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Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Golden_Eagle said:
You have a penis.

And you don't.

Prove that I have a penis. You've already decided I'm a male, and I never sent you pictures of any penis attached to my body. Why did you conclude that I was a man?

For all you know, I'm a woman. You yourself already labelled me a male, with no understanding of my anatomy. You don't actually believe what you say. You know better.

So I ask again: How do you know I'm not a woman?

There are no photos of me here, no voice clips, I've never even described how I look. I quite literally am a woman, and always was, despite the fact that I was in denial for a long time. You're not relying on my anatomy or looks to make your assessments. So how do you know?


Real women don't feel the need to have their gender validated by others, because there is no need, while you feel the need to do it.

Lol. Ok, miss spatial.

No I guess not. You really love that I'm divorced from my wife, aren't you? I don't know why you're so hell-bent on lecturing me on something I already know I fucked up.

No not really. When you said you were leaving your wife, I might have asked if you were sure you wanted to do that. I'm telling you you're confused. Even you know you fucked up, yet, you carry on the same. It's not a lecture you're just being overly defensive and not even considering facts in the matter

"Carry the same" is factually incorrect. I am not carrying the same. I am trying to get back together. Also, who knows if it was a mistake. If I hadn't done what I did, maybe I would've never realized what I want.

You have the ability to impregnate women. Women cannot do that.

How would you know?

Case in point, you're self absorbed. You leave, you come back. What you've done ended up being self destructive at the same time.

Wrong. Being self-absorbed has nothing to do with leaving or coming back. Or do you think gay people should just pretend not to be gay?

We do. Otherwise we'd perish. From the time we're born we need to be looked after. Men and Women are FOR one another.

No they're not. We have no assigned purpose in this cosmic void.

You're not equipped for me, you have a penis, so we cannot procreate, plus I'm not gay, and I like sex and I'm not a homosexual either. You in particular are not for me, nor is every woman, but my entire system and build by design, is for a woman.

So if a woman can't procreate, she's not a woman? Also, how would you know? Not that I would end up with you, except maybe in your dreams.

There's nothing wrong with having a sexual crisis.

Keep telling yourself that. Next thing you know, you'll be advocating for everyone to have a sexual crisis or some shit like that. Bro, sexual crisis across the board will bring us to extinction.

So, say you found out you were gay or a woman tomorrow. What would potentially be wrong with that?

I'll gender-label you, too, in that case.

You can do that I don't give a fuck.

Lmfao, yes you do. I'm sorry, Spatial, but if one person on this forum cares about how much of a hypermasculine man they are, it's you. No offense, but you compensate, like, big time. Maybe I'm wrong, but I suspect others here see it, as well.

I wonder why it is that you feel you need to be so detached from the feminine. Haven't you heard of the hero archetypes? In order for you to become the wonderful man you want to be, you must also embrace your feminine traits. But your inner child, the one that was bullied in high school and was left by his girlfriend, won't let you. We all know they're there, there's no hiding them.

Without a doubt, you're missing something that has to do with intelligence. You'll ignore what you see in exchange for what you currently wish, and you say you're a scientist. You as a scientist are conditioned to carry out whatever you're told. You are NOT a discoverer, nor are you an inventor. When science changes it's mind, so will you, and that is what you are to the core, it fucked you up mentally.

Yes, very likely, if science changes its mind, so will I. You're right that we're different. You think it's an argument from authority, but it's an argument from evidence and trust in the scientific process, neither of which you understand. I am a scientist to the core.

And while I may not be a "discoverer" in your view, I've certainly made novel contributions to science by many modern standards. It's a bit in poor taste to flaunt so shamelessly, but I mean if you want to cite metrics, I've my research published in Nature, I'm leading a team of around dozen members who work with me making new research discoveries on a monthly basis, and all my research receives more funding than I can spend or you could afford. In comparison, how many of your revolutionary ideas have met the burden of modern scientific standard and simultaneously been novel enough to be published in any scientific journal?

The truth is that you're a sad man. You want to be a woman now, that is all. Before you were in a straight relationship with your ex wife, and you're STILL a Father. After you were in a gay relationship, now that's over, you're arguing that you are a woman, and you want to be addressed as such.

Still not a man. Why do you care so much about how people are addressed?

Keep arguing that you are a woman, but know this....
- You will have to face the reality that the majority of people will not accept you as a woman.
- The people who consider you a woman will be people you had to tell you are a woman, or people just avoiding conflict, or people who like to pretend cause it feels good or some other reason. If I called a he a she, or addressed someone as zir or they, I'd be doing it to avoid conflict which means I'd have been taken by force.
- The only men that will consider hooking up with you will be queer.
- Getting paperwork to ID your gender is laughable. In reality we do not need ID to identify someone's gender, and if you were a real woman, you wouldn't even have to do this. But now look at you, changing your gender from male to female on your ID.
- Real women, do not suffer the above points.
Confusion and envy is the way of the devil. Of course you're an atheist but one needn't be spiritual to see that you are confused and envy the woman, so much, that you want to be the woman, so you claim being one, "all of a sudden".

I doubt any of these things are true. What do you base your view on?

"The only men that will consider hooking up with you will be queer" I said in the OP that I don't want to date men.

I'm also not an atheist. I'm quite religious, even if I occasionally make atheistic remarks.

last edit on 10/9/2022 2:32:29 PM
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Turncoat said:
It's moreover how this is supposed to fix anything, rather than add another rung on the ladder. Like if Legga wants to do that for herself that's fine, but expecting the wife to just change how she perceived their past relationship is asking for too much.

How fucking thick are you? She's not with me anymore because she finds dating a woman weird, she told me. If I prove that I was already a woman when she started dating me, then there's no weirdness in it.

No there'd def still be weirdness over you insisting on being the think police over her past memories and associations. 

Disorders aren't genetic?

Edit: Or for that matter natural? While not expected enough to be the norm they do often occur through natural phenomenon, like having children later in life or having it run in the family line, if not a result of the environment like how temperature or the amount of food could change the outcome.

No, disorders aren't genetic or natural.

But they occur genetically and naturally, don't they? 

It's a piece of paper, if that's what the marriage boils down to then there's other problems.

That's like saying it's just a one-night-stand with a stranger, if that's what the relationship boils down to then there are other problems. It's the context.

Uh, ma'am, it's a piece of paper. Her mind is more than semantics on a piece of paper, and trying to control that's a bit nuts. It's one thing to reinforce at you an idea of who you are that you don't see as yourself, it's another for her to have memories of a time where she thought otherwise. 

Why not just accept that she has different views over you than you do? If she doesn't want to be with a woman that's her choice, and if she remembers her time with you where she saw you as a man as you having been a man, I don't really see her otherwise oppressing your self-identity with that. 

If she can leave you over something as small as a disagreement over gender, the problems are much bigger than gender imo. For myself it has never gotten in the way. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 10/9/2022 5:02:11 PM
Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

But they occur genetically and naturally, don't they?

That's like saying flu is natural because it's not supernatural. I'd say they occur due to unnatural circumstances. Everything is "natural" in the strict scientific sense. I'm using the word more colloquially, to refer to things that are both detrimental and also aren't predicted by the natural genetic process.

Uh, ma'am, it's a piece of paper. Her mind is more than semantics on a piece of paper, and trying to control that's a bit nuts. It's one thing to reinforce at you an idea of who you are that you don't see as yourself, it's another for her to have memories of a time where she thought otherwise. 

Why not just accept that she has different views over you than you do? If she doesn't want to be with a woman that's her choice, and if she remembers her time with you where she saw you as a man as you having been a man, I don't really see her otherwise oppressing your self-identity with that. 

If she can leave you over something as small as a disagreement over gender, the problems are much bigger than gender imo. For myself it has never gotten in the way.

Explain to me how you can both not want to date women and also date women, voluntarily, at the same time. This is the second time you fail at binary logic. It's not about a piece of paper. If someone says something like that, it's because they fail to understand or accept that the person they dated was always a woman, so that's the first thing that needs to be clarified.

Do you have any thoughts on the bs Spatial is spouting btw?

last edit on 10/11/2022 1:47:08 PM
Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

 Assuming you aren't trolling and everything you've said on the forum isn't a lie, you aren't a transwoman. You're having a midlife crisis and are regretting the fact that you left your exwife thinking you were gay. She's got every right to reject you and a piece of paper saying you're a female now or marked retroactively doesn't change her sexual orientation. 

Why would someone want to get back with the man that divorced her because he claimed he was gay, then claimed hes actually a transwoman anD THEN tells her that actually SHES the gay one because all this time she was dating a trans woman. 

You sound unhinged and moments away from a mental break down perhaps you should get help and leave your ex-wife alone. If you get bottom surgery she'd probably take you seriously 🤭

Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Lenalee said: 

You're having a midlife crisis

I'm not that old and I don't feel unaccomplished.

She's got every right to reject you and a piece of paper saying you're a female now or marked retroactively doesn't change her sexual orientation. 

Sorry, who are you and what do you mean "change?" If you are are a woman, dating and having a sexual relationship with a woman, are you straight? Nobody is talking about changing anyone's sexual orientation. You literally did not read the topic.

Why would someone want to get back with the man that divorced her because he claimed he was gay, then claimed hes actually a transwoman anD THEN tells her that actually SHES the gay one because all this time she was dating a woman. 

Well if someone says they don't want to be with me because they don't like how I treated them, then that is justified and understandable. However, in this case, the reason was that I am a woman, and that is quite different. The reason just doesn't logically check out, because nothing has changed. I have not changed myself. I am still a woman, always was. It's like someone telling you that they don't want to be sexually involved with you because you're a man. Wouldn't you let them know that you're a woman, assuming you wanted to be with them and regretted that once chance you had at being together?

last edit on 10/11/2022 3:54:16 PM
Posts: 2479
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

I was reserving comment but “nuts” absofckinglutely nuts.

Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Lenalee said: 

You're having a midlife crisis

I'm not that old and I don't feel unaccomplished.

She's got every right to reject you and a piece of paper saying you're a female now or marked retroactively doesn't change her sexual orientation. 

Sorry, who are you and what do you mean "change?" If you are are a woman, dating and having a sexual relationship with a woman, are you straight? Nobody is talking about changing anyone's sexual orientation. You literally did not read the topic.

I read enough to know that you completely unhinged and think that changing the marker on a paper that could somehow now prove that you're a woman and that she's always been dating a woman is weird fuckin abusive Predator behavior. 

Your ex-wife is right to not accept you 


Why would someone want to get back with the man that divorced her because he claimed he was gay, then claimed hes actually a transwoman anD THEN tells her that actually SHES the gay one because all this time she was dating a woman. 

Well if someone says they don't want to be with me because they don't like how I treated them, then that is justified and understandable. However, in this case, the reason was that I am a woman, and that is quite different. The reason just doesn't logically check out, because nothing has changed. I have not changed myself. I am still a woman, always was. It's like someone telling you that they don't want to be sexually involved with you because you're a man. Wouldn't you let them know that you're a woman, assuming you wanted to be with them and regretted that once chance you had at being together?

 Transbians are just straight men in dresses. You aren't the same person you used to be and she no longer likes you. she's being polite but the truth is that she doesn't want to participate in your delusion. She's right not to. 

No means no.


Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

But they occur genetically and naturally, don't they?

That's like saying flu is natural because it's not supernatural. I'd say they occur due to unnatural circumstances. Everything is "natural" in the strict scientific sense. I'm using the word more colloquially, to refer to things that are both detrimental and also aren't predicted by the natural genetic process.

I feel like I covered this area well enough in the parts you skipped, so I'm good on this talk. 👍

Uh, ma'am, it's a piece of paper. Her mind is more than semantics on a piece of paper, and trying to control that's a bit nuts. It's one thing to reinforce at you an idea of who you are that you don't see as yourself, it's another for her to have memories of a time where she thought otherwise. 

Why not just accept that she has different views over you than you do? If she doesn't want to be with a woman that's her choice, and if she remembers her time with you where she saw you as a man as you having been a man, I don't really see her otherwise oppressing your self-identity with that. 

If she can leave you over something as small as a disagreement over gender, the problems are much bigger than gender imo. For myself it has never gotten in the way.

Explain to me how you can both not want to date women and also date women, voluntarily, at the same time.

Not sure what you mean here. 

Overall love interests tend to come to me and, if there's more than one, I choose between them. If no one is into me for the moment I mostly work on throwing myself out there to see who bites while otherwise improving myself for myself so that the confidence is that much more apparent. 

People can smell desperation, so a good strat is to stop being desperate. Let it happen on it's own while focusing on being present in enough things to be available to whoever might be interested. 

This is the second time you fail at binary logic. It's not about a piece of paper. If someone says something like that, it's because they fail to understand or accept that the person they dated was always a woman, so that's the first thing that needs to be clarified.

Again she shouldn't have to change her memory of her own past experiences to make you happy, that's being the Think Police. 

I understand people insisting on things as a henceforth, but before a point they aren't even being oppressive by having an old association. 

Do you have any thoughts on the bs Spatial is spouting btw?

That I've spent enough time debating with the guy over some subjects that it's easier to let him be. Rather than fixating on 'fixing people', I'm trying to stick to people's beliefs being more like data that seemingly works for them after this much time in it, if anything trying to find why it helps them more than anything else while mapping the consistency patterns to understand it and see how much it's responsible for the outcome they're living out. In that sense older topics can become redundant enough to help me move on from them. 

When it's things less covered over past material (or if it's funny) I tend to find myself interested in his material more. In this case I'd just be pigeonholed as the left wing deviant pushing alternative politics, again, so you can do this talk while I talk to you about the areas I find more relevant. If anything the times he and I agree on something, or our discussions on pop culture figures, have been more civil and enjoyable with more room to talk over how it's not about either of us directly. 

TLDR; You two can carry on, I'm not touching it right now. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 10/11/2022 4:56:21 PM
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Lenalee said: 

No means no.

Pretty much this. 

Even if the paper helped with winning some semantics argument on the surface, it's not like the wifey's brain would just reformat like a computer. The paper would be more official rather than convincing in her case. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 10/11/2022 5:00:28 PM
Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Lenalee said: 

I read enough to know that you completely unhinged and think that changing the marker on a paper that could somehow now prove that you're a woman and that she's always been dating a woman is weird fuckin abusive Predator behavior.

Your mom is a weird abusive predator.

No means no.

Nobody said no. You're seriously so retarded.

Not sure what you mean here. 

Overall love interests tend to come to me and, if there's more than one, I choose between them. If no one is into me for the moment I mostly work on throwing myself out there to see who bites while otherwise improving myself for myself so that the confidence is that much more apparent. 

People can smell desperation, so a good strat is to stop being desperate. Let it happen on it's own while focusing on being present in enough things to be available to whoever might be interested.

You're giving me relationship advice to be with someone I've been with for over 8 years, and you're going to do that by giving e-advice that is circulated on every bro forum for teenagers who want to approach someone for the first time?

Look, I obtained an illogical statement. I will correct it. If that fixes the situation, which it might, then great. If not, then it goes to show that the statement never made  any sense to begin with. It doesn't reflect badly on me.

Again she shouldn't have to change her memory of her own past experiences to make you happy, that's being the Think Police. 

I understand people insisting on things as a henceforth, but before a point they aren't even being oppressive by having an old association.

Maybe not everyone is as illogical as you are? There's no changing of experience, that's my entire point.

That I've spent enough time debating with the guy over some subjects that it's easier to let him be. Rather than fixating on 'fixing people', I'm trying to stick to people's beliefs being more like data that seemingly works for them after this much time in it, if anything trying to find why it helps them more than anything else while mapping the consistency patterns to understand it and see how much it's responsible for the outcome they're living out. In that sense older topics can become redundant enough to help me move on from them. 

When it's things less covered over past material (or if it's funny) I tend to find myself interested in his material more. In this case I'd just be pigeonholed as the left wing deviant pushing alternative politics, again, so you can do this talk while I talk to you about the areas I find more relevant. If anything the times he and I agree on something, or our discussions on pop culture figures, have been more civil and enjoyable with more room to talk over how it's not about either of us directly. 

Her statements about you aren't very flattering.

last edit on 10/11/2022 6:57:03 PM
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