've founded better food, better culture, and far more freedoms than the formerly oppressive model, and is responsible for Racial and Gender rights becoming founded overtime through resources such as 'Wokeness', lending to crossbreeding of the races much to the horror of racists. To be a good person to your fellow (wo)man, you have to at least be a little Satanic. 

TLDR; Hail Satan. 😈

What better food? Freakin carrots are bad for us. Most of our food is shit, and the most delicious foods contribute to poor health and can be fatal.

Give me a copy of your grocery list and I will explain how it is all Satanic in one way or another. 

Most plants we eat were Neotenized into that form no differently from how we warped the Avacado through our Twist on Wisdom. A lot of food was barely edible until we did enough shit to it to change it at it's base form, so that it may produce more of the food we made rather than the one of God's template. 

Our cultures isn't the best for our souls either. Sure we like it, but it can't sustain eternally. Most popular music is secular, but being perverted isn't what makes a song great. Most music is disordered, made to be dramatic or sexual, the messages will only amuse for awhile. We grow old and experience being a shell of our former selves.

Did you just try to tell me that music becomes boring? 

Find a new artist, change genres even, or give Google enough time to grow a pair and release MusicLM to compile your own out of text prompts. You will likely not run out of music in your lifetime. 

Would it really surprise you that Satan isn't out to help us, or make us better. 

His way of life is far more comfortable, and you'd be loath to give it up.

God might be the Lightning, but Satan is the Power Company, your Phone Line, everything you love about your Computer. 

You like the rest of us suckle from Satan's Teet, and you aren't even a little thankful for the privilege. 

Side note. He's also Jewish and gave Trump Jewish grandchildren, so it's funny when the programmed masses call Trump a Nazi.

The people over at 8kun already see him as a sellout towards the Jewish agenda, not one of "the real ones", and their rhetoric over it is way more biting than any Liberal's could ever hope to be. 😳

 Jewish people like Trump, he's done great things for them. 

To those who connect Jewish practices with Money Evil, they do not trust Trump over how he 'gave them his children'. 

8kun's a fucking mess. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 2/13/2023 2:08:08 PM
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