I love drive ins!!! They are still a thing in certain places. The thing is you also need a car that will let you turn off the head lights. It is coming to a point some cars have headlights or back lights on all time without an off switch.
Reaper stated: source post
What do you think would happen if Ed and Tony (Spatial Mind) met face to face?
Isn't it obvious he'd hide ?
I hate to agree with Toby over Ed under any circumstances but... erm...
He has a point this time :(
I know. Let's pretend I'm able to sneak Ed into a meeting with Toby as somebody other than Ed. That way nobody will catch on to Ed's celebrity bc they'll just think he's my tall good looking french cousin from Kapuskasing (to explain the accent lol)
Now what do you think would happen?
Xena stated: source post
I hate to agree with Toby over Ed under any circumstances but... erm...
He has a point this time :(
If he decided to respond to this thread he'll probably say how he'd smash me, or do something an insecure animal would do.
I know. Let's pretend I'm able to sneak Ed into a meeting with Toby as somebody other than Ed. That way nobody will catch on to Ed's celebrity bc they'll just think he's my tall good looking french cousin from Kapuskasing (to explain the accent lol)
Now what do you think would happen?
Even if he stayed very still, I'd detect there's something up with him.
You want to believe Ed is everything he claims to be, but if you saw him with your own eyes, you probably wouldn't even have the slightest clue it was him.
"You want to believe Ed is everything he claims to be, but if you saw him with your own eyes, you probably wouldn't even have the slightest clue it was him."
Nope. I believe what adds up (more or less) and don't believe what doesn't.
Ed is definitely tall. I can tell he's not bullshitting about that, just by the things he writes. He's also provided proof in the form of a pic.
You said yourself that Ed is hot. When a person's hated rival can't bring himself to call somebody ugly or even average, I tend to believe it. More so than if a friend were to say the same thing.
Ed is Scandinavian and speaks with a cute accent. Why would he lie?
Other than that, I've given no indication that I believe everything Ed says, or that I care much about what's true and what's not.
So why would you say that? Silly man.
- 4:15
Xena: Hi missy
- 4:19
Missy: How are you xena
- 4:20
Xena: Good
- 4:20
Xena: :)
- 4:21
Xena: Arguing with Tony about wht would happen if I introduced the 2 of them in Toronto lol
- 4:21
Xena: *Tony and Edvard
- 4:22
Xena: What do you think? XD
- 4:22
Missy: Haha
- 4:23
Missy: Hmm welk they would continue their bickering,standing really close, using different techniques to assert dominance
- 4:23
Missy: Not necessarily fight it out, but I believe neither should back down
- 4:23
Missy: Would
- 4:25
Xena: I don't think they'd fight either. Not if they were with me anyway. We'd be in Gaysville bc I like the atmosphere around Church & Wellesley area
- 4:25
Xena: Which means that there would be eyes on us all around
- 4:25
Missy: I think they'd bicker a lot
- 4:26
Missy: Cheapshots
- 4:26
Xena: lol yes. Ofc they would
- 4:27
Missy: I think they'd enjoy each other's company
- 4:27
Missy: Never admitting it
- 4:27
Missy: But I think they'd love to hate each other's
- 4:27
Xena: Mybe. They might surprise me :)
- 4:28
Missy: Maybe with a threesome
- 4:28
Missy: That would surely surprise me to hear about
- 4:29
Missy: Ed and spatial swordscrossing
- 4:30
Xena: lolwut? Yeah maybe they'd both ditch me for some hot girl and go have a 3some while I weep in my latte :'(
Missy's so cute :D