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Posts: 32854
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll

Other than that I recognize his brilliance.

You mean the strats for 'T-Shirt Sales' you referenced earlier that would actually hurt his sales and his algorythm results? He's been banned for some of his content in the past as well and is liable to alienate his audience who were otherwise more intellectually invested before rather than there as some sort of outlet? 

Well TC. SC isn't for everyone either, and you're the biggest user around here.

This is the second time you've tried to compare my presence here with how MrGirl operates, when you've been with this community even longer than I have. 

It's both weird and tangential, not really related to the discussion at all, and I can't help but feel your ad hom itch is needing scratching at this point of the discussion which is likely why you're taking it here rather than having it remain about the person in question. We've been talking about if MrGirl is legit and over what criteria that is fitting, we don't have to go through the old character assassination song and dance every time we have a disagreement. 

The majority wouldn't be cool with what you've done, nor would they tolerate you as much as I, if they saw you through my optix.

Lol if people saw anything through your eyes they'd only see things your way, they're your eyes. 

I've actually had a fairly easy time bringing up SC to people in casual conversation IRL, the name is largely ironic if not purely self-referential at this point and the history here is moreso about the people. 

I'm not saying his sales are good or anything. I'm just saying that shirt is likely his best seller. He either approved it or made it himself. He knows he's being a dick.

So just because you think he knows he's being a dick, it must be fake? 

He thinks he's a truth speaking revolutionary that's saying what other people are too afraid to speak up about, and his audience are a bunch of enablers that believe the same thing. He continues to imply this when talking with people in interviews and he has that blank stare of 'not getting it' that's really hard to fake. 

He'd be selling to a niche audience he likely already has, there's very little advantage in this stunt he's doing, and the simpler answer is that he's not pulling an Andy Kaufman once you see how his girlfriend is responding to it. 

Or do you mean other areas of his 'brilliance' from other videos he's made? 

I'll pass on this one.

Probably wise, you'd just embarrass yourself when you, in spite of claiming to have skimmed some of his material, seem to not really understand what he's about beyond merchandising. 

This thread is going on day 3 btw.

What's your point? It's solid content even if the guy's heinous over the emotions it can evoke. Are you saying people should just be silent over it and not respond to it as if it weren't even there? 

If I thought so, that'd help you wouldn't it now.

So what is your point then? You aren't really saying anything here. 

Yeah it's day three of it, it's an interesting subject. Horrible things can still be a topic starter, and how the internet is responding to this is still fairly fresh from it being recent. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 32854
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll

It might be horrible for the potential reality, but it is also artistic in that respect. If anything attention should be drummed up against this dude to see how much of a response against it could surface, as judging from the comments in support of him here there's a crowd of likeminded individuals who need to be addressed over whatever they're getting out of this as an outlet for their own needs. 

I don't care about the comments right now. 

It's kinda related to your point of why he's doing this, we shouldn't be ignoring it. 

It's a direct reflection of the result of his choice to record and upload that video, I don't see how you can try to make off like the e-sociology of it isn't relevant. 

In the end his haters can make him viral and they'll just say they were acting, in exchange they'll both get a bravo. Plus everyone's seen worse. 

If the woman wants she can ditch the guy, there's a market for the nerdy tattoo gamer girl, she'll have options no problem.

You really don't understand the underlying mechanisms of abuse and adaptation at all. 

Ever hear of Stockholm Syndrome, or Gaslighting? People can outright be reduced into defending their abusers without even having to go that far, it isn't even uncommon. There's so many mental gymnastics people go through to tell themselves they are in control and not a victim that otherwise sabotage the means of seeking help. 

In other areas I see the two of them having fun.


Not saying it doesn't exist, moreso saying what I've seen of those two keeps showing her being uncomfortable and him berating her or otherwise forcing his way into her comfort zones and personal space when she's not into it. 

There's a hitpiece on Mrgirl on Kiwifarms, so if you want to huddle up and slander him with others you can.

Yeah I know, I just linked it to you which is likely why you know. 

Your tone almost sounds like intolerance with finding problems with the guy. Why shouldn't people be offended over his material? 

This mrgirl video is interesting. A psychological masterpiece where even his haters will run around trying to figure him out, but just because I'm not losing my cool over it, don't think for a second I enjoyed a dipiction of that woman's mind getting destroyed, or I lack sense for what I saw. 

You instead sit there insisting it can't be real and that the man's a genius, and justify your inhibition of emotional display as if it were stoicism rather than fear. 

I personally find more strength in the freedom to express from once having had a similar misconception. The true 'staying cool' is emotional honesty, not deadening. 

The day he presents the video as acting, it'll lose some of it's magic, and it's effect won't be the same.

The day he presents the video as acting is the day he's accused of damage control. 

Again, your inability to read faces is a bit haunting, but... might explain a few things about you overall in a way that makes your struggles to empathize and connect with people more sad rather than infuriating through understanding where it's coming from that much more. 

As for you. You're an opportunist, wanting to use my perspective against me to paint me as the bad guy. I said he's a genius, and you bring me some cringing girl, insinuated I'm inspired by this guy, then brought it back, tried to school me about the types of people out there. But really to me you're one of those people TC. Always trying to give me a bad name, and here's your chance again bruh.

You can't even have a disagreement over a video without making it about this rivalry you want to have. 

We're talking about MrGirl, try to focus please. 

My opinion. That video is a piece of art, made by someone who trolls the internet again and again. Surprise.

So you really think trolls can't also have real problems, or that making the appearance of irony out of real problems couldn't work as a smokescreen? "It's just a joke bro" is a shield the modern extremist uses to be able to try to normalize their platforms and get away with saying more while also creating a smokescreen of people saying it genuinely ironically, rather than as a way to hide. 

Like dude, you've seen Jim. How can you think a troll can't also have legit issues, especially with Shaelin on display like that? You keep ignoring her expression of emotions beyond the laughing as if it's not even there. 

Alright, kept the posts shorter for your convenience, lets see how much of it's read. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/30/2022 9:14:35 AM
Posts: 704
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll

No I don't, as you say, ignore everything except the laughing. I gave you my opinion on the subject matter twice already.

I did read your reply but it's gone backward with assumptions and more questions, and it's too much work while I don't care to change your mind or win such an entagled debate that only produces more questions and assumptions. The paragraphs are also too fragmented, it's the road of stupid tbh, you can't hear and it get's more immature and ignorant on your end.

It's required for you to be smarter, where you can understand without some juvenile reaction, and the what if's and low blows.

As for the part I skipped, I don't know who Andy Kaufman is, and as for the following question, it's a no. We're talking about this video. It's sad when I have to clear that 2nd part up but I'm dealing with you, so there you go.

Your feedback on me skipping that part is long winded and low, with a very miscalculated assumption. I understand me saying he's brilliant or a genius triggers you. Being a genius has nothing to do with being a nice or bad guy. You in particular may call someone brilliant or a genius as a form of flattery or reward, but that doesn't define one's intelligence.

Some say Thomas Edison was a genius as well, though records indicate he was a dick with bad taste. By your logic it would seem he shouldn’t be called a genius. Tesla was a bit of a dick too, and he's the best contribution to technology in our history.

It's gotten long and old.

This guy mrgirl trolls the internet over and over again, and he did it yet again, and people are upset. His haters watch him, some of his own subs and followers hate him. He even has you, Nathan. You're not going to forget him, and you're going to check him out again and again and again sooner or later. Brilliant.

Why that woman sticks around being humiliated who knows. She's probably enjoying the aftermath, it's a white knight fest. Some will be surprised when she surfaces "yet again with a grin" giggling at her boyfriend's narcissistic rants. If she stays with him it's her decision. 

I think it's planned out and made for a purpose, and that's to bring fame to this comedic/twisted artist. You'll assume that means I'm heartless or I'm a shitty person, while I'm not being played by Max's hand.

Posts: 4371
2 votes RE: You're My Real Doll

Someone made this meme

Posted Image

Posts: 32854
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll

No I don't, as you say, ignore everything except the laughing. I gave you my opinion on the subject matter twice already.

Yeah, and reading it has you comment on how it'd be horrible if it were real, but since it isn't it's genius. Following that you go out of your way to invalidate her expressions of pain and continue to show a reluctance with allowing yourself to believe in something where you risk being wrong for thinking it. 

I did read your reply but it's gone backward with assumptions and more questions, and it's too much work while I don't care to change your mind or win such an entagled debate that only produces more questions and assumptions.

Can you sum up the general themes I went on about to at least confirm for me that you read it, or did you lose focus? 

If you lost focus that's fine, it's three posts long at 4000 characters each and I know you're a bit ADD (especially when you get ramped up). Admitting to that being the case as others have been able to do in the past for a breather however would help me know that that's what's going on and have more room to be patient with you and sympathize with the struggle. 

If this one being 7000 is also too much, let me know and I'll, for you, try to keep the posts to 2000 characters so that you don't get lost. 

The paragraphs are also too fragmented, it's the road of stupid tbh, you can't hear and it get's more immature and ignorant on your end.

Can you really not follow trains of thought divided into sections? When I don't divide it you then complain that posts are too long, and you even get like this over other users. Even when it's formatted into what you've in the past ask for you just default on it being 'too stupid to bother with' just like Turquie does. 

What is your one, specific, preferred format, a single paragraph? If that's your maximum potential for how much material you can hold onto at a time just say so and I'll try to accommodate you for it so that the discussions have more room to go somewhere, but if you're just going to sit there and wait for others to speak so that you can make up excuses as to why you stopped trying then that's just giving them room to think they can try again similarly in the future. 

In this case, admitting to a weakness in focus rather than always blaming your peers would help things along. It's not even an uncommon weakness here, you'd be largely preaching to the choir. The only part that makes yours stand out honestly are over how you cannot self-direct when you struggle to go through another's material, it must always be redirected to something around you being culprit for your giving up on it. 


Your feedback on me skipping that part is long winded and low, with a very miscalculated assumption.

Sorry but some of your replies gave me that impression.

If it's simply that you watched and didn't absorb it that's fine, just tell me that. 

I understand me saying he's brilliant or a genius triggers you.

No, MrGirl's the one that's triggering, and don't try to steal his thunder when he earned this. 

I'm instead trying to ask you what about him makes him genius, and all you can say is 'infamy is money and he's selling shirts', a point I've already tackled earlier on with reasons why it'd not work as well as it might have even just 10 or 20 years ago. 

Being a genius has nothing to do with being a nice or bad guy.

I know, I'd for example at points refer to 'Jim's genius' at points in spite of his misdeeds or whatever, but when I ask what is genius you start getting ramped up and can't go beyond how it's supposedly drawing an audience (something I already addressed as to how it's likely to go in the modern era). 

Just please try to chill, we're talking about a Youtuber it shouldn't be this difficult. 

Some say Thomas Edison was a genius as well, though records indicate he was a dick with bad taste. By your logic it would seem he shouldn’t be called a genius. Tesla was a bit of a dick too, and he's the best contribution to technology in our history. 

Are you saying MrGirl is on par with the man who's crimes involve stealing inventions at the patent office? Are you calling theft genius in this case, when the most 'genius' thing he did was steal from Tesla? 

This guy mrgirl trolls the internet over and over again, and he did it yet again, and people are upset.

So confirmed, you cannot tell the difference between when a troll is trolling and when they are showing something they don't think is a problem? 

His haters watch him, some of his own subs and followers hate him. He even has you, Nathan. You're not going to forget him, and you're going to check him out again and again and again sooner or later. Brilliant.

See dude you're already getting to first names again, you need to work on your self control. 

Seriously, we can't even talk about a Youtuber at this point without you losing your temper. I don't even say your first name in spite of it being public domain yet you keep going there over the smallest of things. 

If you need a break from this, just admit that, that's fine it's human to need breaks. 

Why that woman sticks around being humiliated who knows. She's probably enjoying the aftermath, it's a white knight fest. Some will be surprised when she surfaces "yet again with a grin" giggling at her boyfriend's narcissistic rants. If she stays with him it's her decision. 

There's something seriously wrong with you if you think how she displayed on camera was joy, this is you falling onto her "b-but she laughed in the video!" excuse. 

Why is it hard for you to even venture that it could be real? 

I think it's planned out and made for a purpose, and that's to bring fame to this comedic/twisted artist. You'll assume that means I'm heartless or I'm a shitty person, while I'm not being played by Max's hand.

I didn't say that, you're putting words in my fingers again. 

I've been saying that this reality seems too harsh for you to face, so you find a myriad of means to convince yourself that it's fake. If you'd even bother with a little background research on the dude you'd see that even his Pedo song is largely him trying to use comedy as a smokescreen, a strategy that's trended in a more mainstream way ala Sam Hyde from male extremists who don't want to feel silenced anymore. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/30/2022 6:56:57 PM
Posts: 32854
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll
As for the part I skipped, I don't know who Andy Kaufman is

Since I use him as a relative example often enough, I'll bother giving a small rundown even though it's tangential. 

Posted Image

Andy Kaufman is an actor from around the 70s and 80s known for his genius comedy and his temper with refusing to dumb his jokes down. He played a character but constantly refused to admit that it was a character, sticking to the bit even as he begun to play other characters to an absurd degree. 

When I reference Kaufman, I reference a man who takes his job as an actor so seriously that he won't even break character when he's by himself walking down the street. While other actors have done that sort of thing to get deeper into a role, Kaufman stuck to it for unrealistically long lengths of time and as a purist to the Nth degree refused to compromise his vision even when it hurt his work, which it often did over him alienating his potential audiences.

His purist affect mixed with his anger issues and actually cost him work more than once, but to him it was more about the craft than even his own survival. These anger issues have also gotten him in trouble more than once, like when he got weirdly obsessed with some wrestler he got into a struggle with and then kept egging him on to become a part of his bit. 

If you look more into Jim Carrey you can see why this man's message kinda broke the dude and left him how we see him now, he's like the opposite of Jim with the same amount of passion for his work over how Jim preferred a series of inauthentic imitations while Kaufman dedicated his life to just a few. 

If you want to see a quick glimpse of the guy, check Jim's portrayal of him in Man On The Moon. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/30/2022 6:48:01 PM
Posts: 427
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll

No I don't, as you say, ignore everything except the laughing. I gave you my opinion on the subject matter twice already.

Yeah, and reading it has you comment on how it'd be horrible if it were real, but since it isn't it's genius. Following that you go out of your way to invalidate her expressions of pain and continue to show a reluctance with allowing yourself to believe in something where you risk being wrong for thinking it. 

I clearly said the thing itself is hedious.

It's also genius with an explination. For you that'd be a complement while the bad guys shouldn't ever be called so.

I did read your reply but it's gone backward with assumptions and more questions, and it's too much work while I don't care to change your mind or win such an entagled debate that only produces more questions and assumptions.

Can you sum up the general themes I went on about to at least confirm for me that you read it, or did you lose focus? 

If I want, but get this.

Can you sum up the amount of times I said I'm not interested in long ass entangled replies that lead to nowhere ? One being in here. You sent me THREE replies to one.

If you lost focus that's fine, it's three posts long at 4000 characters each and I know you're a bit ADD (especially when you get ramped up). Admitting to that being the case as others have been able to do in the past for a breather however would help me know that that's what's going on and have more room to be patient with you and sympathize with the struggle

12000 characters is more than I'd waste time on. Have I not made that clear for years.

If this one being 7000 is also too much, let me know and I'll, for you, try to keep the posts to 2000 characters so that you don't get lost. 

This is why I ignore you most of the time. Conversations are so backward.Try again next year.

The paragraphs are also too fragmented, it's the road of stupid tbh, you can't hear and it get's more immature and ignorant on your end.

Can you really not follow trains of thought divided into sections? When I don't divide it you then complain that posts are too long, and you even get like this over other users. Even when it's formatted into what you've in the past ask for you just default on it being 'too stupid to bother with' just like Turquie does. 

I can but the material you produce doesn't keep me interested.  If I want I can put more effort into it.

What is your one, specific, preferred format, a single paragraph? If that's your maximum potential for how much material you can hold onto at a time just say so and I'll try to accommodate you for it so that the discussions have more room to go somewhere, but if you're just going to sit there and wait for others to speak so that you can make up excuses as to why you stopped trying then that's just giving them room to think they can try again similarly in the future. 

Single paragraph. 

Having to respond to every sentence I pretty dumb. Especially when every sentence you reply to get's twisted. I like to do others things. Does it surprise you I have better things to do than quarrel  ?

In this case, admitting to a weakness in focus rather than always blaming your peers would help things along. It's not even an uncommon weakness here, you'd be largely preaching to the choir. The only part that makes yours stand out honestly are over how you cannot self-direct when you struggle to go through another's material, it must always be redirected to something around you being culprit for your giving up on it. 

Hm. Okay I have a weakness in focus. I do heavy hours and I do technicals all the time, even today. I'm building a fortune. I also like to use the chat log. If I had unimportant things in my day to day... Actually no. I can't think of wasting too much time on the merry-go-round of nonsense.

Your feedback on me skipping that part is long winded and low, with a very miscalculated assumption.

Sorry but some of your replies gave me that impression.

If it's simply that you watched and didn't absorb it that's fine, just tell me that. 

If it makes you feel better. Okay. I wasn't good enough to understand and take it in like you TC. Shame on me.

I understand me saying he's brilliant or a genius triggers you.

No, MrGirl's the one that's triggering, and don't try to steal his thunder when he earned this. 

I'm not even out to trigger. I never had you in mind when I said he's a genius. But you have something to say about that and you can't let it go.

Yes he played you. Max says he makes content to trigger people, even those who claim not to be triggered. I keep that in mind, and that video doesn't keep me up at night wanting to vent on others because of how they handled the presentation.

I'm instead trying to ask you what about him makes him genius, and all you can say is 'infamy is money and he's selling shirts', a point I've already tackled earlier on with reasons why it'd not work as well as it might have even just 10 or 20 years ago. 

I answered that twice already. You're starting to make me laugh.

I told you the video isn't real. It's heavily edited despite the seamless parts. I know how he did it. I have a trained eye from being a vfx artist.

Being a genius has nothing to do with being a nice or bad guy.

I know, I'd for example at points refer to 'Jim's genius' at points in spite of his misdeeds or whatever, but when I ask what is genius you start getting ramped up and can't go beyond how it's supposedly drawing an audience (something I already addressed as to how it's likely to go in the modern era). 

Well you once defended pedophilia in Luna's SC, I personally am not impressed with Jim, because he never expressed genius to me before.As a trader I'd tell you Jim's a dingbat. The bull run slipped through his fingers and he got rekt leverage trading. So you see it's  difficult for me to applaud Jim. Not being spitrfulWhat do you find genius about Jim ?

Just please try to chill, we're talking about a Youtuber it shouldn't be this difficult. 

Well I don't care much for this conversation, nor am I hasty to respond. 

Some say Thomas Edison was a genius as well, though records indicate he was a dick with bad taste. By your logic it would seem he shouldn’t be called a genius. Tesla was a bit of a dick too, and he's the best contribution to technology in our history. 

Are you saying MrGirl is on par with the man who's crimes involve stealing inventions at the patent office? Are you calling theft genius in this case, when the most 'genius' thing he did was steal from Tesla? 

"Some say Thomas Edison was a genius as well though records indicate he was a dick with bad taste" never said he was.He never stole anything from Tesla. All Edison took credit for was the lightbulb.



Posts: 704
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll

This guy mrgirl trolls the internet over and over again, and he did it yet again, and people are upset.

So confirmed, you cannot tell the difference between when a troll is trolling and when they are showing something they don't think is a problem? 

lol Dude. From the bottom of my heart. The video is by design. That's what I gather.


His haters watch him, some of his own subs and followers hate him. He even has you, Nathan. You're not going to forget him, and you're going to check him out again and again and again sooner or later. Brilliant.

See dude you're already getting to first names again, you need to work on your self control. 

Are you afraid of your own reflection too ? Like is somebody going to come to your house or something cause I said Nathan ? There's other Nathans out there don't you worry.


Seriously, we can't even talk about a Youtuber at this point without you losing your temper. I don't even say your first name in spite of it being public domain yet you keep going there over the smallest of things. 

You're projecting again.


If you need a break from this, just admit that, that's fine it's human to need breaks. 

I think I admitted that pages ago when I insisted I'm tired of these entangled messes.


Why that woman sticks around being humiliated who knows. She's probably enjoying the aftermath, it's a white knight fest. Some will be surprised when she surfaces "yet again with a grin" giggling at her boyfriend's narcissistic rants. If she stays with him it's her decision. 

There's something seriously wrong with you if you think how she displayed on camera was joy, this is you falling onto her "b-but she laughed in the video!" excuse. 

Why is it hard for you to even venture that it could be real? 

I can hear your voice cracking through the text.

You'll see her again, laughing and giggling while Max is being a dick. they've been doing it for awhile.


I think it's planned out and made for a purpose, and that's to bring fame to this comedic/twisted artist. You'll assume that means I'm heartless or I'm a shitty person, while I'm not being played by Max's hand.

I didn't say that, you're putting words in my fingers again. 

You've insinuated that in this very thread. By your logic how I handle this makes me a shitty person. You also insinuated he makes a good role model. One of silly things you say. Now here you are attacking.


I've been saying that this reality seems too harsh for you to face, so you find a myriad of means to convince yourself that it's fake.

Okay Mr. smoke and mirrors schizotypal guy. 



If you'd even bother with a little background research on the dude you'd see that even his Pedo song is largely him trying to use comedy as a smokescreen, a strategy that's trended in a more mainstream way ala Sam Hyde from male extremists who don't want to feel silenced anymore. 

 Well we're not talking about his pedo song are we. He is a really good artist though. Man can rhyme very well.

Man wants you to hate him.

Me ? I'm not going to carry any resentment especially when I know he wants me to.

They did what they did. It might not even last on youtube, but she'll be back. I advise you to stay away from his channel, it's not good for your coping capacity. Makes you bitter and sour on others. 

Posts: 32854
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll
Hawk said: 

No I don't, as you say, ignore everything except the laughing. I gave you my opinion on the subject matter twice already.

Yeah, and reading it has you comment on how it'd be horrible if it were real, but since it isn't it's genius. Following that you go out of your way to invalidate her expressions of pain and continue to show a reluctance with allowing yourself to believe in something where you risk being wrong for thinking it. 

I clearly said the thing itself is hedious.

I never said you didn't. 

It's also genius with an explination. For you that'd be a complement while the bad guys shouldn't ever be called so.

You continue to not explain it beyond "money", and you continue to not look further into his background. You've already written it off like you know the entire story and there's no room for you to explore it further it'd seem, all you'll do are personal attacks now. 

I did read your reply but it's gone backward with assumptions and more questions, and it's too much work while I don't care to change your mind or win such an entagled debate that only produces more questions and assumptions.

Can you sum up the general themes I went on about to at least confirm for me that you read it, or did you lose focus? 

If I want, but get this.

Can you sum up the amount of times I said I'm not interested in long ass entangled replies that lead to nowhere ? One being in here. You sent me THREE replies to one.

The replies I purposefully cropped down to 4000 characters for your convenience, now you're using it as a platform to complain. 

There is no pleasing you, and you cannot recount for me what I've been talking about because you aren't really engaging with it. You expect all the work to be done for you and then continue to not take it seriously if it does not conform to your premade expectations, not even to the point of remembering how others think in relation to you. 

Conversations are normally give and take, don't pull a Blanc on me. 

If you lost focus that's fine, it's three posts long at 4000 characters each and I know you're a bit ADD (especially when you get ramped up). Admitting to that being the case as others have been able to do in the past for a breather however would help me know that that's what's going on and have more room to be patient with you and sympathize with the struggle

12000 characters is more than I'd waste time on. Have I not made that clear for years.

Quite the opposite, you've had discussions with long posts and have complained when your own posts get over 10k. 

You only bring this up when you need an excuse, it's not a consistent problem. 

If this one being 7000 is also too much, let me know and I'll, for you, try to keep the posts to 2000 characters so that you don't get lost. 

This is why I ignore you most of the time. Conversations are so backward. Try again next year.

You can't even process it, wow. 

I can just go back to talking to Turquie if this is too much for you , she actually knows how to have a conversation. 

The paragraphs are also too fragmented, it's the road of stupid tbh, you can't hear and it get's more immature and ignorant on your end.

Can you really not follow trains of thought divided into sections? When I don't divide it you then complain that posts are too long, and you even get like this over other users. Even when it's formatted into what you've in the past ask for you just default on it being 'too stupid to bother with' just like Turquie does. 

I can but the material you produce doesn't keep me interested.  If I want I can put more effort into it.

I don't think you can over how you've yet to prove your ability to, even from other topics and even from other people. 

You cannot accept your own shortcomings, and my intolerance with that issue of yours is a shortcoming of my own. Hopefully one of us will get better. 

What is your one, specific, preferred format, a single paragraph? If that's your maximum potential for how much material you can hold onto at a time just say so and I'll try to accommodate you for it so that the discussions have more room to go somewhere, but if you're just going to sit there and wait for others to speak so that you can make up excuses as to why you stopped trying then that's just giving them room to think they can try again similarly in the future. 

Single paragraph. Having to respond to every sentence I pretty dumb.

I've done that for you and you just give a completely unrelated complaint when the material confuses you. 

If someone makes more than one point, does it not make sense to address them separately rather than your strategy of overlooking 95% of the message? 

Does it surprise you I have better things to do than quarrel?

Considering how much time you've wasted on it, if I were to believe you it would a little actually yes. 

You don't seem like you actually have better things to do, and in general you seem to get stuck in these talks similarly to how I do. We both have had points where we're both like "I'm done with this talk", yet we keep talking. 🤣

At this point I've opted to instead try to keep you on task by reminding you what we've been talking about periodically. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/31/2022 2:23:11 AM
Posts: 32854
0 votes RE: You're My Real Doll
Hawk said: 

Your feedback on me skipping that part is long winded and low, with a very miscalculated assumption.

Sorry but some of your replies gave me that impression.

If it's simply that you watched and didn't absorb it that's fine, just tell me that. 

If it makes you feel better. Okay. I wasn't good enough to understand and take it in like you TC. Shame on me.

Lip service, you don't really think it, but you're trying more than normal at least I'll give you that. 

You even said "in theory" today, some level of progress is being made. 

I understand me saying he's brilliant or a genius triggers you.

No, MrGirl's the one that's triggering, and don't try to steal his thunder when he earned this. 

I'm not even out to trigger. I never had you in mind when I said he's a genius.

Never said you did. 

But you have something to say about that and you can't let it go.

If we're both tugging on the same rope, you can at least acknowledge that we're both present rather than only pointing towards the one pulling against you. 

You seem to find a problem with having feelings over someone else's presentation, and you seem to not want to risk believing that you could be being duped by someone else, and at this point as the topic goes on you are even less inclined to explore the real situation from thinking you've 'seen enough to know'. 

To borrow from programmer speech, you need more 'if' in your life, otherwise there will be no 'then' in your statements. 

Yes he played you. Max says he makes content to trigger people, even those who claim not to be triggered. I keep that in mind, and that video doesn't keep me up at night wanting to vent on others because of how they handled the presentation.

And you just believe that that's all there is to it? Did you just block out their faces and only read the captions or something? 

Again you make it hauntingly clear that you can't read faces. Seriously, for both your sake and that of your IRL peers, please look into Paul Ekman's work. The only emotion from her you even seem to be taking seriously is the presence of a few laughs, and that's kinda messed up that your predisposition to not trust women has you already looking for reasons to not trust her. 

You keep repeating having seen her laugh, but reference none of her other feelings or even what she tries to talk about. It's like you didn't see her at all. 

Being a genius has nothing to do with being a nice or bad guy.

I know, I'd for example at points refer to 'Jim's genius' at points in spite of his misdeeds or whatever, but when I ask what is genius you start getting ramped up and can't go beyond how it's supposedly drawing an audience (something I already addressed as to how it's likely to go in the modern era). 

Well you once defended pedophilia in Luna's SC, I personally am not impressed with Jim, because he never expressed genius to me before.As a trader I'd tell you Jim's a dingbat. The bull run slipped through his fingers and he got rekt leverage trading. So you see it's  difficult for me to applaud Jim. Not being spitrfulWhat do you find genius about Jim ?

Okay yet again you can't even stick to the point, please try harder. I know tangents are wicked easy to do but you are seriously stuck in your version of this one timeframe to the point of it blinding you. We are typically not even talking about this stuff and yet you keep going back there like it's a war story you have trauma flashbacks over. 

The point is not more of the character assassination song and dance you're showing yourself to be straight addicted to, this is about how Jim is capable of both trolling and having serious issues at the same time. 

If Jim can oscillate between serious issues and trolling, then why can't MrGirl? It's not even an uncommon strategy anymore to smokescreen their deviancy with humor. 

Just please try to chill, we're talking about a Youtuber it shouldn't be this difficult. 

Well I don't care much for this conversation, nor am I hasty to respond. 

So because you don't care for it you can't be chill? 

Some say Thomas Edison was a genius as well, though records indicate he was a dick with bad taste. By your logic it would seem he shouldn’t be called a genius. Tesla was a bit of a dick too, and he's the best contribution to technology in our history. 

Are you saying MrGirl is on par with the man who's crimes involve stealing inventions at the patent office? Are you calling theft genius in this case, when the most 'genius' thing he did was steal from Tesla? 

"Some say Thomas Edison was a genius as well though records indicate he was a dick with bad taste" never said he was. He never stole anything from Tesla. All Edison took credit for was the lightbulb.

...okay I am going to resist the urge to throw a history lesson at you that you would not internalize anyway. It wouldn't even be for my own benefit to type it out for the rote learning of it when I've done it for others enough times already. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/31/2022 2:26:57 AM
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