i don't agree with everything here, but it is my fav response so far...
Tryptamine stated: source post
empathy and altruism are also human characteristics.
And neither are intrinsically positive or negative functions. They are just like digestion or blood-pressure - there's an optimum value, much diversion from that is detrimental. Dysfunctional empathy / altruism can be in fact more detrimental than the lack of altruism / empathy.
Progression is a Human construct.
We build mega-resource strongholds and must extract it(resources) from any place we can get it from Biological to informational, then the whole "pollution" debate starts.... which is a weak argument for the "Corporate-Machinic-Institutionalist" to have semantically controlled resource harvest with semantic and lingual rhetoric behavioral controlling techniques known as "Laws" and "Informal and formal social rules/norms/conditioning" tied in with what Foucault called "Biopower" which is Mass media(Anti-discourse) Military(Counter-Insurrectionist/Revolution/resource defense and/or destruction and Mass Murderâ„¢ McDONaldist-Walmart complex (McDonalds for the liberated oil lands and Walmart prices go down on the Homeland.) Police(the anti-Intelligence unit and profited-serial rapist/killers who obey so most are made or "employed"(wage/resource ticket slavery).
The brainwashers in the military bases sitting on computers (12 hours a day or less and have multiple proxies and computers on AI running bots.
This is how they get the attention hold onto everyone who are meditated through their shamanistic-sorcery-informational scam system.
Hahaha another cuck "disappointed" with humans. If "evolution" you speak of had better plans, the results would be in place. Of course, if you bothered to read even the definition on wiki, you'd know that evolution is a semi-random selection process, that doesn't have any "plans".
As for technology, we'd probably already be living in utopia of rational beings if eugenics wasn't banned after the nazi shitstorm.
First off, awesome posts by Tryptamine.
Daniella stated: source post
i'm convinced when most people use that phrase, the only purpose is to make an excuse for how fucked up the world is...
Why excuse and not explanation? I think it's more like an explanation.
racism, rape, murder, government corruption, etc are considered things that will always be here because of "human nature".
even if it is real, i notice that people never even want to use their critical thinking skills to try to find ways to work around it, possibly change it? with all of the technological advancements, you'd think by now there'd be some non-genocidey way to get that accomplished.
So why do you think "people" don't do all that?
i don't believe there's enough proof that humans are hard-wired to do negative things or positive things. if people used this cop out centuries ago, a lot of fucked up things would still be happening.
People are hard-wired to think in terms of "good" and "bad", but the problem is they can't agree on what's what. It's hard in a world where every loss/evil is another's benefit/good.
i wish more people would just be honest and admit they're too arrogant to think maybe just maybe "evolution" has better plans for the species than this mess we have right now.
The way I see it evolution has only one plan: keep existence existing... It's the same evolution that mutated spiders to paralyze and suck out the innards of insects and all sorts of gruesome shit.
MissCommunication stated: source post
This thread lists negative human behaviours alongside human nature. However, for every example given it should be noted that the opposite behaviours are practiced more frequently. For the amount of humans on the planet you would think there would be more racism, murder and rape. These things are more of an anomaly than the norm.
Human nature is complex, you can talk about it generally, but there is a lot of variation among each person.
I also think that our primal biology often surpasses our artificial social rules. Our primal instincts have been around for way longer, they are deep down in our genes and to them we owe our entire existence and history. They are very powerful energies, and I believe straying away too far from them, suppressing them, leads to a certain kind of unhappiness and frustration. It's healthy to find ways to accept and embrace the "inner beast" sometimes, because otherwise it can cause serious damage to yourself and others.