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Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

There is no such thing as personal truth. The ideology that there are personal truths lead to delusion and dysfunction.

Our technology works based on what is true. The math behind building a rocketship to send a vessel to another planet relies are what is correct in terms of technology, and calculating time and trajectory. We're not fast enough to catch up with a planet, so we must spiral around the Sun to rondevu with say, Mars. If we pick just any day, it would be a shot in the dark and we'll surely fail.

We understand things, we do not overstand them, and when we intend to overstand and call it truth, then we're prone to folly. If your opinion is different, that holds true to me as it does to you but opinions never govern the truth.

Million of people across the globe believed Trump worked with Putin to win the election. They were very passionate about it and they believed it in their hearts that it was true. I personally never thought so cause I know who the wikileaks source is due to facts I'm able to prove, while others still think Russia hacked the DNC. What people think or are lead to believe never changes the truth in the matter.

If you hear voices in your head. Then that is true no matter what other people say.

Members are tired of seeing the dildo in the anus many times a day for days. This is true.

Repulsive materials damaging SC in the past, is true. As a matter of fact, this community has been reintroduced to some of our old comrades.

EC being destroyed by repulsive content, is true.

There is no such thing as personal truth. Trust is something we know, or don't know, or accept or ignore.

If time and space doesn't really exist, then that would be the truth, and if nothing really mattered, the truth still prevails.


Posts: 33607
0 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

There is no such thing as personal truth. The ideology that there are personal truths lead to delusion and dysfunction.

The idea of there being only "one truth" is a gateway to thinking that your "personal truth" is THE truth. 

THAT is what leads to delusion and dysfunction, as we can see displaying itself right here. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 110
0 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

Idk dude, I was pretty upset by the kick. I think its pretty silly to ban or kick someone for an anus pic he posts when prim would post prolapsed anuses.

Cawk does contribute to the conversation and while he does post unfortunate pics from time to time so does slay and turq. Discord has a pretty nifty block option and should be used if someone is making you uncomfortable.

I know I'm not a regular for sc but I think at the very least you should communicate with the other mods before you make a decision like that, it's also the first time I'm hearing that you also banned sandman for posting selfies.


The discord server might be nuked at some point but while its still in use I'd like for us to agree on what action should be taken before making any decisions on bans or kicks. We also have a mute role, and if absolutely necessary we can make an image roles so that whoever has that role can't post images. 


Hopefully we can come to some sort of agreement, I really dont want to see Tony detach himself from the server. His musical taste is really good.

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

There is no such thing as personal truth. The ideology that there are personal truths lead to delusion and dysfunction.

The idea of there being only "one truth" is a gateway to thinking that your "personal truth" is THE truth. 

THAT is what leads to delusion and dysfunction, as we can see displaying itself right here. 

 Tell that to anyone in any field of study. 

You can't put personal truth into practice. Otherwise we'll have professionals splitting off in different directions with different beliefs that that produce false results.

No programming would get done. Nothing.

We either know the truth or we don't. Sometimes we're sure of things because it's been proven to us.

Sometimes we have no real way of knowing the truth unless it surfaces, but one thing for certain, we shouldn't just settle. What we make of the truth, doesn't make truth.

It's not a matter of it being "my truth" as you put it, and while I say that it's not a call to fence with it.

What's happening is not a series of self centered event we write as it unfolds.

You have real issues with truth it seems.


Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

Cain and Spatial are right in general btw. Cawk was posting pictures that are disruptive. However, they are wrong that the community cares imo. And this is all that really matters.

On the discord server that I administrate, I would of made Cawk unable to post pictures. And no one would care to even check if its within the rules, except maybe Cawk. And his complaining would fall on deaf years, while being reassured that its noted. Because the people there, deep down in their hearts, or for some not so deep, agree with this decision. Because I know the target audience of the discord server I am in. And my concern there is to keep them happy, so they can bring traffic(unless being unhappy will bring more traffic). And I will achieve that by any means necessary. Everything else is for show.

But SC is different, people want it to be a lawless badlands. This is why Ed hates my ultimatum. I infringed on the rules of SC conduct. And so has Spatial.
The only reasonable course of action left for Spatial and/or Cain is to change the rules of conduct? I doubt this is what they want or that will happen, but it is interesting.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 4588
2 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

i would agree if the situation was more than posting the same pictures one or two times a day. but that's all it has been. it feels like heavy-handed censorship to go in on someone for that

Posts: 507
1 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

You can't put personal truth into practice. Otherwise we'll have professionals splitting off in different directions with different beliefs that that produce false results.


You conflate objective facts with value claims. The question here isn't whether Cawk was disruptive or not, he seemingly was, but what the best way to deal with this kind of behavior is. That gets us into the realm of opinions and knock-on effects.

Even if your method of dealing with Cawk was the best one (perhaps it was) the fact that you improvised made the mod action personal and inconsistent, something which I think we should generally try to avoid. Clearly we have ample evidence to suggest that mods imposing their own ideas of right and wrong has the potential to be even more disruptive to the community than spam, right?

My proposed rule would be that excessive spam is punished with a timeout.

last edit on 4/17/2019 12:19:41 PM
Posts: 151
1 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

At least you stopped.

Too lazy to change my profile picture
Posts: 33607
0 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

There is no such thing as personal truth. The ideology that there are personal truths lead to delusion and dysfunction.

The idea of there being only "one truth" is a gateway to thinking that your "personal truth" is THE truth. 

THAT is what leads to delusion and dysfunction, as we can see displaying itself right here. 

 Tell that to anyone in any field of study. 

Any field of study is effectively done through having a similar starting point, using the same codex of words. Despite progress being shown by taking these unified paths, it's more the consistency from our process that yields results that matters than if it denotes any actual truth to itself. It's effectively trial and error we attach superstitions to, with the main difference being in style: More Specific = More True to many people. In the end it can even be difficult to prove that what we're seeing is actually the case. 

We can see cause and effect, but we've largely accepted a process of it with ideas we've thrown at it that are at best speculative (calculations make it more specific within itself, not more correct when compared to an objective single truth). We could have used an entirely different process to find similar if not the same results and ended up spinning off into wildly different conclusions. 

We cannot grasp truth, but we can try to build a consensus off of the minds of others. Consensus however does not denote truth, it denotes a cause and effect consistency similar to that of a highly advanced form of group think. 

I'm sure you must understand of all people how a large group of people all agreeing on something does not make what they're saying necessarily more accurate, as otherwise you'd not be one of those people who discusses shit like Reptilians and The Illuminati, the less accepted "truths". 

You can't put personal truth into practice.

You can, how else do people like Einstein and Tesla get off the ground? 

They find their own ideas, they pose a hypothesis, and they see what results come from it. Tesla had some crazy ideas as to how some of his stuff worked and ideas of how the world worked, and if anything it was those odd ideas that had him go against the grain and change how human kind worked that much more than people who only understand "the way things are", a collectivist truth. 

Otherwise we'll have professionals splitting off in different directions with different beliefs that that produce false results.

False correlations are still more than possible within cause and effect replications. 

We don't need to truly know why something happens, just what steps that it took to do it, and if that info happens to cross into other territories than we may find similarities in other fields. 

No programming would get done. Nothing.

Again that's just a matter of consistency, like learning a language when you're still formative.  

We either know the truth or we don't. Sometimes we're sure of things because it's been proven to us.

It's closer to "either their truths appeal to us, or they repel us". 

Life is understand purely through the projective. We meet what aspects in others we could potentially see in ourselves when we speak with someone, and they will only see that which is in you that they'd expect about themselves back. We can only follow a relative understanding based on who we are and what we've experienced, and that relativity does not denote truth, it denotes comparison. 

Sometimes we have no real way of knowing the truth unless it surfaces, but one thing for certain, we shouldn't just settle. What we make of the truth, doesn't make truth. 

Except how do you even know it is a truth, "it feels right"? 

Past a point all means of denoting a truth are not hard to debunk, we just need to think we're onto something to support our sense of Main Character Ego-ing. 

It's not a matter of it being "my truth" as you put it, and while I say that it's not a call to fence with it.

People are literally calling you out now for how your "truth" does not conform to "theirs". 

Does that make it everyone else's problem but your own, or are you perhaps being misled by your idea of truth to the point of following your ego's excuses for your past actions? 

What's happening is not a series of self centered event we write as it unfolds.

It's precisely self-centered, for it's all people are capable of. 

In the end all we do is a selfish projection, but we can at least hope for as few collateral damages and as many gains for our surrounding peers as possible, as that's what can lead to a more comfortable life. 

You have real issues with truth it seems.

I've spent a lot of time wondering what it is, and like many areas it fell upon Nihilist conclusions. 

With so much variation, how can we really know anything? Even averaging it together shows things like cultural skew, plus if none of them were onto the right conclusions then I'd just be getting an average of collective insanity. 

How can you be so sure that your truth is anything but "personal"? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 4/17/2019 4:03:54 PM
Posts: 33607
0 votes RE: Tony aka Cryptonigger b...

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Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 4/17/2019 4:20:13 PM
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