Hmm...3 weeks immobile and 10 weeks post care.
The surgeon just called me...( will wonders never cease! ) ...seems the implant goes in for up to 8 months, but less than a And stated aggressive physiotherapy could improve rate of healing..which is around 3 months...similar to your experience...
The shit that hit the fan....and the positives that come out of it...never cease to amaze me...people can be truly amazing.
It was heartwarming when I saw a man help a lil child pay for his groceries. I mean he had enough to buy everything he needed he just wanted a chocolate bar as well. It was obvious he could not afford it so he put it back on the shelf...
In detail...
Then the man said "Do you want the chocolate bar?"
The child frightened answers, "No".
The man seeing through his transparent lies replies, "Yes you do".
Then then man pays for his whole grocery lists!!! < 3