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Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

You shouldn't imply that sugar's obese, whoever you are.

She wouldn't like that.

That's the type of retarded crap wooster resorts to after she loses an argument.

Posts: 10218
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Xena stated: source post

How am I any closer to TK's behaviours than anybody else here?

You're taking it too literally, but for a few supporting details you're both easy and chronically self-focused, and once pushed you both can't help yourselves. You both end up being entertaining mocking targets without that even being your intention. TK however seems to have a better handle on introspection and her surroundings, plus she hasn't quite shown your level of butthurt over forum politics.

Maybe you're right, you're in many ways better entertainment than TK. While both her and your way of being paints quite the caricature, she at least knows how to blend back into the background instead of paving the way for more abuse. Her lack of variety was in itself a shield, while you find more and more ways to fuel the popcorn market.

Posts: 3645
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Why don't you just give up and admit that this is really about  your  butthurt over the KFC incident?

You're in Thailand. And you're trying to use me for entertainment.

Pathetic. lol


You know that if I were on a rockin vacation like you claim to be, this forum would cease to exist for me for as long as I'm on said hypothetical vacation, right?

Posts: 797
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

What brand of toaster and how many pieces of bread can it toast at a time?


Posts: 3645
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Center of attention, yes.

Butthurt and all that other crap he's inventing... Not so much.

Posts: 1581
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

I don't think TC is very butthurt but he's right in that you and TK (and now Sugar) have all been at the center of attention.

Posts: 3645
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

"easy and chronically self-focused"

Your assumption (or invention)


"once pushed you both can't help yourselves"

Can't help what? correcting an incorrect statement? maybe...


"both end up being entertaining mocking targets without that even being your intention."

Again... bc you try so hard to be entertained...


"TK however seems to have a better handle on introspection and her surroundings, "

How would you know? Does your tinfoil hat tell you about my innermost thoughts and my surroundings?


"plus she hasn't quite shown your level of butthurt"

Your wishful thinking again. Should I make another vocaroo so you can hear my fee fees? lol


"Maybe you're right, you're in many ways better entertainment than TK."

Again... because you try so hard to see it that way.


"she at least knows how to blend back into the background instead of paving the way for more abuse."

For the 800th time... it's not abuse unless it hurts. 


Posts: 1201
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Zeitgeist stated: source post

Um... yeah.

I've mentioned several times that Thursday is my bank day.

But people here are so busy 'not caring' that they start these absurd chat debates when I'm on my way out the door.


You don't think they might ... actually remember what I said last Thursday and a few Thursdays before that, and that other Thursday last month, and then the Thursday back in November, do you?

That they might be starting these debates on purpose? When they know I'm about to leave?

Nah. Couldn't be. They iz kindly socios  ~ expect everyone to know which day of the week you visit the bank. which time you generally go. and remember what time it is in canada, then try and get online to start a fight with you, knowing you'll have to leave and then they can say you ran off? your bank excuse only works if you haven't previously spent 20 minutes side stepping the question, which would have been more than enough time to say 'i don't know'.

Zeitgeist stated: source post

There are several Judas threads with you people boohooing about how I didn't defend your precious forum when you people doxxed luna on KFC

You've been pulling these retarded trolling threads out of your asses and whining about my every personality quirk ever since

while i was appalled at your shameless ass-kissing with the whole KF thing, i let it go. i even joked with you after it. but then something in your batshit brain told you to try and correct me on the meaning of 'snitch' with your usual persecutory psychotic flavor and made a moron of yourself. of course my troll here worked. if it hadn't, you would have simply said 'i don't know what the battle of reiss is' and i would have had no more to go on. instead you spend longer than necessary deflecting and implying you knew something about it and keep in mind you were the one initially challenging me about random shit.

Posts: 3645
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Zeitgeist stated: source post


    • Sugar: it's just a question xena 
    •  Sugar: no need to be so defensive 
    • Sugar: just admit you know nothing about them 
    • Sugar: and stop trying to change the subject :D
    • Xena: How iz inviuting you to make me a tezt thread defenzive zug?
    • Xena: *inviting 
    • Sugar: i feel you're trying to avoid admitting you know nothing about Reiss 
    • Xena: lol thiz kb iz fucked 
    • Sugar: it's ok. there's no shame in it   
    • Sugar: we are not all well versed in every battle that has ever taken place   
    • Sugar: even if it was a pivotal moment for trade 
    • Tryptamine: whatchu know bout that reiss 
    • Pachuco: oh ok. reiss war sounds like a star wars thing. thats my contribution 
    • Xena: I juzt don't really have time, zug. It'z Thurzday again. I've announced enough timez that Thurzday iz bank night
    • Tryptamine: LOL 
    • Xena: Gotta go cazh my paycheck 
    • Sugar: do you know anything about Reiss? :D 
    • Sun Puddles: Xena that's lame 
    • Tryptamine: so you are well informed on it
    • Xena: You know the one I get for that job you don't believe I have? 
    • Xena: lol 
    • Tryptamine: but you gotta go to the bank? 
    • Tryptamine: right now? 
    • Sugar: do you know anything at all about reiss?
    • Tryptamine: hahaha
    • Sun Puddles: Just say you don't know about that war  
    • Tryptamine: xena it's 7pm. bank's closed
    • Xena: Yeah. Bank'z open til 8 Tryp
    • Xena: kthxbai 
    • Xena: :D 
    • Sugar: do you know anything at all about reiss? 
    • Sugar: xena.. 
    • Sun Puddles: Xena no one expects you to know everything but the most you can do is say "hey sug I don't.know much about that war, what's it about?"
    • Sun Puddles: Or go read up on it

    so, which is it xena? do you know anything about the battle in question? are you gonna keep avoiding the quesstion


Inb4 sugar edits her post  again. lol


You missed my response, I see. It was:

"The Anglo-Dutch Warz? " [bunch of shitposting from other members] Then: "No, I don't know much about them."

I figured you were trolling bc of the way you ignored me. And I had stuff to do.


Yeah, I'm Xena  :P


Posts: 3645
Xena's knowledge (or lack thereof) on the Battle of Reiss

Zeitgeist stated: source post

"one part i didn't catch was me saying you didn't know anything about Reiss, and you countering with 'what makes you think i know nothing about it? who said i didn't?' lol."


I was baiting you to see if you were just yammering bc you missed my original assertion that I didn't know much about the Anglo-Dutch Wars.

So you made an honest mistake and misread my response.

Beyond that, is there a point to this thread?

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