I don't know. can you pm me the instructions? thanks.
JimSavage stated: source post
Edvard: Troll him until he gets angry and punishes me anally :3
If this is all you got Jim, afraid you'll remain stuck with your hand and dildo. XD
WW3 stated: source post
you've doxxed TS even when it's against the rules to doxx. im just logging ips. i've never even outed any of them.
There's no rule against doxxing and never has been one. The hell are you talking about.
I am not saying you should be banned. However I'd prefer anyone who is caught trying to do this creepy IP grab shit from now on to be banned. Hacker stuff takes away from the raw feel of this place imo. This is different than posting some shady shit in chat smart people don't click on. This trick grabs the ip of anyone who loads a thread, and especially if there are few posters online, you can narrow it down pretty well. Say you already know that someone is from Australia, or "central Europe", or Scandinavia, and the rest of the posters who show up online are Americans or you know where they come from. You can be very accurate in identifying a certain poster's ip especially if you repeat the trick at various times and make a stat. People whose countries you already know are even easier.
If you get someone's city and you put that in google searches you can obtain a dox, depending on how much more they revealed about themselves.
Using Tor solves this problem though. It's not my battle to fight.
WW3 stated: source post
it's not code it's an image. you insert it just like any other image.
And the image is hosted somewhere that gives you the IP? A way around this would be to only allow "embeds" from certain hosting sites then, like imgur. I know you can only embed videos from YT, right?
Why did you bother with all this forum crap though WW. A simple image sent to the pm of your target should have done the trick. You would have needed some social skills to convince them to click on it though and not suspect anything. Even so, curiosity gets the best of most people.
There's no rule against doxxing and never has been one. The hell are you talking about.
i'd rather have my ip logged than doxxed. and so would you. so ip logging is a non issue if doxxing isnt.
A simple image sent to the pm of your target should have done the trick. You would have needed some social skills to convince them to click on it though and not suspect anything. Even so, curiosity gets the best of most people.
i did that to cadaver before i found out about the invisible ip logger. And he still snitched on me and caused a ruckus.
WW3: i found a pic of you mwahahahahaha
WW3: http://blasze.tk/QOFGYA
WW3: :D
Cadaver: You really want to go there?
Cadaver: If you try something like that again I'm going to dox you.
Cadaver: You couldn't even be bothered to shorten the link? So lazy
WW3: do you have my doxx
WW3: .
WW3: do you have it or not
WW3: i want an answer concave
WW3: im getting paranoid
Luna Prey stated: source post
you guys are crazy... 99.9% of websites track ips. Every single link you click on as you move about the internet is basically giving away your IP to the server your navigating to. it does not ruin the usability of this site that a user posts a link... ip address can be used to find your city, but if stalkers want to get more information from an IP address, they will need to get a warrant from a judge, and serve it to the internet provider, forcing them to hand over records.
Because there are absolutely no stalkers on this site who might have an easier time tracking someone down with a general location...
I'm not saying that it's even remotely feasible to go through every post or thread to remove IP trackers that members have placed, but if they're blatant why not take them down for the sake of making people feel a little more comfortable?