Also a great recovery group for people who are dealing with behavioral issues they want to change is known as ACA- adult children of alcoholics. I know someone personally with dx borderline personality disorder who wholeheartedly supports the recovery group and really believes in it, that it can help people and can be very meaningful and make a difference. And that it was very meaningful to them, personally and changed their life, possibly saved it.
Anyway, it is not recommended by members of this group you just dive head first into it, as it can become overwhelming quickly and ultimately do more harm than good. So with the go ahead from a professional, I would say, at the very least. See if this or something along these lines peaks your interest.
There is no one size fits all to recovering and healing, keep that in mind and that particular group is just one route that people indulge in, in order to go about it.
Really my point is here that there are *options* out there, and to pursue those options with a little curiosity and open mindedness, in my personal experience hasn’t been the worst thing. It actually has helped.
It’s more about learning the necessary stuff as to what is needed for me to deal with What i deal with and for it to become more and more livable and manageable.
The group is not just for children of alcoholics, but for people who have had dysfunctional families, mental illness, etc in one/more parents care giver and unstable or otherwise unhealthy family dynamics? And are trying to heal from the significant impact it has had on their psychological and emotional well being, as well as resulting in unhealthy behaviors.
I am not sure if I want to be part of a support group or not, but my father did struggle with alcoholism so it might be beneficial I really would like there to be IFS IOPs that help encourage you to practice IFS concepts on yourself, but there are not any IFS IOPs even online as far as I know