I just asked you to explain what seemed so confrontational about me, since you said that you found me extremely confrontational.
This isn't an argument. You stated an opinion and I'm asking you to explain why/how you formed that opinion. Your perspective of me is very different, where I say I am not a confrontational individual, you say you find me extremely confrontational.
This is sorta like if I said "Canada sucks dick" and you asked 'why do you think "Canada sucks dick"?' And I didn't have any explanation as to why I think that.
I said if you can't explain why you find me extremely confrontational, you may post links to prove your point.
This isn't being confrontational, this is me wanting to learn how to better myself. If you can point out or explain how something I said seems confrontational, I can look at it from your point of view and say oh hey she's right, from over here it does seem that way or explain the reason I said what I said.