How am I any closer to TK's behaviours than anybody else here?
1) I'm not sociopathic and never claimed to be. All the talk of my mental state came from you people weaving stories trying to make me appear more like TK
2) I'm not on welfare and was not proud of it for the brief time I was. And yet you people go on and on about my employability as if you're trying to make me appear more like TK
3) I'm not attracted to children or even teenyboppers. Boys over 17 and women over 25, thanks. And not if they're really immature. And yet you people go oon and oooon with your teenybopper rape fantasies like you're...what was it again? Trying to make me more like TK was it?
4) Sex =/= gore and cannibalism. Ew. Just ew. Don't. Even.
5) TK considers herself 18 forever. I am nothing of the sort.18 fuckin sucked for me. I wouldn't mind being 27 forever. But I'd be delusional if I thought I could be that and get away with it. And again... I caught Sugar asking me all kinds of ridiculous questions about my mental age. As if she were trying to make me appear more like TK.
So really... what exactly do we have in common? We're both 43, single and female.
Oh wait... Reaper considers herself a trans man. nvm.
Ok. So we're both 43 and we have similar taste in music. Sometimes. Sort of. But even that's a stretch.
Erm... by that reasoning, I'm more like SensitiveSoul Lite, dontcha think?