Sure, the wealth is a hard factor to contest, as objectively his net worth is there (even if his claim according to Forbes is a little over twice of what it actually is). We get that he has money, we get that he's a business man...
...but what do we really know about what he's going to do other than building a wall? He's just a narcissistic critic that's found a way to use people's distaste for how things are going. When cornered, he yells the word "CHANGE" (alongside his turrets of the word "CHINA" and the occasional flurry of surprisingly dismissive "I don't know I don't know"s) and suddenly everything is all better, but will that fly as high once he's actually sitting in the Presidential chair? He says he's the change we need, but he isn't really saying how beyond some racism (and other -isms) and his possession of an unusual occupational label to carry into the election. For those more politically informed, I'm left questioning how much of what they say is them filling in the blanks for​ him, as otherwise he's not much more than a bunch of hate speech (other than his support of Putin, apparently) in the form of easy-to-consume Ad Hominems with little construction planned behind it. I mean shit, he even insults the military in front of a military audience while offering nothing other than effectively saying that "FUTURE generals will be great" prooflessly, and who in their right mind wants to elect someone who calls themselves unpredictable? We ought to be able to predict whoever's sitting at the leader's chair, not pride how much we can't beyond feeding his own ego.
Ask yourself, how is a narc in his own mind ever something we don't need? If we didn't need change, he'd be the [insert quality here] that we "need", and even if he ruined the US he'd find excuses for how it was going that way on it's own anyway (whether that's true or not isn't relevant if he'd do it either way), and until that point he will proclaim that failure is impossible like some sort of oblivious man-child. He believes he can do no wrong, which to me is scarier than a person who simply has to present themselves as if they couldn't. He will slap his name onto everything (as he literally already has) before accepting all successes as his own from his signature's presence and denying the faults as if it were someone else misrepresenting his name... to a worse degree than we've grown to expect from both him and former politicians. So much of what has people on board with him is his energy, his presentation, as opposed to anything related to actual politics. This guy is literally winning people over for the same classic reasons that narcs win anyone over: People believe their crazy when it's said that confidently, and if it's not believed it's still appreciated more than someone boring saying the right things.
By and large, people don't pay attention to the politics, they just want someone they like looking at. They want someone they could share a beer with, they want someone who makes for easy writing, and he's promising a lot of potential clowning alongside the potential for destruction. His two platforms are change for the sake of it through empty promises and providing people with entertainment. The people who want him in office, largely, are mostly the sort who pay attention to presentation instead of data, how they treat their family as opposed to how they treat the rest of the world (like the Clinton Scandal). He's a brand name, literally, versus a supposed "dynasty" that's being insulted from how much change it supposedly isn't from it merely having existed beforehand.
To a typical Trump supporter, they are just looking at two buttons with little to no elaboration needed: "Change" and "Same". He is the perfect example as to why the US is a joke, and having him in office will further exemplify that for both good and ill fueled purely by hot air and bravado behind a curtain made of cash. I often expect that he's going to win, and for that I'm thankful that he at least won't boring. With all the secrecy, it'll be interesting to watch how people respond to his blunder-to-be's.
He's an Anarchistic Comedian's wet dream, and it's both sad and baffling how he can be much more than that this far along. I don't really care about politics, but watching him succeed when he's this blatant says a lot about the American People in a pessimistic light. I didn't have much hope for them to begin with, but it's not fun to have a pessimistic perspective attacked by something worse than the pessimists not-so-wild imaginings. Even Bush II making it into office was far less shocking, as the guy was at least composed and organized, had a team of people helping him look less like the Chimp he'd been made to appear as, and he had 9/11 to push his popularity as opposed to pure uncut sensationalism.
Who is elected should be for what they can do, not for what the other person supposedly can't. To do otherwise allows someone to elect a complete mystery, and this mystery isn't likely to be liked by very many other countries. He's not really that much change when you dig into the likelihoods, and despite those who claim he can't be bought... Trump Steaks shows that he clearly can be bought (in that case by Sharper Image), even by blatantly dumb ideas, as long as he gets to have his name splattered all over it. It's all about him, what he can do for himself, more than the US itself, just as it has been for him throughout his business past.
And now, something more positive for the TLDR's: