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Trans athletes

Posts: 968

Just wondering what your thoughts are on this topic..

I've been sort of going back and forth.

Firstly, I have nothing against trans people. I basically come from the 'live & let live' school of thought. As long as something is not hurting anyone, I'm generally ok with it.

However, the question about trans athletes has been circulating throughout the media, where the objection against trans athleses is essentially that, by allowing cis men who've transitioned into being trans women compete in sports, they gain an unfair biological advantage. Thus, they are ruining women's sports.

So I've considered this objection. Women's sports has been (biological) women's sports throughout generations. And indeed, I think it is taking away from that community if we suddenly allow people with significantly higher muscle and bone densities to compete in it. I think there is no question if we mixed biological men and women together in a large enough sports competition, the record holders would be all men, even if in the mid section of the distribution there would be a mix of men and women. If we put Mike Tyson in ring with whoever is the current female world champion of boxing, we'd get a blood bath. The reason why biological men are better at most sports, on average and especially at the tails of the distributions, is because when they hit puberty they had higher levels of testosterone, which allowed them to further develop their muscles compared to biological women.

However, having said that, I also sort of agree with the opposite arguments. Namely, I think what has been brought up several times is that we're not disqualifying anyone for their biological advantages in sports anyway. There are plenty of people who were simply born with better genes and a physical advantage. So why then say the physical advantage should disqualify trans women from sports? For example, say, today, we found out that black people on average were physically superior to white people that gave them an advantage in certain areas, like boxing. Should we then separate black and white people so that they can have their own categories? Probably not a great idea.

Nevertheless, I think there is something fundamentally wrong with the argument.

I think it's not so much that the biological differences are bad or unfair. I think the actual objection is that the women's sports has come to mean one thing, has established its own community, and we want to change that community by force, which rips apart that community by allowing a new set of people with huge advantages. I think it would not be a problem, per se, if trans people were broadly part of women's sports, and even dominated it. However, I think the problem is that, right now, that is not what women's sports is, and changing it would, seemingly, change the state and meaning of women's sports. So I guess it's a question of which community gets hurt more, the trans community or women's sports.

But then again, if we had the same situation with white sports and black sports, where some people were arguing that white sports is white sports and allowing black people to participate would ruin the community, hmmm, I don't know. I'd probably think those people were racist as shit.

So I dunno. But then again, I don't even watch sports.

last edit on 1/3/2023 2:19:01 PM
Posts: 2481
0 votes RE: Trans athletes

We need to make them edible and feed them to the homeless and zoo animals.

Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Trans athletes

Arguing black against white for the sake of comparison to arguing transwomen against cis women is arguing apples and oranges. They are NOT the same thing. 

Along with all the other annoying things that testosterone produces (body hair, excessive eating, pungent armpits, jealousy and the need to attack other males for starters) in most males, testosterone produces a need to control and dominate everything around them. Through violence and murder if that's what's required to get the job done.

Many male species will sneak into a female's nest and murder her babies, so they can fill the female with their own babies.

Enslaving women is an undeniable biological urge in men.

Like eating meat. Some people are able to suppress and deny these urges for a time, but they will always rear their ugly heads again.


Black vs white is not a valid comparison bc black women lack the urge to abuse, destroy, and own women that accompanies men's testosterone surges. As Vladimir Putin said: "I wanted to conquer smthg, to take it by force."

It's extremely rare that women feel this way. And on the rare occasions that they do, they usually lack the physical strength to pull it off.

Black women do not have an innate biological urge to overpower, destroy, rape, dominate and enslave white women because of skin colour.

Some of them may be angry enough about history that they toy with socially learned urges of this nature. But these urges are waaay less powerful bc they are not biological urges (for many women that comes in the form of lifting crazy heavy things like cars off children in distress for example, to protect the home and the babies.)



We have pro sports to give men a safe release for their destructive aggression, so they're not out causing all kinds of mayhem and unfulfilled revenge spirals.

We put them in the ring man to man to protect the weaker members of our species, and the weaker members of our planet. 

Let the men beat the hell out of each other until they're exhausted enough to leave the rest of us alone.

I wouldn't put my teenage cousins or my cat in the ring with an angry man in lipstick, who's deluded enough to believe he's one of us. And fuck putting a smaller and weaker opponent in with a man who's lying about being a woman. This business about allowing trannies to compete with cis athletes is just sick. It needs to stop. The men who need to dress up as women to avoid competing with other men, so they can 'win' against somebody who's smaller and weaker are just messed up. They need a therapist, not an arena ffs.

I would never fight a man without a hammer at the very least. I would actually prefer a firearm.

Any woman who actually wants to fight or compete against men in other sports is crazier than I am lol



People should be allowed (within reason) to dress the way they want to dress in the workplace, or in academic settings where there are strict rules governing sex, violence and eating.

But I'm against allowing transwomen to compete against cis women in pro sports.

I also think that transwomen should be kept out of jobs where they could sexually exploit anybody under 18.

Which means teaching at the elementary or hs levels, childcare, pediatrics, etc.


Transgender only occurs at a rate of about 1 in 10 000 in the general population, which means that a majority of the so-called transpeople we see on yt and on the news and whatnot are larping. They're only playing at it. Or worse, they're suffering from a delusional disorder.

They're not rlly trans.

Which means we have to approach them like we would approach any other odd and inappropriately dressed person who attempts to infiltrate a place through deceptive means,

With caution.





Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Trans athletes
Xena said: 

Along with all the other annoying things that testosterone produces (body hair, excessive eating, pungent armpits, jealousy and the need to attack other males for starters) in most males, testosterone produces a need to control and dominate everything around them. Through violence and murder if that's what's required to get the job done.

Many male species will sneak into a female's nest and murder her babies, so they can fill the female with their own babies.

Enslaving women is an undeniable biological urge in men.

So while Bob Ross may have put on the front of being a friendly painter doing little clouds, he was actually a hardcore sex freak (aka Male) who was lashing up women with switches in his dungeon and plundering them of their vaginal walls.


Posts: 2481
0 votes RE: Trans athletes
Xena said: 

 Black vs white is not a valid comparison bc black women lack the urge to abuse, destroy, and own women that accompanies men's testosterone surges. As Vladimir Putin said: "I wanted to conquer smthg, to take it by force." 

 Uhh, why would they want to do that to a woman. You’re out of your fucking mind. Men don’t have a very strong urge to do this to their own sex either. Get out of your psycho delusional dimension please.

Posts: 33606
0 votes RE: Trans athletes

Posted Image

Clearly we need to have enough people become Trans to host their own Olympics, but until then they shouldn't be barred from competition overall. Either that or we might as well remove the gender divide entirely. It's not quite the same thing as how people around the 2010's began to find prosthetic limbs to potentially be cheating over how it gives an edge.

He added that Pistorius is “able to reposition his limbs 15 to 16 percent faster than the last five 100-meter world-record holders.”
Once people become more metal than (wo)man as a normal thing, this won't really mean anything anymore. 

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last edit on 1/3/2023 4:41:48 PM
Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Trans athletes

That’s such a cucked position, the whole point of the gender divide in sports is so that women can have their own space to compete.

Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: Trans athletes

Transwomen aren't women, they don't belong in women's sports or spaces tbh. If these men are placing 8th in the mens division and realized that by self-iding as a woman they can either win or significantly move a few spaces ahead then they deserve to stay in the mens division and lose.

Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Trans athletes

That’s such a cucked position, the whole point of the gender divide in sports is so that women can have their own space to compete.


Make sports more fair by lopping stuff off of everybody and turning them into cyborg?



Not exactly my idea of a good time  :P

Posts: 4588
-1 votes RE: Trans athletes

I don't even think most trans are trying to fight this battle, I think it's the radicalized people online fighting for trans that got the dialogue all screwed up. The impression that I get as a scholar who watches some edgy leftist YouTube is that the trans movement was hijacked by people who thought they could get more signal boost on their virtues over social media. The 1% of ppl who claim trans who actually transition are usually just wanting to "be" in peace. Yes, I understand that there are now some jacked rapists in women's prisons now, but I don't think transitioning is the problem. The problem is this psychopathic culture of equality at any cost.

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