...apparently I can, and also:
I'm just going to go with Clayface at this rate. I must be bordering between multiple ones on a hair, as I've answered most of them the same each time.
Answer Key:
1) Pave the way for others.
2) Your Intuition
3) To get ahead
4) Observe their behavior and formulate an opinion
5) The sidekick
6) Respect
7) Try to gain as much power as possible
8) Either Immediate and Swift Retribution or Keep them around and watch your back
9) Divinely dysfunctional
10) Planning how to acquire more power
11) Either Your Style is still evolving or Classic
12) You haven't got anything to hide
13) Either With those whom I have much in common or People you respect
14) You're likely to see many grey areas
15) At home
Apparently I'm Barbara Kean now: ​
1. Follow a leader.
2. Your looks.
3. To help those you care about.
4. Hope for the best.
5. The sidekick.
6. Love.
7. Help people.
8. Forgive them but never forget.
9. Loving and monogamous.
10. Out on the prowl.
11. Your style is still evolving.
12. You're not perfect, but you've reformed.
13. Your social circle varies.
14. Your moral compass points due north.
15. At home.