Take it up with Science dude, this is what progress looks like.
Where’s the science what’s the logic.. pretty sure there are more males than females on earth. What’s even going to change that. Just because it’s feasible for a period of time technically does not make it inevitable.
Are you asking for articles over how things like artificial wombs work?
Or how babymaking will become less and less about gender?
As I said before artificial wombs don’t matter to this discussion at all. And there is nothing in that 2nd article more than suggesting with incomplete logic that you can make a sperm cell from an egg cell.
They matter a bunch actually, as they offer the means of women not being weighed down for nine months with messy mood swings and eventual childbirth pains. The idea that "women should stay home and take care of the kids" will have one more nail in the coffin when they have no reason to stop working.
As for effective sperm from a woman, it's about the transmission of genetic material. It's not that crazy of an idea.
Artificial wombs don’t really change anything related to this discussion, not sure why you feel the need to keep bringing it up. The artificial womb will not be a big factor at all in the elimination of males, in fact if anything it would potentially help for the temporary elimination of females. As for the second part it’s crazy because there is really no reason to believe it’s possible. The idea in itself isn’t “crazy” just completely illogical and more or less preposterous.