8/25/2022- and no I am not choosing a new username yet, because my past is still relevant to my present, but what it is what I do about acknowledging an accurate assessment of all of the mental illness symptoms that have presented themselves in my past
so the first thing is that although I have people in my life who encourage my success as well as inspire me with their own progress and success stories, I am choosing to pursue mental health and wellness for myself first and foremost, without doing it codependency for someone else. I am doing this for me, to explore for myself what it is like to be mentally stable, and a benefit that will come from this is earning back the respect and trust and positive optimistic thriving communication with other people I do not know where this journey is going to take me, but the second thing is that all addictions that might distract me from putting supporting my mental health first and foremost have got to go, and that includes addiction to attention from other people, addiction to wanting to feel unique and special and different from other people in a narcissistic superior to them way, and addiction to fantasy instead of giving my full attention to facing and working with my present reality
as most of you know, I have had a tendency in the past towards delusional, hallucinatory, schizophrenic, hypomanic and manic thinking and behavior patterns, and the above mentioned addictions are actually what has fueled this thinking and behavior for me and what has prevented changing this thinking and behavior in me for the better is very very simple- fear.
change is scary, and wanting to be "normal and well adjusted" feels scary. It is new, it is different, but most if all what if I lose everything that made me feel special and interesting ? what if I become boring and no one notices me anymore ? what If those dreams that I have of fame and a super sexy boyfriend who I am genuinely in love with never manifest ? and the reality that I have to face is that they might not. and I might become boring and no one will notice me anymore, these are like worst case scenarios but what I will have is mental health and wellness, and a positive influence on the people who do interact with me and notice me every day, because this is pretty inevitable since I am not living in isolation and I guess all of this to say that, I think the first step to successfully achieving a goal is being willing to give up absolutely everything else that you have ever wanted to achieve it and I am now at a point in my life where I am ready and willing to do this
and one more thing is facing all of your fears related to putting your goal first and foremost in your life is facing all of the fears related for it, and for me the one other fear that comes up is what if I fail at successfully achieving my goal ? and the truth is that none of us know the future, and none of us know what we are capable of without trying so I am going to try, and I am going to give it my all. the next step for me is getting myself a secular IFS therapist, and maybe even two of them because I have found Internal family systems therapy to assist in encouraging the most positive mental health breakthroughs for me
so this is it, mental health and wellness is my main goal from now on until I achieve it and I am ready and willing to let everything else fall to the wayside in the process