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If you had the option with it being legal, would you have slaves? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 298

If you had the option with it being legal, would you have slaves? 

 It's an unwanted expense. Can't just have them for free.

If I lived in a mansion, and it were more practical to have others maintain the yard and clean the house, I'd hire, but not keep them.

If I knocked up the lacy maid I'd step up, but if the pool guy did it, they're on their own.

last edit on 2/13/2023 8:05:23 PM
Posts: 3965

didnt god once have a man pimp out his virgin teen daughters to get gang raped to avoid people having anal sex

Posts: 33607

This however when filtered through The Bible makes itself out to appear as near-absurdist devil worship, but when you look at why it makes said devil seem more human than the supposed Mentor figure, like as if God were a Propagandist against an Artist who dared to be more than a slave, and showed us a light of his own that could grant us different choices through awareness, and the furthered potential for wisdom beyond the natural. 

To expand on this through media, think for a moment on the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker: 

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It was the promise of Healing that ultimately converted him, the idea of defying the fate that he saw in visions after it was confirmed to be a reality through the death of his mother. 

Is that not like how Humanity gave into the wonders of Medicine, a craft that in earlier history was often deemed evil? Witch Doctors and Alchemists alike, when the craft was not understood it was seen as Magic, but now that it is incorporated into the accepted workings of Society we accept a Satanic practice over how it is seen as the Good thing to do. What was once a Sin, has been Normalized, and it's helping people

Much of what The Bible deems Unnatural, Humanity welcomes with open arms to save the lives of themselves and their believed family. It would be God's will that death occur, but Satan offers a lifeline of light, a choice

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 2392
LiYang said: 

 when the people who are being polite and hospitable to a child molester identify as right wing

 This is weird. I'm suppose to join your attack on someone I don't even know? Some internet stranger?

 you don't mind child molesters unless they are pro vaccine?

also no one said attack, but why be so friendly to this creature?

 So you want me to get on this bandwagoning campaign of yours against someone I don't even know. No thanks. Ill just be my own person.

Posts: 3965
LiYang said: 
LiYang said: 

 This is weird. I'm suppose to join your attack on someone I don't even know? Some internet stranger?

 you don't mind child molesters unless they are pro vaccine?

also no one said attack, but why be so friendly to this creature?

 So you want me to get on this bandwagoning campaign of yours against someone I don't even know. No thanks. Ill just be my own person.

 my post was only two lines, surely u can read it properly?

generally speaking, are u offended by child molesters or do u take no issue with them?

Posts: 2392
LiYang said: 

 you don't mind child molesters unless they are pro vaccine?

also no one said attack, but why be so friendly to this creature?

 So you want me to get on this bandwagoning campaign of yours against someone I don't even know. No thanks. Ill just be my own person.

 my post was only two lines, surely u can read it properly?

generally speaking, are u offended by child molesters or do u take no issue with them?

 I don't like child molesters. Who does? You have evidence of a crime?


Posts: 54

kill yourself disgusting pedophile

isn't it funny how nice and polite and friendly all the right wing ppl are to a literal child molester cunt. so agreeable and helpful to her, aww

 Must be referring to yourself. I’d suggest you repent, as Jesus is coming soon. Try loving yourself. It will help you love your neighbor. Don’t let the devil win. He seems to have a tight grip on you, but God can fix that. Turn to God before it’s too late!

Posts: 54

Mark of the Beast if anything is more likely to be a contract you had no choice in upon birth. 

For example, one's Social Security Number. 

 Yeah, but it’s supposed to be something you do have a choice in because it says in the Bible that the people were deceived into getting it.

You wouldn't call that deception? They only have to agree to it as a culture once, then people are saddled with it for multiple lifetimes. 'Sins of the Father' applies here. 

To me, The Mark of The Beast is not a literal thing. The Mark is Culture, Twisted in Wisdom so far that people's idea of "normal life" is entirely unnatural. Have you noticed how many people don't relate to Nature anymore? That's Satan's will at work, as Satan's will is Urban. 

It wouldn’t make sense if it was something at birth because that’s not a choice and God is all about free will.

Until it's not, which will spur The Rapture and the following wars. 

Taking the vaccine means you didn’t trust God to protect you and instead you trusted the science, which is man made and means you trusted man over God, which signals a lack of faith.

You could say the same about all medicine though, which I'll add is a Satanic concept overall. 

 The issue with what you’re saying is that God gave us the Bible for a reason and it predicted not being able to buy or sell things without the mark of the beast. This means it can’t be any other vaccine or medicine because we were never restricted from buying or selling without anything, other than money, ever. You can even sell without money, so that doesn’t work. Only the COVID vaccine fits, so far.

You can buy things without a social. Illegal aliens don’t have a social and they even get government benefits if they have children, even if their children are also illegal. In the Bible it says the mark of the beast is in the right hand or the forehead and it will have the number of the beast. It can’t be culture in general because that’s just sin. It’s not something you have to do or you can’t buy or sell anything. 

God is all about free will and will never not be. He is waiting for everyone to hear about him and everyone to come to him before he comes. He was all about faith before, but now, he is showing us he exists by fulfilling the prophecies in the Bible.

The end times are obviously here and he told us the stages and is giving us the signs so that people will know he is God. It’s up to them to choose Him or the devil, which is still free will. The rapture is just Him taking the believers so they don’t have to suffer anymore, but he still gives the rest a chance to turn to Him, even after the rapture.

The day of judgment is after the punishment, which means people have until after they see Him take his followers and are punished on earth, to turn to Him. It’s still free will up until the day of judgment where he throws the leftovers into the burning lake to spend all of eternity. 

Posts: 54
Canary said: 
Revelation 13:16-18 said:
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
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Some people already have this. It's an RFID chip like the ones we find in credit cards. People are able to make payments with the tap of their hand, unlock doors, start cars etc. 
As we move into a cashless society, there will be a push for everyone to get chipped, as they say, "for their own safety". Of course payments would be trackable so things like mugging someone for credit/digital currency, will be traceable and the criminal have have their chip shut off and they'll be unable to pay for anything. Quite possibly stolen funds will be returned by authorities.
The method used for implanting these chips is done with a large needle, so it would be possible to modify the needle to add some kind of drug along with the implant. 
With such implants in a cashless society, we couldn't even have a yard sale without being taxed, while gifting money will probably need some type of explinatination, like issuing an allowance to loved ones. Regardless our spending habits will be monitored, so beware of gifting to anyone who runs a business.
As for the vaccine, it was a big psyop, the importance of the vaccine is diminished at this point in time, the masses are fed up with it as it's showcased to be useless. Dr. Fauci himself tested positive for COVID-19 three times.
What data the powers that be did collect, is how receptive to force the masses are under pressure. Lockdowns and spreading fear did have people lining up and social distancing. Many of us wore masks to avoid unwanted attention. We also had people wishing death on the unvaccinated, blaming them for spreading the virus, while it was the vaccinated who were spreading the virus the most, while they believed they couldn't possibly do that as they were told.
With that I'd imagine the vaccine is a taste of things to come. No one is barred from buying anything with the vaccine. We had protests from people who rejected the vaccine, for that I am grateful, not all hope is lost.
The Mark of the Beast from what I gather will be forced. The not to distant future will have a more radical civilization where people will call for people who don't comply to be banned or locked out, maybe even exterminated. The modern world is easily less humane than we've seen in our lifetime.
Is any of this the mark of the beast ? I simply do not know, it doesn't look good though. Getting chipped is complete ownage, especially while the world is submitting to cancel culture. Canada...... We already had our government cancel people. Protestors, maybe their mobile phones showed that they spent a significant amount of time at the truckers protest, and we had anti-vaccine protesters get the bank accounts frozen, their mortgage blown, and even their pets euthanized.
Ecclesiastes 10:2-4 ESV 

"A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fool's heart to the left. Even when the fool walks on the road, he lacks sense, and he says to everyone that he is a fool. If the anger of the ruler rises against you, do not leave your place, for calmness will lay great offenses to rest."
This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. 

 My number #1 suspect, is.... And this is without confirmation.

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Emory Andrew Tate III

Better known as just "Andrew Tate"

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Also known as "Cobra Tate" or Cobra ( Interestingly enough a serpent. )

And this is without bias, I like the Tates a lot. I leave an open channel to anyone who takes the world by storm, and Andrew Tate has certainly made an impact the past 6 months. He's done what other people of influence couldn't. 

He did open his own bank ( like anyone can really ) It's not just his influence. The beast/antichrist will have to say great things okay, and will have to influence over right winged minds in order to be a great deceiver.

And he does say great things, and he scores admiration from the most powerful human beings, they young male. When it's time to take over a world, they send young men who are generally strong and have higher stamina. Andrew Tate is basically a commander for men worldwide out of sheer admiration. He isn't just admired, but also emulated. 

The kicker is if and when Andrew Tate changes course. Alpha males, and created alphas across the globe might be prone to following Tate down a dark path. He is materialistic to a degree. 27-30 Super Cars, the properties, the multiple women. It's very Earthly in biblical terms, and when the heart lays in material things that rust and don't last, we're not prepared for eternal riches.

To Muslims, their version of the Antichrist is called the Dajjal, which translates to "The Deceiver".  The Dajjal metaphorically is said to be blind in his right eye, while Andrew wears shades because 

EDIT: The Gematria calculator

 They did prevent people from buying and selling without the vaccine and you even wrote that, “we had anti-vaccine protesters get the bank accounts frozen, their mortgage blown, and even their pets euthanized” If your bank account is frozen, how do you buy stuff? Also, you had to have the vaccine to go to Comic Con. You had to show them your vaccination card thing and I just used my mom’s, but they wouldn’t allow you to go in without proving you got the vaccine. Some people couldn’t work without getting it and in some places, you couldn’t shop or be a vender without being vaccinated.

I don’t think the chip will be the mark of the beast because it will be in the left hand of left handed people because that’s the hand they use most. The chip will bring about the end of all Christians because they will be killed for not having it, I’m sure, but no one would get it in their forehead because then you’d have to hit your head to buy stuff.

Also, the number of the beast kind of confirms that it was the vaccine, but it could also be the chip because they could put the same stuff in the chip or with the chip. I believe it says there was an hour of something in the Bible and there were two halves, so many the first half is the vaccine era and the second is the chip. The chip won’t be mandatory though because nothing is. There is always a choice.

You might have to die to avoid it, but it’s like the vaccine. They made it seem mandatory or you would die, so I’d say it’s both or the vaccine, just because it changes your DNA to non God DNA and the vaccine goes to your brain, and I forgot what the right hand actually stands for, but I might recall later. 

The antichrist declares himself Jesus/the messiah, in the Jewish church or temple is what it says, so Andrew Tate isn’t the antichrist. There is a Jewish guy already claiming to be Jesus who is Jewish. The Jewish people recognize him as their messiah right now. Look it up. Tate is just another sinner.

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