moonshine stated: source post
Good. You just dig yourself further into conflating morals with ethics without having a faintest clue of the nature of either. And now dropping biology too into the confusion.
You only say good because it helps you.
In this world, only biological entities, which are conscious, utilize ethics, so there is no need to highlight and disregard this matter of fact. My words on ethics and morality have been accurate, and remains so under your personal outlook, as follows....
‘Ethics’ are constant; abstract objects, like mathematical entities / sets / functions - “as mind-independent, non-spatio-temporal, causally effete, abstract entities.†Ethics are abstract construct. Absolute, objective, constant.
You fail to list the attributes associated with what Ethics are. Morality being one of them. Your only reason for implicating a divide, is for the sake of argument.
‘Morals’, on the other hand, don’t exist outside the vehicle of human condition. Morals are a human construct - arbitrary, subjective, fallacious.
In multiple documented experiments it has been decided over and over again, that animals have morals. What's a human construct ? is personal, and it's the choices we make and the things we do that may or may not be arbitrary, subjective and fallacious.
Morals are affiliated with progress. What is considerably good, and what produces good results in all fairness. To move forward, to advance, mental health, piece of mind, positive ethic, wisdom, intelligence, higher learning, focus without interruption, passage, the civilization that looks out for their own, compared to one that does not, is without a doubt more powerful on the "universal" food chain.
These attributes are very real. It gave you a chance to exist, and it makes your life comfortable. Without morality, we'd all be degenerates. Of course you know nothing of this, and for good reason.
Ethics can be contradictory of morals (depending on the given societal consensus on morals) - same as justice vs. law, etc. etc.
But i thought i explained all that in my previous post.
Fake again. Really it's not just me you're up against.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
To you being kicked in the balls is neither moral or immoral, even if your balls stopped working, it's all one big illusion.
I’ve no balls. Try pussy next time?
That explains a lot. Thanks.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
Then what do you make of bad ethics ?
No such thing. See above.
This made me laugh. So by your logic, there is no such thing as bad ethics and all ethics produce positive results and it can never be moral, cause moral is something else you say.
I understand your outlook, it's the outlook that we are truly deluded and the truth of us is lifelessness and that we're hollow on the inside, regardless of what result a good environment prevented us for going crazy from infancy into adulthood.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
"The biggest threat to human beings as far as your vision goes, are immoral human beings."
Why are you putting words of your own into my mouth?
Didn’t i say morality is arbitrary, subjective, ephemeral and irrational? I did. Your morality is the next fellow’s immorality & vica versa.
More bull following mere opinion. I challenge you to give and example of this. Paint a picture.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
" Counter productivity will absolutely never be rational, and rationality is synonymous with morality. To move forward, to create, to expand, to advance. This is rational."
Meanwhile on Earth, in real life, the agenda of counter-evolutionary counter-productive destructive irrationality is pushed by the moralist compassion-industry, chanting the demented madness-mantra of “moral duty / shared values / moralduty sharedvalues†yada yada. If you persist asking them the WHY question, their answer invariably reduces to “butbutbut… hooman†< see my prev. post regarding taboo, idolatry, sacred cow = superstition.
No known examples and I disagree again.
(Yes, i’m using the current mass-migration to illustrate the point, for simplicity's sake. In case if it wasn’t apparent.) Do you live on Planet Zorg?
I never had the chance to comment on it, and you're asking me this in advance. That is a sign of impulsive thinking, which is highly prone to reoccurring error.
By your logic, the delusion of morality will magically be useful to refugees. Or by no means would morality play any role in fixing their lives, which probably doesn't matter, and the situation is neither good or bad, and having their homes destroyed and nation in ruin is the same.
I'm sure if it happened in your yard and you lost everything, you'd be just fine about it, and those who destroyed your life are all okay folks because morality and immorality are nothing but figments of social construct by your logic. For now you'll indulge in the computer while not taking it for granted.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
"If Morality were obsolete it wouldn't just hinder our progress, it would reverse it and we'll drop like dead flies."
But that’s precisely what’s happening. ‘Morality’ hindering progress, towards the point of no return. People dropping like dead flies, etc.
There are more people alive today, then in all of our known history even, with modern fatal events. So, no again.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
"At my age and experience"
Enjoy your youth while you have it. Climb trees or whatever. One day you’ll hit 18, 20 & so on - there’ll be a time for grown-up stuff like this later, no need to rush.
But what I said, and what you did not quote still holds merit. You're smart enough to avoid defending your own pettiness it seems. A snide remark really is the best you can do.
Primal is not my sock, btw.
You'd be combating the dictionaries definition of Moral and Ethic if it were.
Still a sock regardless. Different perspectives but all the same to me.