Like where are you getting this info from even, 8kun?
You're quoting discord, believing what they say word by word and completely disregarding the entirety of the political climate we live in but you're questioning my sources
Should we not question your sources? Does that make you uncomfortable? kek
My entire argument is that because of the current political climate and the liberal stranglehold on American media my party has little to no representation. As I mentioned to Turncoat we are in the middle of a modern Red Scare but it's with Alt-right, racist terrorcells. No platform wants anything to do with that or to face pressures from status quo so they shoot first and ask questions last.
If this sort of thing is so deeply buried by a fascist culture that there are no citable traces of it, even on the internet, how do you know it's happening?
this isn't about or even a part of fascists culture despite whatever target they may paint, its about conservative culture. fascist is just a buzzword used to justify silencing their political opponents. There is no threat of extreme fascism taking over the country or even harming lives. It's quite the opposite