Like a person, all squishy with feelings and vulnerabilities more like a journal entry.
There's a 16 yr old girl that does TikTok videos. she does cosplay, and despite not entirely understanding it all. I find what she does to be adorable, and I see her as an archtype in my mind for a daughter. She got doxxed by pedos once and I sat late at night, sulking in anger thinking about purging pedophiles, and torturing them to death. Hence my distastes towards the likes of Cawk and Jim. Regardless of this, I still try to treat Jim with some level of civility.
I confess to having some sort of feeling for this girl that is going into the marines with me, but even then I think it's mostly the thought of just using her for sex than it is to actually care about her. If I were to get that far with her. I try to help her since she seems insecure.
I got a friend online that shares a lot of the views as mine and I would consider him like a brother to me, even a right hand man, or vice versa if it came to such. Maybe I'd feel something if he died. I guess this could apply to a comrade of mine that lives a few hours away from me, that I also would almost consider a right-hand man, even if we disagree on a few things.
There was a girl I graduated with that had a child, I remember I used to be in love with her a lot, and offered to help her in any way I could when she was pregnant if given the chance, I'd would've like to raise the kid with her. She committed suicide back in September, I went to go see her corpse thinking I would feel something, but nothing was mustered.
When's the last time you had a good cry?
I'm not really sure, that's something my old self would've known.