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0 votes RE: Art topic


Yeah. Bored.

Who are you?

Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: Art topic

I very much like art with historical significance to it, because I like history. I'm not a huge art person though so don't expect anything profound. 

I am a big fan of Pieter Bruegel (the younger). When I was a child I read a book on about his life and exploits as a drawer and later painter. He was unique at the time (16th century Flanders) because of his dedication to capturing the life of the common people. This was in stark contrast with the Rennaissance art movement, which dictated that art should strive for ultimate perfection, e.g. when painting a man that man should represent the pinnacle of masculinity (imitating the romanticised view of classical antiquity) and Bruegel's refusal to buckle to this heavily imposed style was looked down upon by his contemporary artists. Bruegel ended up influencing Rennaissance art by being the first to introduce this realism. He liked painting nature as well as whatever the hell he saw by sitting outside. 

Pieter Breughel's "Peasant Wedding" was made after he crashed a wedding party during a time of relative austerity. He is known for "drawing silly little men and women" all with their own unique expressions, positions, and personalities, so that a lot of Bruegel's work you can keep looking at and finding new details to see. 

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"Winter Landscape" this was one of his later paintings in life, Bruegel lived in Brussels for a good number of years and captured village people ice skating on the frozen river. 

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Last but not least: This one is called Flight from Egypt and is one of my favourite paintings of Bruegel. I've read stuff about colour definitions and whatnot but being a bit of a simpleton, it just evokes a feeling of adventure and serenity in me. 

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Thanks Bruegel! 

And as a little bonus, a non-Bruegel painting I've always found amusing: Scramble for the Lunch by Jehan Georges Vibert. Dunno much about that. Funny though! 

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Posts: 419
0 votes RE: Art topic

Oh, God. Xadem has a similar taste in art as I do.


Chi No Wadachi. 

It's line work is solid, it's expressions are drawn by someone who clearly has a sensitivity to it himself, the use of speech is typically short and limited which lends more to the art than the communication, and his use of it makes for implications more so than a direct storyline being spoonfed to you as plot. He also does a masterful job attempting to make you relate to the main character with zoom ins on his expressions and skewed art that puts us behind the gaze otherwise of an unreliable narrator instead of the usual word of god approach. 

The work is done by someone who normally does horror pieces, but this time around needed to do something more family oriented and true to life. The constraints seem to force something a little more real out of him compared to his other works, and in that sense it shows how real life can be scarier for having the story feel a little more next-door. 

I'd say why I love it more specifically but the thing's a minefield of spoilers. The comments section on the site I've linked it through is also pretty wholesome. 

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Cool. I couldn't really relate to the characters. I imagine I could relate better if the guy drawing those was Russian. Don't know why. Something about the Japanese culture that I can't relate to.

Posts: 33176
0 votes RE: Art topic
Legga said: 

Cool. I couldn't really relate to the characters.

Did you get past chapter five? It picks up hard there, but otherwise is kinda just a disguised day in the life of a sensitive dude. 

I imagine I could relate better if the guy drawing those was Russian. Don't know why. Something about the Japanese culture that I can't relate to.

This dude actually (thankfully) avoids a lot of the anime pitfalls in drawing design. Even so you may like Western inspired manga like Berserk: 

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I'm not usually a big anime fan, and I read even less manga, but mostly over the oversaturation of a few styles and tropes. Ones trying to be more "Western" tend to push different boundaries, like the anime Cowboy Bebop. 

Coincidentally, Berserk was one of the inspirations for Dark Souls. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 419
0 votes RE: Art topic

I finally figured out what type of art to post. This is called `Inquirer's glorious topic bump`. This artwork is mainly made possible by Turncoat.

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It's accompanied by a long caption that lays out the context for it (edited for brevity and entertainment):

Inquirer said:
Nice graph, but can you actually name all Swedes on the forum?
Moron said:
Inquirer, seven: Inqy, Sensy, Fake Sensy, Missy, MissC, Edvard, user/V for Vendetta
Inquirer said:
let's see you provide evidence for all the claims you've made concerning the nationality of these 7 accounts.
Good thing we have people like you who are clearly not afraid of looking stupid. You're the yin to my yang. :p
your "evidence" is so badly constructed I'm disappointed by the lack of effort you put into this troll. :p
I'll regularly bump this thread so members of SC will never forget your true colors.
Inquirer said:
By the way, if you want to know the full list of Swedish members (past and present) you need only ask.
Moron said:
Yes, please give me the full list of Swedish members (both past and present)

By your own stance, attach convincing proof of their nationality


You said you'd be consistently bumping this topic. I think I'll do that.
Inquirer said:
All I asked you to do was to back up your claims with rudimentary reasoning, which you clearly struggle with.
Moron said:
Inquirer: "Provide evidence for all the claims of the nationality of these 7 accounts."

In your own words: Please provide evidence.
Inquirer said:
What I've said is: "Inquirer reasoning is better than your reasoning."
Inquirer said:
Provide Inquirer evidence
Moron said:
If you claim I am an idiot for not presenting "Inquirer evidence," then I can apply the same logic to conclude that you are an idiot for not presenting "verifiable evidence." I expect that you don't want to conclude you are an idiot, by your own logic.
Inquirer said:
All I've done since is push you to actually back up that list.
Turncoat said:
Why not show him how it's done by doing it first? Be the example you'd like to see in others?
AliceInWonderland said:
This is pleasing.
QuietBeef said:
Inquirer you seem very intent on Legga being ashamed of his behavior or conclusions when hes clearly not. Is there a reason you want or expect him to feel diminished as a person by this debate?
Moron said:
If you re-define evidence and demand me to provide Inquirer evidence, which is pure conjecture, then every Matt, Oscar, Kim and Johnson can barge in with their definitions of evidence and demand you for their own subjective evidence.

By your logic, it's not just you I'm forced to convince. I should provide evidence to every single person as per their own definitions.
Moron said:
Do you agree that it wouldn't be unreasonable for me to reject information which I have no access to?
Inquirer said:
That's not unreasonable, but what is unreasonable is demanding such stringent evidence that it's impossible for us to prove anything.
Moron said:
Hold on. So if I demonstrate that, as per my criteria (specifically, by evidence which is accessible to not just me, but you also), I can still prove things to you, then you admit you are wrong?
Inquirer said:
If you provide "evidence, which is accessible to you, for a list of people that have talked on vocaroo in Swedish, typed in Swedish beyond Google translate, all that shit, plus minus a few conditions" for your list "then I will promise to give similar evidence, accessible to you, for the people on my list -- or admit I am wrong."
John Johnson said:
Inquirer, aren't you embarrassed by how poorly constructed your evidence is?

Here is my proposed list:

At least SensitiveSoul is Swedish

Reasons: SensitiveSoul has claimed to be Swedish, SensitiveSoul has read/written in Swedish well beyond Google Translate-level (including in chat at times), has displayed an intimate knowledge of Sweden, and Sensy's vocaroos, which you've heard, show she has a Swedish accent. You have access to this information.

Your list, on the other hand, is pure conjecture. It's a joke. Nobody told you to use unverifiable evidence like a jackass. I define "John Johnson evidence" which is way better than "Inquirer evidence". So you are now an idiot by your own logic.
Moron said:
Any Jack and John Johnson can now barge in with their own list and call you an idiot. Which is exactly what you did.

Link to the best response in all of the debate.

last edit on 9/19/2020 4:02:37 PM
Posts: 419
0 votes RE: Art topic

Most of it is focused on the discussion between Inquirer and I, because that's what I am most familiar with. However, there's a whole other branch of discussion with Turncoat debating MissComm and essentially pointing out every debate fallacy Inquirer committed. I might post those at a later date. A lot of what was happening on the background is not really captured there. It's basically a TLDR summary.

I hope it is still readable, even if parts of the discussion were dropped out.


Oh and by the way, anyone thinking I'm petty for bumping this topic: I'm only fulfilling what Inquirer promised to do to me had he been in my position. I feel like It's my obligation to now `bump` this topic similarly to how he had promised to do when he felt he was winning.

last edit on 9/19/2020 4:08:36 PM
Posts: 33176
0 votes RE: Art topic

While not from a specific artist, Thailand graffiti grabbed my attention for a solid two hours of wandering while I was traveling: 

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Graffiti in general's always been a thing, but the Thai-style is notably different. I have a lot more than this if anyone wants to see them. 

Also as a side note these were seemingly everywhere: 
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Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Art topic
Legga said: 

I finally figured out what type of art to post. This is called `Inquirer's glorious topic bump`. This artwork is mainly made reality by Turncoat, but I'm co-authoring it.

Posted Image

It's accompanied by a long caption that lays out the context for it (edited for brevity and entertainment):

Inquirer said:
Nice graph, but can you actually name all Swedes on the forum?
Moron said:
Inquirer, seven: Inqy, Sensy, Fake Sensy, Missy, MissC, Edvard, user/V for Vendetta
Inquirer said:
let's see you provide evidence for all the claims you've made concerning the nationality of these 7 accounts.
Good thing we have people like you who are clearly not afraid of looking stupid. You're the yin to my yang. :p
your "evidence" is so badly constructed I'm disappointed by the lack of effort you put into this troll. :p
I'll regularly bump this thread so members of SC will never forget your true colors.
Inquirer said:
By the way, if you want to know the full list of Swedish members (past and present) you need only ask.
Moron said:
Yes, please give me the full list of Swedish members (both past and present)

By your own stance, attach convincing proof of their nationality


You said you'd be consistently bumping this topic. I think I'll do that.
Inquirer said:
All I asked you to do was to back up your claims with rudimentary reasoning, which you clearly struggle with.
Moron said:
Inquirer: "Provide evidence for all the claims of the nationality of these 7 accounts."

In your own words: Please provide evidence.
Inquirer said:
What I've said is: "Inquirer reasoning is better than your reasoning."
Inquirer said:
Provide Inquirer evidence
Moron said:
If you claim I am an idiot for not presenting "Inquirer evidence," then I can apply the same logic to conclude that you are an idiot for not presenting "verifiable evidence." I expect that you don't want to conclude you are an idiot, by your own logic.
Inquirer said:
All I've done since is push you to actually back up that list.
Turncoat said:
Why not show him how it's done by doing it first? Be the example you'd like to see in others?
AliceInWonderland said:
This is pleasing.
QuietBeef said:
Inquirer you seem very intent on Legga being ashamed of his behavior or conclusions when hes clearly not. Is there a reason you want or expect him to feel diminished as a person by this debate?
Moron said:
If you re-define evidence and demand me to provide Inquirer evidence, which is pure conjecture, then every Matt, Oscar, Kim and Johnson can barge in with their definitions of evidence and demand you for their own subjective evidence.

By your logic, it's not just you I'm forced to convince. I should provide evidence to every single person as per their own definitions.
Moron said:
Do you agree that it wouldn't be unreasonable for me to reject information which I have no access to?
Inquirer said:
That's not unreasonable, but what is unreasonable is demanding such stringent evidence that it's impossible for us to prove anything.
Moron said:
Hold on. So if I demonstrate that, as per my criteria (specifically, by evidence which is accessible to not just me, but you also), I can still prove things to you, then you admit you are wrong?
Inquirer said:
If you provide "evidence, which is accessible to you, for a list of people that have talked on vocaroo in Swedish, typed in Swedish beyond Google translate, all that shit, plus minus a few conditions" for your list "then I will promise to give similar evidence, accessible to you, for the people on my list -- or admit I am wrong."
John Johnson said:
Inquirer, aren't you embarrassed by how poorly constructed your evidence is?

Here is my proposed list:

At least SensitiveSoul is Swedish

Reasons: SensitiveSoul has claimed to be Swedish, SensitiveSoul has read/written in Swedish well beyond Google Translate-level (including in chat at times), has displayed an intimate knowledge of Sweden, and Sensy's vocaroos, which you've heard, show she has a Swedish accent. You have access to this information.

Your list, on the other hand, is pure conjecture. It's a joke. Nobody told you to use unverifiable evidence like a jackass. I define "John Johnson evidence" which is way better than "Inquirer evidence". So you are now an idiot by your own logic.
Moron said:
Any Jack and John Johnson can now barge in with their own list and call you an idiot. Which is exactly what you did.



lol wtf?

All you have to do to prove a member here is Swedish is talk to them in Swedish.

Bc most people can't be arsed to learn that confusing fuck of a language unless they were born there  xP

I know. I forced myself to learn a little bc I'd like to visit there someday.

I can write a bit without embarrassing myself, if I have help from google.


Pronunciation is a bitch, tho. I can barely order a coffee in Swedish if I have to use my voice.

Posts: 419
0 votes RE: Art topic
Xena said: 
lol wtf?

All you have to do to prove a member here is Swedish is talk to them in Swedish.

Bc most people can't be arsed to learn that confusing fuck of a language unless they were born there  xP

I know. I forced myself to learn a little bc I'd like to visit there someday.

I can write a bit without embarrassing myself, if I have help from google.


Pronunciation is a bitch, tho. I can barely order a coffee in Swedish if I have to use my voice.

Oh I am def. not contesting that. I made a bit longer post narrating the topic in detail here.


Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Art topic


That post looks more like you're interested in how, when and why people use their book smarts than who's a Swede.


I thought MissC was Canadian?

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